
Giving Ones Mind

Forgot to mention this, but this story will definitely have the occasional swears and such. Along with rather dark themes, so do keep that in mind for the future.





It was a massacre.

Arison was dashing around at the many enemy soldiers that were present within the town, he was destroying them left and right without mercy as none of them were even able to land a single touch, let alone a scratch. His weapon easily slicing through their armour as their blades would shatter upon contact with Clarent, the name of the sword he was using.

"Raah~!" Arison calmly glanced behind himself to see one of the larger males of their group swing a large mace towards him. He didn't react much aside from simply grabbing the mace with one hand as he crushed it with minimal effort, to which he then swung his sword across the male's body. Successfully slicing them in two.

As he was doing so, he had noticed the commotion that was going outside the walls of the town. The many other soldiers outside were all being destroyed by flying vehicles, which he had easily figured out were a number of helicopters that were raining down storms of bullets. These enemies truly stood no chance at all.

"Hymm! Hahahaa~!" Arison finished killing another one as he felt a presence dropping down. He looked to see, not to his surprise, Rory as she landed next to him while swinging her large halberd. She also began slaughtering the enemies alongside Arison. "How rude of you, starting the party without waiting for little old me to arrive!"

"Whatever. Let's get this done."

Arison's statement was blunt, but he had a cold smirk on his face as it sent chills down everyone's spine, a pleasurable one down Rory's though. He also noticed Euryale standing atop the rooftops as she was firing away at the enemies that were outside the walls. She could see that Rory and Arison had things under control inside the town.

The slaughter-fest continued for a few minutes as the soldiers were trying to take them both down,t though to no avail as they were being taken down like sheep. It only got worse when Itami along with two others, one being Kuribayashi. She had jumped on down and joined their little game as she also began taking the soldiers down.

It was honestly pitiful.

These soldiers were fighting a losing battle.

"Fall back, now! Get into formation!" The one who Arison assumed was one of the commanders or leader of this group shouted. Arison quickly jumped up into the air before spinning as he then smashed Clarent towards the ground, causing the ground beneath to explode, sending the soldiers flying. "W-Wait, hold on!"

"Goodnight." Arison smirked as he decapitated the man. The blood sprayed all over the ground, with some of it landing on his face. He simply wiped it off calmly before turning to see that all the soldiers inside the place were all pretty much gone. With the remaining ones being outside and starting to charge towards the gate. "Itami, tell your soldiers to back off! I'm finishing this now!"

"R-Right!" Itami responded as he then grabbed onto his communication device on his armour before shouting into it. A few seconds later, the helicopters began flying towards the town and remained flying up above. Euryale had stopped firing and Rory was finishing off the stragglers that were still inside the town. "You're good, Arison!"


Arison rushed forwards out towards the gate as he sliced apart the ones that were managing to get through, though there were many of them still present outside. It was probably around the remaining twenty percent of the enemy soldiers that were still alive. Many lifeless bodies littering the field and the inside of the town.

That was when they all saw red electricity surround his body, scorching the ground beneath him before he held Clarent with both hands in front of himself, the tip of the blade pointing upwards. The blade then seemed to 'unlock' in a way before a pillar of raging red energy erupted from the blade and shot up into the sky like a laser beam.

"Clarent Blood Arthur!"

He then raised the blade above his head before swinging it down. The result was catastrophic as the attacked smashed onto the ground and over the soldiers. None were able to say anything as they were decimated by the attack, while everyone inside the town was blinded by the immense red light released by the Noble Phantasm.

It took a bit to finally subside as when they had all recovered their vision, what they saw was a massive line of destruction that was the scorched ground. The soldiers nowhere in sight, not even their bodies or even signs of blood, just gone. The entire attack completely destroyed them, with nothing to show they were even there.


The group were now back in the room where they first met Myui as the group were talking with Pina and such about a new treaty or something they wanted to get done. Arison couldn't care less as he was pretty much ignoring them, there was really no reason for him to listen as it wouldn't exactly affect him. It was the business between the JSDF and this world.

Euryale had decided to wait for him outside as she didn't fell like standing here. He would have done the same, but there was one damn good reason as to why he was here, and he was definitely going to bring it up if it was the last thing he did. Because it had honestly been bugging him for the past few hours.

He just waited for the group to finish their little talk.

"Very well, then the terms for the treaty have been agreed upon!" Hamilton voiced as she held what appeared to be a sheet in her hands. The sheet being the terms and conditions for the treaty that was going on between them. She then announced. "Now, we shall end this meetin-."

"Hold on just a minute. We aren't done here." Arison spoke up for the first time since they stepped into this room. The group blinked as the young male stepped up, his face holding a constant frown on his face as his eyes were narrowed slightly as he then turned his attention towards Pina. "I would like to ask something."

"Y-Yes?" Pina stuttered slightly as she looked at his expression.

