

Before I start this chapter and volume, I just want to say thank you for those of you who waited patiently for me to update. I felt like I needed a break from a lot of things on the internet, especially on fanfic websites where a minority of readers can be complete assholes, because my anxiety was through the roof due to an argument I got into with a rather rude AO3 user, and because I was due to get the vaccine as well as a few other doctor's checkups. I got Pfizer and got both shots.

Anyway, I'm moving the goalposts one last time. I have finally finished planning this story, and it will be 112 Chapters (not including Introduction) in 17 Volumes with a goal of 750K+ words.

Warning: I was fucking around with the comedy before, but this story is going to very slowly get darker and more serious. Of course, while there will be no graphic depictions of rape, there still are mentions of it. There will be no NTR either.

Volume 006: Pandemonium

"Another group of supernatural beings have crossed dimensions. For Thanos and Satan, they weren't expecting this. For Issei, his life has only grown more chaotic as he completes his harem with the final addition, a Yesod Fragment."

Table of Contents:

Chapter 33: Yesod

Chapter 34: Good Dies Young, Evil Lives Forever

Chapter 35: 2nd Year

Chapter 36: Insubordinate Little Minion

Chapter 37: Inconsolable Jord

Chapter 38: Avengers Initiative

Chapter 39: World-Ending Rage

Issei Hyoudou Estate

Quick Recap

"More importantly, the representatives of the Uhlerian Federation wish to speak with you," Bahamut said.

Four people teleported in.

First was a girl slightly younger than Issei who looks a lot like Alas=Ramus. She has silver hair with one strand being dark purple.

A man with magenta hair, a beard, and green eyes.

A woman with light purple hair and red eyes.

And a beautiful girl who looks a year or two older than Issei, having very pale white skin, long, straight violet hair that is slightly shorter than Raynare's with a long strand of ahoge sticking past her bangs, and dark blue eyes. She introduced their group with a smile, one that Issei couldn't help but find both pretty and suspicious of ulterior motives.

"Hello, Sekiryuutei-kun. These three with me are Acies=Ara, Nord Justina, and his wife, Lailah. My name is Mythra=Arcane, and I'm the oldest sibling of Alas and Acies. Nice to meet you."

"Wait, you mean you're also..."

"Yep! I'm a Yesod Fragment."

Issei's Dragons:




Other Dragons:


{Bahamut telepathy}

'A character's thoughts/telepathic comm'

Chapter 33: Yesod

Seeing Issei blush at her appearance, Mythra giggled and walked up to him slowly with a seductive sway of her hips. "My, you're a rather handsome one, aren't you, Issei?"

Her chest didn't bounce as it's rather small, but he still felt embarrassed. "F-First name basis already?! N-Not that I mind since I am usually not one for formalities." He laughed nervously.

Mythra placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her as she smirked while Arisu blushed and sputtered in the background with Kuroka, Irina, Ravel, Rossweisse, and Sona glaring at her, which she ignored, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Irina and Murayama had already been released from the medical wing at the stadium after being defeated in their fight during the final match of the rating game tournament. With Murayama's samurai lineage, she felt amused at the thought that her ancestors would want her to commit harakiri if she lost in a real battle to the death, but to her, not only was the tournament just training, but Seppuku was something she would only do in the last resort should everyone she loves be killed.

Issei gulped. 'What is she going to do to me?!'

/'Well, this was a short partnership!'/

'Mi-chan, you're supposed to be a bro and back me up!'


"Issei," Mythra sang. "If you keep being so cute, I might just have to eat you up."

"W-What?! Eat me?!"

She nodded with her eyes closed and an ecstatic smile. "Un! A cute little boy like you is giving me naughty urges~"

"Little boy?! Hey! I'll have you know I'm about to turn 16!"

"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to offend you, but I'm billions of years old, remember? Your age is nothing compared to mine. Anyway, that reminds me that I didn't get what I wanted for my birthday." She opened her eyes half-lidded.

"W-What did you want?"


Issei blushed. "EHHHH?!"

Mythra giggled. "When's your birthday?" She began rubbing his cheeks with her thumbs.

"Eh? Ah, it's April 16th, six days from now."

"I see. I'll be sure to be there and give you a very... special birthday present." The purplette licked her lips seductively, making him blush and shiver.

Even Raynare was starting to get a little annoyed by how touchy the newcomer is with her man, so she grabbed the girl by the back of her shirt and dragged her back a bit. "Hey, listen! Issei can have whoever he wants in his harem, but he's probably tired and wants to rest, so lay off, would ya?"

Mythra faked crying, tears in her eyes. "Is that so, my darling?! You don't wish to see me? Oh, how could you! *Sniff sniff*"

Issei sighed, seeing right through her. "Look, you're very beautiful and seem fun to be with, but my Queen is right. I am a little tired."

Mythra pouted. "D'aw." She brightened up. "At least I will get to be in your harem soon."

'What a quick recovery!'

Nord sighed. "I suppose we should come back later."

"Did you four travel far?" Issei asked.

Lailah nodded. "We came from the Underworld's Uhlerian Federation, but we teleported here. Unfortunately, we had to ask around to find you."

"I have a few spare bedrooms in my basement. You can stay there, if you want."

"We don't mean to intrude."

"It's fine!"

Acies smirked. "A free bed? Count me in! After all, we should take all we can get. OW!" She received a smack on the top of her head from Mythra.

"Watch your manners."

"I know, sis. Hey, wait! You're not one to talk with how you came onto your lover boy toy!"

Mythra rolled her eyes. "Ugh, Issei isn't a boy toy. You're such a scatterbrain."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are."

The others ignored their sibling banter.

Lailah relented. "Then, if it's not too much trouble, we'll stay for one night before we tend to our business with you. By the way, you have been looking after Alas=Ramus, right?"

Issei nodded. "Y-Yeah. How did you know?"

"We came from the same realm that she's from. A kind Angel by the name of Gabriel informed us."

'So my theory might have at least some truth to it!' Issei thought.

Lailah continued. "Issei, there is something that you should know. Alas' father is not biologically related to her. His name is Satan Jacob, and he is the Demon King from where we came from. He is a good but flawed, hated person, someone I raised. If you ever see him, please make sure that he is reunited with Alas, okay?"

