


"uwaaaaaa! uwaaaaaa!"

"Look at this boy, he's so energetic!" said the midwife while holding an infant upside down.

"My baby, let me see my baby boy" asked the beautiful woman laying on the bed while trying to stretch her arm to get the baby.

"Here you go. And yeah, what'll be the name of the child?" asked the midwife after giving the baby to the woman

"Jin Ivan, he'll be named Jin Ivan" said the man beside the woman while looking at his wife and son with gentleness.

TIME SKIP =========================

>>>>>MC POV<<<<<

"MOOOM! I still can't find it." I said to my mom, a little irritated.

"Did you try looking at the back of your study table? Go on now sweetie , you're gonna be late" my mom answered without looking away from the book she's reading.


I walked back at my room and moved my study table to look at the back, and voila, it's there.

Of course it's there, my mom is a psychic for god's sake, of course she'll know.


And yeah, I'm here again talking to you guys. Long time no talk by the way. It's been 14 years since my birth in this world, and I'm enjoying every bit of that 14 years.

Tyrus is right. I have a loving family, a caring mother, a father who protects us, a cute younger sister and don't forget about grandma, who gives us cookies.

But the only thing that's bothering me is about that 'blessing' that Tyrus gave me, I still don't know anything about that, but what I do know is that my family, is a family of mutants.

I discovered it when I'm 7 years old. Well, instead of saying that I 'discovered' it, it is more apt to say that they showed it to me, they showed me their abilities, evem my grandma have powers.

Both of my parents are an alpha-level mutant. My mother have psychic powers, while my father has control of temperature, he can freeze and burn anything, but only one at a time.

But grandmother is a whole other level, my mother told me that grandma can make illusions real and vice versa, they told me that grandma is above alpha-level. And based on my memory of my past self, the level above alpha is omega.

Yeah, I have an op family, but I didn't even manifest anything yet, not even a single mutation, even my sister is starting to awaken hers.

My parents are not disappointed tho, that I can't awaken my powers. Grandma said that my grandfather only awaken his own abilities when grandma was giving birth to my mother. And I find it hilarious, as mutation awakening only occurs when a person is actively trying to awaken theirs or when they are in a pressure. And my grandfather was the latter.

"Hey Ivan! You're going to be late!" My mom shouted

"Be there in a sec!!" I answered back while putting my books and notes in my bag.

After that I run down the stairs while slinging the bag to my shoulder.

"Come on Ivan, you're so slow!!" My mom reprimanded me, well it's not my fault, it's the table's fault for hiding my books.

"Yeah brother, you're so slooow" my sister told me dramatically.

Oh yeah, my family's name

My father is John Albert Phage, a businessman.

My mother is Catherine Phage, a house wife, but she's a certified 3-star chef.

And my oh so cute little sister, Jean Ivy Phage, and yeah we've got almost identical names, she's 12 years old.

"Yeah, yeah, you're fast I know" I answered her dismissively as I know I can't fight my sister in a race, she's a speedster for crying out loud.

I get in the can, backseat, I don't like sitting beside the driver, it's annoying, and I can't really lay down in that seat.

===At the School===

Midtown High, me and my sister's school. Still full of hustle and bustle as ever.

We got down the car after giving our mom a see you soon kiss.

"See ya home mom!" I said while waving a hand at my mother who is hugging my sister

"See you too Ivan, focus on what's important ok? But if you can bring a girl home it's okay if you don't focus too much on studying" she reminded me in her own usual way.

"Yes moom" I answered her in a downcast way.

I walked to the school entrance into the hallway that is f****** full of people. I squeezed my way into the classroom.

I looked around for a moment to see who's inside.

Flash and Harry with their goons, Liz with her 'sisters', Mj is with Gwen talking about something while pointing at the textbook, and lastly, the one I'm looking for Peter and Ned, huddled to the corner talking about anything under the sun.

"Hey Pete! Ned!" I yelled calling their names and getting the attention of everyone in the class.

As if I care about them. I jog into my seat, beside Peter, and close to the window.

"Hey Ivan! Do you want to build a deathstar in my house after school?" Ned asked, inviting me with them.

"Yeah sure, I've got nothing to do at home" I accepted his invitation and got a little excited.

Well, who wouln't? That's a deathstar lego set we're talking about.

"Hey Pete, Ned, do you guys heard about Iron Man? The news said someone attacked his house because of the provocation that he said in the tv" I said to them, waiting for their opinions.

Ned looked at Peter with curiosity, waiting for his opinion too.

"I think it's someone from the government, they attacked him directly after he announced his address, so it's not really that hard to guess" Peter said, with a little frown of worry.

"Well, what if the one who attacked him want us to see that, what if they want us to blame the army in their stead?" I asked him again

"W-" he was cut mid sentence when our homeroom teacher entered the room.

Chapter 4

I don't really care about your kidney stones, but I appreciate it if you guys leave some encouraging comments

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