
I hate asthma

"Don't worry, no matter what happen in the future, I'll always be here for you." I said with a smile.

"Hmm" She acknowledged.

We stayed like this, in this comfortable silence, for a few minutes. She's looking at the stars above, while I'm looking at its reflection in her eyes.

"It's so beautiful, I never knew that there's a place like this close to the city" She said while marveling the grandness of the sea of stars.

"Yeah, it is beautiful." I said with a small smile, still looking at her.

She turned her head and looked at me, realizing that I'm not looking at the same thing as her. She just smiled at me, a sweet, genuine smile.

"You like what you see?" She asked, still smiling.

I didn't even blink when I answered her question. "Yes, I really love what I'm seeing right now." I said, heart beating faster than it ever did.

'Damn! I do have guts'

"Hmm." That's the only reply that I recieved, and she turns her head away.

I suddenly felt awkward, I don't know if I upset her or something.

While thinking on what course of action I should do, she suddenly said "The story"

"What?" I asked, a little confused on what she's talking about.

"Continue the story you dumbo" She said, clearing up my confusion.

"Ohhhh, Yah, sorry hehe" I said, scratching my head.

"So yeah, after the Aspect of the Sun disregard their request, those two, Atreus and Pylas, decides that they will take the matter in their own hands. Guess what is their plan?" While continuing the story, I asked her with a smile.

She's looking at me, confused as to what to answer to my question.

"Fight those barbarians themselves?" She asked/answered.

"You are fifty percent right, they planned to fight those barbarians, but before that they need power, power to overwhelm the enemies, so they decided to climb fhe mount targon, to get the power of aspects for themselves. They reached the top, after the long and arduous journey. But they are exhausted, fall after fall, ice cold temperatures and beasts lurking around the mountain, they passed them all, finally reaching the top, but they are at the end of their line, out of breath. Pylas, the once most gifted fighted of the Ra'Horak, because of the injuries and the cold, can't take it anymore, and died because of the cold, not really a fitting way to die as a warrior." I said while releasing a sad sigh because of the story.

(A.N. What? I'm too into the story that I can feel the emotions in it. Got a problem with that? Fight me!)

Waiting for a few moments to calm the sadness in me, which I don't even know where it came from ans why I'm feeling it this strong, I continued the story.

"And finally, as Atreus was losing hope, a constellation of stars lit up above him and formed a warrior holding a spear, with a posture of stabbing something. The Constellation of War, the source of power of the will be Aspect of War."

"After that ordeal, He returned to the tribe. But He's not him anymore, not the ever persevering Atreus, but The Aspect of War, Pantheon. He deemed Atreus unworthy, a warrior who had only known defeat, it had taken control of his body to do a task that He deemed right, a task too great for mortal men to participate."

"Atreus, trapped in a corner of his own mind, endured the silence and loneliness, no one knows why he's still there, did the Aspect only trapped him or his perseverance is the one that kept him from really dying. While he is trapped, he saw vague visions of Him hunting down darkins, living weapons of the forgotten past."

"One day, Phanteon found one, a Darkin, trying to climb to the peak of the mount targon. This darkin is named Aatrox, the living blade. The fight disturbed the weather as they fly, and decimates the armies of men when they land. Until something impossible happened, the darkin, Aatrox, plunged his blade into the Aspect's chest, effectively killing the Aspect of War itself, a blow thag carved out the constellation of war from the heavens."

"But as the Aspect faded, Atreus, the man it had considered weak and denied the access of his power, awoke once more. Impaled with Aatrox's blade, and with the power of the Aspect's weapons dimming, he took a ragged breath, and spit in the Darkin's face. Aatrox sneered, and left Atreus to die."

"After a few hours of lying there, Atreus stand up, walking to where his tribe is, leaving a trail of bloody mess along the way. After a life full of defeat, his will to live and the anger that the betrayal of the power that he wanted was enough to keep him from dying, where the literal embodiement of war failed to do. He's just basically too stubborn to die." I said, heaving a mouthful of fresh air to clear my lungs.