"No problem."

The judges began saying their goodbyes and left one by one starting with Bahamut.

Bahamut sighed. "We will be taking our leave, then. See ya, Issei."

"Take care of yourself, kid." Azazel waved while turning around and teleporting.

Tsukuyomi bowed, which Issei also returned. "Until then, Issei."

Grayfia and Raphael regarded him with stoic nods.

Shiva smirked as he did the same.

Athena gave Issei a kiss on the cheek. She blushed and smiled before apparating.

Odin had his mouth agape in shock. "A-Athena k-kissed you?! You totally seduced her, right?! Tell me your secrets!"

He was then unwillingly dragged through a portal by Thor, making Issei sweat drop.

Vali smirked. "Guess you've been truly blessed by the gods, or rather goddesses in this case. Anyway, I'm going to go on a date with the gf. See ya." He left.

Issei shook his head, turned to Mythra, and used his Stonehenge ability quietly.

Mythra=Arcane Description

Height- 5'3"

Weight- 114 lbs

Physique- Very feminine

Current Occupation(s)- Hero

Personality- Mix between Deredere, Goudere, and Megadere. She's a tease and isn't afraid of expressing how she feels, but she often doesn't understand other people. Very kind for the weak, she hates the rich.

Hobbies- Increasing her reputation as a vigilante who stands for justice by killing corrupt politicians in Uhleria, protecting the weak, and taking out criminals.

Skills- Fighting

Weapon of Choice- Magic

Age- 17 years in appearance and since she awoke for the first time, billions in actuality.

Race- Yesod Fragment

Current Number of Wings- None. She can fly without them.

Class- Biblical God

Fighting Style(s)- All-around, mainly Stealth, Assassin, and Mage (Types- All-around Fighter, Primordial, Dragon, God, Priest, King, Commander, Warrior, Mage, Knight, Stealth, Defender/Supporter, Guard, Healer, etc)

Sacred Gear(s)- None

Potential- Number one most power being in the universe

Magical Affinity- Barriers, Fire, and Zeus Lightning. Also great at illusion magic and dreams/nightmares induced by magic. She's best at all Holy magic of all sorts and can control any magic that isn't demonic in nature, especially celestial force.

Weaknesses- The pressure of the expectation of saving the weak

Family Members- ?, Lailah (Creator/Mother), Acies=Ara (Younger Sister, middle child), and Alas=Ramus (Youngest Sister).

Pets- None

Notable Ancestors- ?

Friends- Uhlerian commoners

Allies- Anyone who agrees with her that she trusts

Enemies- Vrell and Ainitians

Current Goal(s)- Free the Uhlerians, make Issei hers

Issei let out a sigh of relief. 'I'm just glad she isn't a yandere, but I do wonder why she's so interested in me.'

|'It says that she is a tease. Ooh la la.'|

He rolled his eyes.

One by one, the Issei Hyoudou residents introduced themselves as they learned about the newcomers.

Everyone went into the living room as Issei picked Yume up and put him in his lap, seeing his son gently hug Kuro, making the cat look a tad annoyed much to their amusement while Louise and Kaze left the room, irritated that much of their personal space was being intruded by strangers.

Kalawarner, with Raynare's permission, cradled a giggling Yuuma, who took a liking to Raynare's bestie.

Mittelt is jealous since none of Issei's kids seem to like her. The babies would secretly give her condescending looks.

Mythra sat down next to Issei as the two of them bonded and got to know each other. "What are your kid's names?"

"This little one is Yume, who is a minute younger than his sister, Yuuma."

"They're so cute!"

"I know, right? Wait, how did you know they're my kids?!"

"I can sense your energy in them."

They all learned that Lailah is an Angel from another dimension. Gabriel took an interest to this, so the two women conversed with each other while everyone else did their own thing, although she could tell that the purplette is reluctant to tell too much about herself. Gabriel inferred that for whatever reason, Lailah needs to redact information about past events of her life.

The girls of Issei's harem moved onto another person and began questioning Mythra.

. . . . . . .

Uhlerian Federation, capital city of Dhimaz

The next day, everyone in Issei's peerage was teleported by the four representatives of the Uhlerian Federation.

Much to Issei's surprise, the city was as advanced as most large cities on Earth.

Mythra was their guide. "Welcome to Dhimaz, capital of Uhleria. This is one of the largest cities in the entire Underworld."

Irina had a confused look. "Hang on, I thought you said that the Uhlerians are poor? This isn't exactly what I had in mind."

Vali sighed. "Irina, just because a country is huge or has a large GDP doesn't mean its people are happy. Back on Earth, you can look at China and India as examples of that. The people of this country are poor due to corruption in their own government as well as interference from those Goblins or whatever they're called again."

"Vrell," Nord corrected.

Mythra nodded. "Indeed! Now follow me." They began walking inside a heavily guarded building that clearly was that of a governmental office. "We are going to meet with The People's Council. They're the group who rules this country."

"How many of them are there?" Issei asked, keeping his reservations about who these people are to himself.

"A total of four. We're here."

The guards standing by a door nodded at Mythra, recognizing her, so they let her group in. One of them is a cat-person while the other is a dog breed. Issei couldn't tell their genders.

The room was a large, rectangular shaped area.

"Sitting in that bleacher are the representatives of each Demihuman tribe. They already know who all of you are." Mythra gestured to them, "Please introduce yourselves and tell a little about your people."

A cheerful man with the body of a Human and a white-colored head of a cat with green eyes spoke. "Hello there! I am Taiko, commander of the cats. I see you have a cat-person in your peerage, do you not?"

Kuroka blinked. "Nya? I am Kuroka Toujou, nya. Nyice to meet you, nya."

"Nice to meet you, too!"

"I have a question, nya. Are you capable of Senjutsu, nya?"

"Why, yes I am. In a certain sense, I am also a Youkai, just like you. However, your kind are referred by to as nekoshou while mine are not because of the fact that most of your people reside in Kyoto and are humanoids. Anyway, out of all the Uhlerians here, my people are the weakest but the most intelligent."