"This may be in the past, but I believe it could very well affect the future in a negative way if I don't bring it up. About the battle we had not too long ago against those enemy soldiers." Arison spoke as he then crossed his arms over his chest. "There has been something seriously chewing at me this whole time. Do you know what it is?"

"Ch-Chewing at you? Um~... I d-don't think so...."

"Come on, you can't be this dumb, can you?" Arison scoffed a bit as the others just watched in silence as he let out a small growl escape his lips. "When we were waiting at the southern gate, on the lookout for any enemies that may appear, why do you think we were waiting while the attack happened? What possible reason was it that stopped us from helping you immediately?"

Pina gulped as she knew now what he was referring to. And he obviously not happy about it... "M-My orders?"

"Exactly! You actually have some brains..." Arison sighed. "Now, care to tell me why it is that you DIDN'T give us the call? Didn't we make an agreement to assist you when you needed it during our time here? So, why the HELL didn't you say anything?!"

"I-I-I uh~...!"

"Hold on! Show some respect to her maje-!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Arison shouted at the top of his lungs as they all saw his face change to an expression of pure anger. The tone of his voice scaring everyone in the room, even the likes of Rory and both Itami and the other soldier with them. Even Lelei was affected, and she was usually always composed. Arison calmly walked up before glaring up at Hamilton. "Was it talking to you?"


"Then be a good girl... and keep your mouth shut!"

During the number of days that they had been with Arison, not once had he ever actually been angry to this degree. He then turned his attention back up to Pina, who gulped heavily at his expression as she felt as if a sharp blade as being pointed towards her neck, already close to slicing her head off in an instant.

True he had been angry a few times, but usually in comical fashion. This, however, was true anger.

"Tell me. What was the reason you were so hesitant to call for us?"

Pina hesitated as she knew that if she didn't give a good enough answer, she would risk angering the boy in front of her even more than she already has. She couldn't afford that! It was obvious from his previous display of power that the story of him single-handedly killing a fire dragon could very well be true!

What was she supposed to do?!


"I... I didn't think that you would accept to hel-!" Pina couldn't even finish her sentence as a sharp sword was suddenly embedded into the chair right beside her head. The sharp side of the sword dangerously close to her face. She was completely frozen stiff as her eyes were locked on Arison, unable to look away as his glaring cold eyes were prominent.

Arison was truly pissed now.

He wasn't going to kill her, no. But, he'll be damned if he didn't give her a piece of his mind. He wasn't a part of this treaty, he was his own person and they would have to negotiate with him himself if they wanted an alliance. So, the previous treaty they just signed with the JSDF was null in front of him, he couldn't care less.

"Let me get this straight. You're telling me the reason for your imbecilic decision was because you didn't think we would help? Am I hearing you right?" Arison demanded as Pina could only nod her head slightly, she was barely in control of her body right now. "Oh my gosh, you are truly an idiot beyond imagination... do you know the consequences for your actions if we DIDN'T decide to jump in?"


"Oh come on!" Arison facepalmed so hard that it actually caused a small gust of wind to travel through the area. He then took a deep breath to calm himself, though it really didn't do anything. He felt embarrassed that he was lecturing someone older than himself! "If we decided to not help you out when we did, then what do you think the outcome would have been? You were outnumbered due to lack of experience soldiers, most of the ones that fought were CIVILIANS! How does that fucking make you feel? The fact that you had VILLAGERS fighting for your ass! They didn't know shit about combat!"

"W-We had no choice!"

"No choice? I am not hearing this right now... I refuse to believe my ears." Arison growled as he wanted to rip out his ears right now. He could even feel that his allies behind him were staring at the princess with dumbfounded gazes. "We were just talking about this! You could have called us! What do you mean you had no fucking choice?!"

"I-I couldn't risk it... what if you didn't help us?!"

"We would have, that was what we damn agreed on!" Arison shouted as he stomped his right foot on the ground. The result was a spider-web shaped large crack to appear on the polished floor of the room. "In addition to that, what would you have preferred anyway? Being slaughtered entirely, or risk us not helping you? It was obvious you stood no chance on your own ten seconds the battle started!"

"..." Pina didn't even have a response right now as she knew that everyone Arison was saying was true. If the JSDF along with Arison, Rory and Euryale didn't come to help on their own volition, then it was obvious Italica would have fallen and every citizen would have been slaughtered. She didn't even join the battle herself.

"I can't deal with this anymore... we're leaving!" Arison shook his head with extreme disappointed as he turned around and began walking. The others just nodded their heads quickly, not really wanting to anger him any more than he already was. Those who were living here just watched as they walked towards the door and began leaving.

Arison stopped though as he was the last one who was about to leave through the door.

"I can see that you have never experienced a true war before, and I can understand that you may be hesitant in certain subjects. However, you better take these words to heart. Every action you make can have major consequences, let this battle be a show of that! Risks are necessary in war, you can't deny that! I sure hope we won't need to have this conversation again."

With that, he left as they were all left to ponder his words.
