
Forty. Sewer

Coastal Street, one of Belfast's streets closest to the coastline. Or rather, it is the coastline itself, with a parade of varied houses on one side and a sandy beach fenced off with iron chains on the other.

Coastal Street is on the northern coast, covering the upper half of a crescent-shaped bay. There was still some time before dark, and this was the busiest moment here.

Rhodest Port was bustling as the fishing boats that had been out all day returned, docking at the port while the sailors, smelling strongly of sea and fish, gathered on the long street close to the coastline, entering and exiting pubs and shouting without a break.

Coastal Street had numerous pubs, serving sailors from the ships all year round. On other coastal streets, there were even more pubs, especially on Throat Street right in front of Rhodest Port.

The constant sea breeze blowing toward the peninsula had eroded the buildings and the railings, filling them with a mottled beauty.