Lailah coughed intentionally, getting their attention. "Kuroka, you should not ask someone you just met about their abilities. That could give away valuable information to any enemies spying on us. We are safe here, but just keep that in mind."

The next to talk was a well dressed canine who gave them ikemen vibes, talking in a modern yet suave way. "Hey! I am Maxiss, a grey wolf, tribe leader of the dogs. Nice to meet you! This one is all bite, no bark." He gestured to himself with a wink, making them chuckle.

Mythra sighed. "Maxiss is somewhat of a playboy, so watch out, girls."


"He's a nice person, though."

"I'm not a playboy! I just like charming other people. Besides, I have never mated... yet. Anyway, there's not a lot to say about my kind other than the fact that they're a warrior tribe ready to fight for you, Sekiryuutei-sama."

Sitting next to Maxiss is another canine, one with orange fur and large muscles, wearing a set of armor on his torso, but also a Human face with orangish-brown hair. He spoke in a deep, elegant, respectful voice like that of an experienced warrior, which would intimidate his enemies. "I am Faamox, General of the foxes. Nice to meet you. I am the second in command of the dogs. Our people specialize in CQC and most basic magic. The more powerful ones are capable of advanced magic. We are yours to command, Sekiryuutei-kun."

Then there was a man with the lower body of a horse and wings. His voice is more soft-spoken. "Greetings. My name is Melacon, and I am the Chief of the Centaurs. Nice to meet you. My people specialize in archery warfare, aerial combat, reconnaissance, and barrier magic. By your command, we are ready to fight."

Issei scratched his hair. He felt at ease with these people, feeling like he can trust them and that they're not corrupt. "Nice to meet all of you, too. Now let's get down to business. I need a map and someone to explain the situation economically, politically, and militarily please. Let's start with the economy. First of all, what is my title?"

Maxiss responded, "You are called our Chancellor."

"Okay. What of our economy?"

Maxiss handed him a coin that has jagged indentations in it, but to him, it didn't feel sharp. "This is our currency called Blings. It is used by the four Mutant Demon nations. I believe the Devils, who usually keep to themselves, use gold, which they believe to be more valuable than any form of money, one of many reasons why their relations with the other four are neutral, but we'll get back to that later."

"What are the names of the currency the other three Mutant Demon countries use?"

"The Ainitians use Sryvorani, the Vrell use Abizreth, and the Valerians use Gnezia."

Melacon spoke. "First of all, a major reason our nation is poor, why the people are unhappy, is because before the four of us took power, previous leaders of our once great nation injected their corrupt venom by replacing many legislatures and constables with their rich friends, who happen to have ties to our biggest enemy, the Vrell Empire. The constables in this nation rule over certain provinces. The rich in this country, as they usually are in most places, are two-faced, conniving scumbags. The only one who isn't like the rest of them is... well, she's the poorest of them since they don't share as much wealth with her since her beliefs are to represent the people."

Issei nodded. "They have control of the parliament and all the courts, I take it?"


His expression darkened. "I see. It sounds like they're trying to slowly turn this nation into an oligarchy. In that case, do not be surprised if they all die and I announce it, because I will have them all killed."

Taiko was alarmed. "But that would make you their enemy! You would be arraigned!"

Issei shook his head. "No, I wouldn't. There is simply nothing they can do to try to remove me from power. You know why? It's because I will change this nation into a kingdom, and by force, if necessary. I will be the Emperor, Raynare my Empress, and any of my future children with my harem that want to succeed me will be put in line to the throne based off their capabilities, morals, and merits. That way, this nation will always have someone to represent the people. So from now on, refer to me as your Emperor, and Raynare my Empress. Any orders from Raynare are tantamount to orders from me."

They nodded.

"Now let's talk about political relations and the current military situation."

The four leaders stood up as Taiko turned on a projection that illuminated from a table at the front of the room. Issei found it amazing that they have this kind of technology, and yet the people suffer.

On the projection, Taiko showed him two separate maps of the Underworld. He explained to Issei that one was the Underworld at the birth of the five civilizations in it. The second one is what it looks like currently.

The maps showed Devil Territory in the southeast with Valeria to its north, Uhleria to its west, and Ainitis to its northwest. The Vrell Empire lays west of Uhleria and Ainitis, having the most land, even before the conflict between the four nations.

A/N: I made both of these maps using Azgaar Map Creator.

Taiko handed Issei a paper of two separate lists. Issei frowned when he read it.

Most to least land in square miles per civilization (pre conflict):

Vrell Empire 2.8 million square miles

Uhlerian Federation 2.4 million square miles

Kingdom of Valeria 1.9 million square miles

Devil Territory 1.4 million square miles

Empire of Ainitis 1.1 million square miles

Most to least land in square miles per civilization (today):

Vrell Empire 4.7 million square miles

Empire of Ainitis 2 million square miles

Devil Territory 1.7 million square miles

Kingdom of Valeria 823K square miles

Uhlerian Federation 735K square miles

Faamox presented. "As you can see, a major reason why our country is poor is because we are at war with the Vrell Empire and the Empire of Ainitis. The Vrell are allies with the Ainitians, both of which are enemies of Uhleria and Valeria. The Vrell have stolen much of our land, and with it, many valuable natural resources, such as farmlands for food, rivers for water, and mines containing precious minerals.

While Uhleria is not allies with Valeria, we do have friendly relations with them, at least enough to trade with them. However, due to the war and subsequent occupation, most of our trade routes between us and Valeria have been cut off. They're essentially trying to starve us to death, the sadists those bastards are."

The group was saddened by that.

"And the only reason why we're not in an alliance with Valeria is because if one of our nations is attacked by the Vrell Empire or Ainitis, the other would prefer to not pick a fight with that nation, too. Doing so could result in a total ethnic cleansing for us or Valeria."

Issei rubbed his chin in thought. "Hm. Sounds like the leaders of Uhleria and Valeria both lack a backbone and the resources to counterattack. Which of you four is the smartest when it comes to military strategy?"

"That would be me."