I just realized how hard it is to talk for a long period of time. Damn, salute to those worthy teachers.

I looked at Gwen, she's using my arms as her pillow.

"So he just walked bac-" she stopped speaking when she gurned to me, seeing me looking at her.

"Ah, uhmm" She hummed, don't know what to say.

"You're beautiful" I said, and I don't know where I got the courage to tell her that.

I'm still looking at her while her face is turning red.

"You too." She answered.

My eyes widening, bewildered at what she said. Her eyes, too, turning wide as she realized what she just blurted out. We looked at each other for a few seconds silently then we laugh, we laugh our ass off because of that little thing. I didn't know that I can be this shallow.

"Now, continue your story. I want to hear the ending of that" she said, stopping herself from laughing again.

I heaved a breath and tried to recollect my bearing.

"Ok, so he walked back to his tribe, the stab wound that he got is still bleeding but he still forged ahead. He reached the tribe and he recovered on Pylas' homestead after staying there for a few months, nursed back to health by his friend's widow, Iula. There, Atreus realized he'd spent his life looking to the stars, never considering what lay beneath. Unlike gods, mortals fought because they must, knowing that death lay in wait. It was a resilience he saw in all life, the threats unending. Remember those barbarians that ambushed Atreus' patrol team? Now they are coming close to the northern side of their tribe, where Pylas' wife live."

"Even though he still struggled to lift a spear, he was determined to end those barbarians who savage and destroy their lands. He set out, carrying the dulled spear and broken shield that the Aspect left after its demise. But when he arrived, those barbarians, who kill and pillage everything in their path, was under siege. He knew from the sound of their screams, the smell of blood and guts around him that he was here, he, the one who killed the Aspect of war, Aatrox, was here."

"Atreus realized who was the one who drove those barbarians into Targon, it's Aatrox. Though they are his enemies, they are still mortals, much like the Ra'horak warriors who perished because of the battles between those greater powers. He felt an unquenchable rage filling him, rage against the Darkins and Aspects alike, rage that targeted those 'god-like' beings who uses mortals for their whim."

"Atreus rushed and put himself between the barbarians and Aatrox. Recognizing the shattered shield and broken spear of the fallen Aspect, the Darkin mocked him, that 'what kind if hope that he has now, without the Pantheon's power?'. But even though Aatrox's blows cast him to his knees, Atreus' own will to fight reignited the Aspect's spear, after hearing the cries of pain and rage coming from the people around him. And with a mighty leap, he struck a blow that severed the Darkin's sword arm. Both sword and the Darkin fell to the ground. Only Atreus remain standing, and watched as the star where his name came from blaze back to life in the heavens."

"Though he often yearns to return to his tribe, Atreus vowed that day to stand against Aspects, Ascended, Darkins, demons, and anyone who wields a power so great, that it can only destroy. Forsaking his own name, he has become a new Pantheon. The Aspect's weapons, fueled by his will to fight that can only exist in the face of death and the perseverance to protect those peoples, mortals, that fought against such threats."

"For with the divine Pantheon gone, the god of war dead. A man was born, a mortal of war."


AUTHOR'S Notes and apology.

Ok, first of all, fck this body for being so sickly. Second, asthma is a fcker, I can't even stand without my lungs burning in pain.

With that out of the way.

I'm sorry for the lateness of the update, as I am sick, again. And I want to give my sincerest gratitude to those who still reading this story with this kind of updates.

So yeah, I was supposed to end the date with this chapter but because of Asthma muddling my brain, I can't think of a best way to end it.

And yeah, I did retell the back story of Pantheon.

Happy Reading(or not)

I can't think of a title so yeah, I'll just do it like that.

If anyone got any nice title, just drop it in the comment section and I'll edit it.

AarconReixcreators' thoughts