"Okay, Faamox. I need you to write down a list of cities for each of these five nations, including the Devils, of which major cities are most important in military strategy. I think I already have a good guess just from looking at this map, but I am not aware of where the natural resources and industries are other than water."

"Yes, my Emperor."

A couple minutes later, he handed him a piece of paper. Issei's group peered over his shoulder to see the list that read the following:

Most to least important cities per Underworld civilization by military strategy:

Devil Territory:

Lilith (capital)










Vrell Empire:

Inob (capital)








Empire of Ainitis:

Geistenovia (capital)








Kingdom of Valeria:

Labny (capital)






Keryth (presently occupied by Ainitis)

Kawa (presently occupied by Ainitis)


Lishira (trade rout city with Uhleria)

Presra (presently occupied by Vrell/Ainitis joint forces)

Miton (presently occupied by Vrell/Ainitis joint forces)

Uhlerian Federation:

Dhimaz (capital)

Kaiken (presently occupied by Vrell)




Melromarc (presently occupied by Vrell)

Arenor (presently occupied by Vrell)

Bermouth (presently occupied by Vrell)

Calton (trade route city with Valeria, presently occupied by Vrell)

Calrauhouz (presently occupied by Vrell)

"Excellent. Taiko, tell me what exactly is happening in these occupied cities?"

The cat-man furrowed his eyebrows, his ears drooping to display his anger. "Nothing good. People, both Uhlerians and Valerians, are being murdered, raped, pillaged, starved, the whole nine yards. This is a slow ethnic cleansing via persecution and unfair treatment.

Some of these cities, such as Melromarc and Calrauhoz for Uhleria as well as Kawa and Keryth for Valeria, have some military resistance fighting for their people. Filauria has heavy fighting right now, and it's not occupied by the enemy. But for the most part, the situations in each place is very grim."

Raynare spoke, "Judging by the map, would I be correct to say that all five countries meet at the border city of Wareven?"

"Yes, my Empress. Wareven also rightfully belongs to Uhleria. We have been using it in secret as an alternate trade route with Valeria, but less and less people are doing business there due to the connected area being occupied. It, like Melty, is on the verge of being captured."

Issei smiled. "Don't worry. Wareven and Melty will be protected, especially Melty since it is closer to our capital."

Melacon gasped. "Ah! I almost forgot. Melty is a city ruled by a constable, Princess Melty. The city went by a different name, but the people angrily demanded to have it renamed after the Princess since they love her. She's a good leader who the other lords don't like."

"I'll spare her. In fact, we'll ensure her safety by having her personally guarded by our most loyal men so that no assassination attempts can happen from any moles."

"Thank you."

Issei nodded. "Well, we got to go home now."

Maxiss rose an eyebrow. "Eh? But if you're our new royal family, we should build you a home here, don't you think?"

Faamox crossed his arms. "That's right. We can build a castle for you here, if you want."

"That will not be necessary. I have a home back on Earth. I'm tired and need to get some rest. Besides, with how corrupt this country is, and with politicians inside it as well as from our enemies outside wanting to kill the ones who oppose them, I will not put anyone I care about in potential harm's way until we begin a counteroffensive. I will come back next week."

Taiko and Melacon nodded while Maxiss and Famoxx said, "Understood."

"In the mean time, Mythra, I need you to start rounding up a dossier of each and every corrupt person in a position of power. Have it ready by next week please."

"Got it."

They said their goodbyes and parted ways.

. . . . . . .

Kuoh Japan

Issei's House

When they teleported back, they found Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Asia watching in amusement as an annoyed Dohnaseek held Alas=Ramus in his lap as Gabriel placed a hand on the two year old's forehead.

"Why do I have to hold this stinky kid?" Dohnaseek muttered.

Raynare moved some of her bangs out of the way of one of her eyes. "Mother? What's going on?"

"Issei, Lailah, do you mind if I borrow your three Yesod Fragments for an hour or so? I would like to take them to Heaven and run some tests on them. Their energy, their magical capabilities are unlike anything I have ever seen."

Lailah nodded. "Go ahead."

Issei smiled. "Sure thing. I would like to know what you find, so if it's okay with you and Raynare, I would like you to take us with you."

Gabriel clasped her hands together with a bright smile. "Good idea! This is also an excellent opportunity for Raynare to see the other Angels that still respect her, such as Raphael, right my little Raye?"

Raynare trembled a little, which Issei noticed, so he grasped her hand, calming her down quickly.

"Are you okay, Raye? You don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable."

"I'm fine, Issei." She grinned. "Let's go."

Gabriel teleported the six of them away.

Fifth Heaven

As Gabriel lead the way, she also toured them around a bit. "Welcome to Fifth Heaven. This floor of Heaven is very vast and is used primarily as a library and is filled with research institutes."

The place looks like an old city sitting in front of a mountain range, many unused buildings in the process of demolition while others still stood. However, less decrepit buildings stood out as the obvious newer ones, and they are as large as a university. Beyond the mountains are more places like this.

"It looks a lot like how I remember it, but with several changes," Said Raynare.

Gabriel nodded. "We also have underground tunnels that connect all these locations, but they're only used to send supplies back and forth as well as a possible escape route should an invasion of Heaven reach here."

The location the Seraph led them to is a large rectangular building.

"This is the Magical Research Institution. Some of the rooms are indestructible since they're used to test new magical spells on dummy targets." They walked past such a room, where a classroom of young Brave Saints were being taught.

Entering a different room, Gabriel spoke to her Queen, Griselda, and then she turned to the three Yesod Fragments. "You three can enter now. My Queen is going to scan you with a machine called Holy Analysis."

The fragments entered while the other three watched from behind a pane of glass, the room inside being soundproof.

"Raynare, are you comfortable seeing Raphael? I can summon him here, if you want."

She received a hesitant nod and opened a communication circle.

A moment later, Raphael appeared. He smiled. "Hello, Raynare. It is good to see you again."

"Ah. Uncle Raphael." Raynare looked down in shame. "I'm so sorry for what I did back then."

He shook his head. "It's fine. While you sided with our enemy, you were only expressing your opinion and never did anything wrong. I sincerely believe that you didn't deserve to be kicked out of Heaven. You know how He is; when Father gets angry, He loses control of His emotions."

The subtle message of his words was not lost on any of them: No one is safe from God's wrath.

Issei thought, 'Sounds more and more like God's decision to cast her out wasn't justified while my hatred for Him is.'

"How is Azazel?" Raphael inquired. Raynare tilted her head in confusion, so he elaborated. "He's still my brother, you know. I don't hate him for falling."

"Oh. Azazel is good..." Raynare squirmed uncomfortably, wanting to say something, so she said it, hoping Raphael wouldn't be mad at her. "To be honest, Azazel was more of a father to me than He ever was."

"I'm sorry," Raphael said softly, voice full of regret. "I should have-"

"No! Nothing you could have done to try to help me would have ended well for you. You would have only provoked His anger and become a Fallen Angel like me."

Raphael nodded. "Still, I feel the need to at least apologize, to make it up to you. And Issei Hyoudou? Please look after my niece. She has not lived an easy life."

While Issei wanted to know more about what happened, he didn't want to pry. "Of course! I love her, after all."

Raynare smiled.

The door opened and Griselda came back with the Yesod Fragments.

Gabriel asked Griselda, "What are the results?"

"Well, Mythra=Arcane is already far more powerful than you, and she isn't even close to her full potential. As for the other two, they have the same exact potential as Mythra. Their holy energy is off the charts."

"I see. Would that pose any risk to their physical health or others around them?"

"It could. Should any one of them, for whatever reason, lose control of their powers, they could destroy the entire Earth faster than Dragons can excrete their food, and they can do that really fast. Fufu."

The others sweatdropped.

Gabriel gently bit a nail on her thumb. "We'll have to keep them monitored, then. Should something like that happen-"

"It very likely won't," Mythra interrupted.

"Eh? How can you be so sure?"

"Because such a catastrophe needs a recipe that is traumatic to the Yesod Fragment. The loss of a loved one, for example. To be specific, if someone we love is murdered right in front of us."

Gabriel nodded. "You five can go home now."

Ente Isla

Satan Jacob sent his Generals to attack in the following locations: Adramalech to the Northern continent, Malacoda to the Southern, Alciel with Greez to the Eastern, and Lucifer to the Western.

It has now been hundreds of years since the start of his demonic crusade of humanity.

The Demons were angry and returned the sins of humanity sevenfold, murdering millions and raping millions of innocent females.

The Goblins, Jacob's people as well as Greez's, the Demons who are usually recognized as the weakest Demons, loved violating girls, taking them into sexual slavery, and forcefully breeding them against their will for the rest of their miserable lives, making them bare their children over and over. It was like Nanjing and the Soviet Red Army advancing westward combined, but times a hundred.

The men ages 10 and up were enslaved, forced to work in the fields for crops and in mines for valuable resources, such as gold and oil.

The elderly were forced to dig their own graves, hundreds of thousands of which died constructing Jacob's castle in the Central continent, and many more in other locations.

Humans who weren't discovered either chose to hide or run, and were lucky enough to not get caught.

The people of the other Generals usually kept to fear tactics, property destruction, pillaging, and murder.

Whenever they came marching into a new village, town, city, or even capital of whatever insignificant kingdom they conquered, they would chant, "For the Fatherland! No prisoners! No mercy! Their Soil, Their Flesh!" And then, they would run around to dodge incoming attacks, kill the guardsmen, and raise Hell.

At first, the royalty from these supposedly all-powerful kingdoms were quite arrogant and condescending towards Jacob's forces, but that thinking quickly changed as fast as their nations fell. Neighboring territories panicked and enemies created alliances to fight their new common foe, but it was all for naught.

The entire Eastern continent was not only conquered, but also reinforced with millions of Demons in reserve as their veterans were then deployed elsewhere, either towards the north, the south, or the central, meaning that even if humanity formed a proper counterattack, it would be a never-ending war or a demonic victory.

The fear the Humans gave off was unlike anything they had ever felt before, making them grow stronger beyond their wildest comprehension with its addicting taste.

Jacob's goal was achieved. Demonkind now had an abundant supply of fear and hatred to feed them and their dark energy. Unfortunately, this was a temporary solution as this new supply is not unlimited, but it would do for now.

But among all this chaos, a select few foolishly brave Humans fought back and formed an effective resistance.

What Jacob wasn't expecting was a single Human girl, The Hero Emilia, to repel Lucifer's army in the Western continent, presumably killing the Fallen Angel. Four other Heroes joined in and helped push back the Demons from the Southern continent and began a counteroffensive in the Northern and Eastern.

Alciel suggested to turn the battle into a defensive one to which Jacob agreed, ordering the retreat of his Eastern forces back to the Central continent before they could soon suffer any more casualties. They were soon proven that they made the wise choice when Adramelech and Malacoda were killed by Emilia.

There was no word of any Demons left alive in the Western Continent. The fighting had grown brutal in the Northern continent due to the bitter cold climate, but none more so than the Central where Jacob's castle lay.

"Alciel, what's the situation?"

"Sire, there is a group you need to be aware of. They're called the Five Heroes. They're the ones responsible for our most recent defeats."

"Who are they? I assume the Hero Emilia is among them?"

"Yes, she is. My spies have told me that the other four go by the names of Crestia Bell, Alex Gregory, Emeralda Etuvu, and Albert Ende. Four of them can use celestial force magic, those being Emilia, Crestia, Emeralda, and Albert."

"We already know a lot about Crestia Bell. What can you tell me about the other three?"

"Emeralda was a professor of magic. Albert used to be a lumberjack before we invaded Ente Isla. As for Alex, well... He's kind of insane, going on and on about 'bloody heathens,' the word he likes to use for those who aren't a part of the Church. He is an Archbishop."

An explosion startled the two as the guards outside Jacob's castle were being killed.

Jacob grunted, "Hmph. It seems that it is time for us to leave."

Alciel looked at him with surprise and sadness. "My lord?"

"Ente Isla is not worth risking our lives over, at least not now. But first, before we leave, go awaken him."

Alciel bowed. "Yes, my lord!" He rushed down the stairs and out of the throne room, taking a moment to look to his right where the fight was happening before he went left to go down a few more set of stairs, disappearing out of sight right as the Five Heroes, lead by Emilia, came rushing in, going up the way he came.

Finally making it to the basement, he opened a hidden room and found it, the corpse, now having been asleep for hundreds of years since they last saw him.

Taking out a vial of liquid, Alciel downed the bottle into the mouth of the corpse while saying, "This is my master's blood. Wake up, Dracula."

The Vampire, Dracula, opened his red eyes.

Meanwhile, Jacob was fighting a five against one battle, taking on all the heroes at once.

Emilia roared, "Demon King! Die for your sins!" She rushed forward, her Holy Sword Better Half in hand. Swinging the sword, the Demon King barely dodged a fatal blow, but his left horn was cut off, making him howl in pain.

Jacob winced. 'Crap! This isn't good.'

He quickly realized that these Five Heroes weren't soldiers needed in times of need, but rather people who were trained to specifically kill the Demon King. Him. And to top it off, they all work perfectly together to put his life in danger with their strongest points.

Individually, they pose no threat, but together, he could perish.

'Emilia Justina is faster than me.' He did all he could to dodge her sword, but was grazed several times, causing his stamina to deplete and blood to seep from his non-lethal wounds.

"Hold still!" Emilia glared at him. "Let me kill you!"

"Are you insane?! Who would be dumb enough to do that?!"


'Fuck, I didn't notice Crestia Bell!' Jacob sensed a presence behind him and barrel rolled to the side to dodge a swing from the dark blue-haired ponytailed assassin's massive mallet.

Suddenly, Jacob stopped moving when he should have been falling. 'W-What?! Time... froze!' Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small girl with shoulder-length green hair that curls at the bottom, her half-asleep green eyes glowing a bit. 'Emeralda Etuvu can freeze time?! But the other heroes are moving! This might be the end for me. Owari da... No! I must somehow-'

Emi, the leader of the Five Heroes, issued her orders to her friend. "Go, Albert! Attack!"


'Albert Ende... Judging by his physique, his trump card must be his strength, possibly enhanced by celestial force.'

Albert is a man that has yellow eyes, short white hair, a goatee, tan skin, and small earrings. He looks very intimidating.

He launched himself at the frozen Demon King and punched him hard in the stomach, launching him backwards and into his own throne, destroying it as his body bounced down a few steps on a small staircase.

"Ya filthy heathen! Time to get rid of ya!" Came the voice of one Alex Gregory, holding his two swords in the shape of a cross.

Time unfroze, and Jacob began coughing from the punch.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, begone foul Demon!" Alex swung his swords, but his blades met someone else's. Emilia's. "Ah. What do ya think yer doin', love? Can't ya see that this was our best chance at killin' 'em?!"

Emilia glared at Alex. "The Demon King... is mine to kill!"

Alex sighed and relented. "Oh, fine. Have at it, lads." He went to stand back with the other heroes.

Cue Song: "Black Blade" by Two Steps From Hell

The silver-haired woman turned to the Demon King laying on the ground with a sharp glare, and pointed her sword at him. "Answer my questions, Demon King Satan Jacob! Why did you destroy my village?! Why did you kill my father?!"

Jacob was disoriented and likely suffered a concussion from his head hitting the ground due to Albert's punch. 'Damn that prick, whatever his name is. He hit hard!' He panted hard for air. "I... I don't know who your father is... Emilia... I swear. Please-"

She snapped and yelled at him. "PLEASE WHAT?! ARE YOU GOING TO BEG LIKE HOW ALL THOSE INNOCENT PEOPLE YOU SLAUGHTERED HAVE?! HUH?!" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pressed her blade against his throat.

The Demon King gasped at her reaction, but he glared back. "That's not fair! What about the fact that your Church has been committing a genocide against mine?!"

Emilia was taken aback. "What?"

Jacob sighed. " Let me ask you something. Where are you from? Where was your father when he was killed?"


"J-Just answer my question, please." He spoke softly, raising both hands up in surrender to get her to calm down, attempting to placate her, otherwise his throat would be split wide open.

"... A village in the Western continent. It was right at the start of your demonic invasion, too."

He narrowed his eyes. "That can't be right. I wasn't on the front lines. My General, Lucifer, was the one I sent with his army, but at first, I ordered him to scout ahead before he makes his move."

"... What are you getting at?!"

"I... I think the Church may have attempted to kill your father."


"Emilia, did anyone come to see you after your father was supposedly killed? If so, who?"

She nodded reluctantly, not liking where this is headed. "Yes. Olba, an Archbishop. But I don't see what that has to do with-"

"I... I watched everyone in my village die when I was a child. Humans came riding in on horses and slaughtered them all, including both of my parents. Please, Emilia. Believe me? They have been using you and everyone like you, spies, soldiers, assassins, whoever, as pawns to do their bidding, to kill anyone who voices any disagreement with their beliefs, their methods, or pretty much anyone who they don't like for the way they look, that being my kind."

Crestia grit her teeth at that. Being an assassin, she felt ashamed of herself.

Albert and Emeralda simply watched from the sidelines. They would follow Emilia's orders and wouldn't attack the Demon King without her consent, but they would protect their friend with their lives.

Alex was growing impatient. 'This filthy heathen is getting on me nerves! Bollocks!'

Jacob continued. "My point is that there is something you should be asking yourself: Why were you the only one to survive the attack on your village? Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Emilia was thrown for a loop. 'No... He has to be lying to get my sympathies so that I let my guard down! There's no way way that's true! The Church is my home, so they would never do something like that... right?'

She shrugged. "I don't know. I call it luck."

This received a pained chuckle. "Emilia, my Demons would leave no one behind unscathed. The only Humans who have survived my invasion under demonic occupation are those who got lucky enough to get away or not be noticed. You do know first-hand that I am at least telling the truth of that much."

The hero was beginning to doubt herself. 'What if... What if he's right? No... It can't be...'

Jacob slowly reached a hand upwards so as to not startle Emilia into attacking him. He spoke in a gentle, compassionate tone.

"Here. I know what you think of me, that I'm a monster who deserves to die, and perhaps you're right; after all, I ordered my Demons to do heinous acts against humanity, but I had my reasons. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin, for one cannot exist without the other. While I do hate most Humans, I know that not all of them are bad. You must know that the same thing can be said about Demons, right?"

Emeralda and Albert were shocked to see this side of the Demon King. They were always told that he's a vile, despicable man, and while they don't trust him, his story made them realize that the Church's words were far from the truth.

The Demon King concluded, "If you really want to know the truth, then let's not fight, okay? Instead, touch my hand with any part of your body."

She raised her sword to strike him down with an enraged expression. "You pervert!"

"Wait! I meant that you can see my memories if you touch me with any body part."

Emilia's weapon stopped just short of the frightened Goblin's face. After a minute-long intense staredown between them, she reluctantly lowered her sword. "I'm not using my hand. Instead, I'll touch you with my elbow, you hear?!"

"O-Okay. That's fine."

'What am I seriously doing right now?!' She thought as they inched closer and closer until her armor-covered elbow closed the distance with his hand.

Emilia gasped when they made contact. In her mind, her surroundings changed as she watched his past from behind him.

The hero observed as the young Goblin was taken away, as he was tortured, as he was forced to watch his parents be tortured to death alongside so many others.

She watched as the translucent image of the young boy before her was found by an Angel. For some reason, everything about the Angel was oddly familiar to Emilia, unbeknownst to her. It was like deja vu.

Her world was falling around her. Everything she thought she knew, she didn't. Everything she believed to be the truth, she began questioning. Everything she swore loyalty to, she faltered. Nothing but lies. Too many lies. Too many lies.

The hero shrieked in pain as the knowledge of demonkind's persecution flowed into her, feeling like her head was going to explode from the migraine. A bright blue light filled the throne room between the conjoined enemies.

"EMILIA!" Emeralda and Albert ran towards her and grabbed her shoulders.

Emeralda was worried out of her mind. "What's happening?! Emi!"

Albert grit his teeth. "Oi! Get a hold of yourself!"

When she finally came to, she fell backwards into their arms, panting.

Alex scoffed. "Heh. Glad that's finally over, innit? Now I'll kill 'em for ya!"

Jacob's eyes widened when the Archbishop flew towards him with both swords in hand, looking to stab him, but...


A loud gun shot startled all of them.

It was Dracula. He held up his two handguns aimed at the Archbishop.

The bullet forced Alex to change course and jump backwards, annoyed.

Alciel stood next to him and gestured to the Vampire. "We saw everything that happened, so this idiot restrained me and prevented me from talking, saying he wanted you to have the chance to show the truth. Your majesty, I apologize that I couldn't come sooner. Please forgive me and punish this insolent whelp."

Dracula ignored Alciel, looking at the Demon Lord with a psychotic smile. "Your orders, my master! Give me your orders!" He growled, literally thirsty for blood.

Jacob, who was sweating bullets since he thought he was going to die, gulped. "I... How about you go feed on the Church dogs killing our brethren outside before coming back to me? We will be leaving Ente Isla very soon."

"As you wish." The Vampire disappeared into the shadows.

Alex growled and threw his sword at the Demon King. The blade managed to embed into his abdomen.

"Gah!" Jacob coughed out blood.

"Hah! Ya bloody heathen. So ya do bleed! Tell me... Do ya fear death (105)?"

"MY LORD!!!" Alciel fired a purple wave of demonic energy at the priest, sending him flying through a wall at the entrance of the throne room and out of the castle.

Emilia, Emeralda, Albert, and Crestia were so in shock by the events, having just now came to from their stupor.

As Alciel grabbed his King and helped him up, allowing him to put an arm around his shoulder to support his weight, he looked at the four heroes. "What will the four of you do now that you know the truth?"

Emeralda shook her head. "We don't know anything regarding whether what he said was the truth."

"B-But I do..." Crestia looked down with wide eyes. "He was right."

Emi nodded sadly. "We... We were nothing but pawns in their little game, and because of them, he and his people have suffered so much."

"Cres... Emi..." Emeralda softly said.

Tears streamed down Emilia's cheeks. "All this time, I was led to hate the Demon Lord, and now that I have the chance to kill him, I can't. Pretty pathetic, right?"

Albert shook his head. "You are not pathetic! Whatever you choose to do, we will follow you."

Emeralda nodded. "That's right!"

Crestia stoically said, "We're your friends." She sighed. "I suppose I too will join your path. While I can't throw away the life I lead, the horrible person I am for all the people I have silenced on orders of the Church, I did grow up with the three of you, after all."

"Emilia..." Jacob coughed out blood, startling them.

The hero stood up and took his other arm over her shoulder. "Shh. Don't talk. Just save your strength. You will need it."

Alciel glared at her with distrust. "And what do you think you're doing?"

"Saving his life. He needs us to work together if he has any chance to survive."

"Fine, but I'm keeping my eye on you."

They began flying towards another a hole in the throne room ceiling, landing on a platform outside. The other three heroes followed them. The sounds of battle could be heard throughout the Central continent, even here on this blood-stained night with the Red Moon, home of the Demons in full display.

"The feeling is mutual, then. I'll be watching your master, as well. Just because he didn't kill my father doesn't mean that he didn't do anything wrong. I still hate most Demons, but their Overlord is just... He deserves better. Like me, he was given the short end of the stick in life."

Jacob heard what she said. For whatever reason, he could tell that she's a good woman and that he wanted to make amends. He wheezed out, "I'm sorry. Please... C-Can you... bring yourself... to forgive me?"

She never responded, something that didn't reassure him, but it was a good sign, far better than her earlier more violent behavior.

Jacob's eyes widened when he had a realization. "Wait Emilia, what happens if someone from the Church catches you trying to help me instead of killing me? The chance of that happening is very high."

Her heart sank. "I... I don't know." Even after seeing the truth, she still had a small desire to serve the Church. It hurt knowing that she was just a means for them to exterminate the Demons.

Alciel set his King down, resting him against a stone wall that railed off a set of stairs, a location where Jacob would give speeches. "My lord, what do we do now? You need immediate medical attention!"

"We... We wait for Dracula to join us before we leave Ente Isla for good. I have enough strength to create a portal that will take us to another world."

Emilia blinked. "Another world?"

"Yes. One where we can recuperate for however long it takes, plan our next move before we come back and deal with the Church and their corruption."

Meanwhile, Church crusaders were being devoured by the hundreds of thousands by Dracula in a matter of minutes, his shadows running around and tearing them to pieces before chomping on them. Their fear was giving Jacob strength.

"Ah, yes! Blood! Delicious blood! I need MORE! GIVE ME EVERYTHING!" Dracula went crazy.

The screams could be heard for miles, and when they finally died down, he sighed. "Well, that was boring," He said before teleporting back to his master. "Master, I sensed that you're wounded. Shall we go?"

Jacob winced as he stood without any help, unfurled his black wings, and flew to the sky with the group. They headed straight upwards into a massive dark blue portal he created before it closed for good.

The Demons left behind howled in sadness that their Overlord had to leave them, enraged at the Church for forcing his hand to make yet another drastic decision.

. . . . . . .

Kuoh, Japan

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

1 Month Prior To Present

Alciel, Jacob, and Emilia were the first to wake up, the others right behind them, literally and spatially.

Cracking open his eyes, Alciel sat up with a groan, rubbing his head, looking around as he found the others. "What happened? Where are we? Ah! My lord!"

"I'm fine," Jacob said.


"It's okay, Alciel. I used the last bit of my demonic magic to seal my wound." The Demon King placed his hands on his hips with a proud smile. "All good as new!" He said as they followed him out of the alley.

"You idiot," Emilia groaned. "You need to still get it checked out."

"Huh?! There's no n-"

"MY LORD, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Alciel screamed startling him.

"Huh? OH MY GOD, HORY SHET!" Jacob looked at Alciel, then Emilia, then down at himself. "H-Human hands?! Why am I so short?!" He is no longer 3 meters tall. "Why has Alciel lost his demonic appearance?! Why is Emilia's hair red and her eyes green?!"

Emilia was shocked too. "Huh?! Alright, is this some kind of prank one of you Demons are pulling?! The fuck's the matter with you?! Don't you know it's rude to comment on a lady's appearance without getting to know them first?!"

Jacob blinked. "... So you're saying you want to be acquainted with me?"

Her face turned as red as her hair. "Huh?! That's not what I-"

Dracula was amused by this exchange and wanted to tease her, but Jacob ignored her embarrassed rambling. "Anyway, where are we? It looks like Ente Isla but way more advanced beyond anything the people of our world, myself included, could ever comprehend."

Alciel agreed. "Indeed. Establishments with higher status than your castle? Unacceptable!" Cars drove past them, and the many lights of the city combined with traffic and young people taking selfies, their cameras flashing, all put a lot of strain on their eyes, making them hiss in annoyance. "Strange carriages made of metal and steel with bright candles concocting some sort of war drum tune... Wait, where are the instruments?!"

In reality, it was just an American tourist blasting heavy metal music. "Oh, wah ah ah ah! Get Down With The Sickness!"

A couple police officers saw them. "You there! Do you need help? You look lost."

Jacob softly said to the group, "We need to conserve our magic and only use it in life or death situations." They nodded.

Alciel glared at the police officer condescendingly, still speaking Ente Islan since they haven't learned their language. "Insolent Human! You should be bowing before his majesty!"

"It seems these people are foreigners." The man grabbed a radio from his car. "Chief Ackerman, Sasaki here. We have some cosplayers that came from another country. Do you think we... Right... Okay... Got it. Will do, boss." He put it away. "I'm going to have to ask you folks to come with me to the police station so that we can question you." He waved his hand in a 'follow me' gesture.

"It seems this lowly Human wants to lure us into a trap. I'm not falling for it!" Alciel crossed his arms.

"Let's follow them," His lord ordered as they began walking forward without him.

"Huh?! Oi! Wait up!"

Emeralda was nervous while Albert was on edge, but Crestia merely shrugged and went with it.

The six of them were split up into separate interrogation rooms.

In Emilia's room...

"No! I wasn't causing any trouble! Huh?! Impossible! I'm not dating that idiot! I have nothing to do with him! Why don't you believe me?! He's not my ex! And what do you mean you ship us?!"

In Jacob's room, the Goblin looked around, studying his surroundings. 'They're keeping a guard by the door. Uh oh. What if Alciel was right? What if they're trying to kill me by bringing me to some place quiet, away from suspicious eyes? Shit.'

The door opened, and in walked a man that Jacob couldn't help but scrutinize for his outfit. He is wearing a trench coat and a fedora. 'Is he also a cosplayer or whatever the hell that means?'

Jacob's eyes glowed red as he peered into the man's mind for information. He learned everything in that moment, even this dimension's supernatural. 'Hehehe. I have mastered your tongue! Now I know what you are planning. Hm. I see. But why can't I look into this man's personal life? Is he able to resist my magic from prying too deep? He looks Human, but if he's connected to the supernatural, what is he?'

The man cleared his throat. "Guard, leave us." The door opened and closed, leaving the two of them alone. "I'm chief detective Kenny Ackerman (106). Nice to meet you. Judging by your energy, I presume you're not Human." Jacob realized his magic didn't brainwash him. "What are you?"

'That's not your real name, Dohnaseek!' Jacob thought, mocking his name. "I'm a Demon."

Detective Dohnaseek sat back. "I see. Got a name? And are you in league with the Devils?"

"I... I don't feel comfortable sharing that information, but I would like to make a new name for myself. What Devils? I don't know what a Devil is. Um... If you don't mind me asking, how did you know that I'm not Human?"

Dohnaseek was able to sense that he isn't lying. "Because I'm a Fallen Angel. I deal with supernatural beings all the time, especially strays and border disputes with Devils. Besides, you're in downtown, which is the territory of my kind." He handed the Demon a clipboard. "Here. Just fill out whatever information you want."

"You're okay with me lying about my identity?"

"Yeah. It's no big deal. In this world, supernatural beings that blend in with Humans often use aliases."

He filled out his information and left, seeing Dracula already outside.

Dracula grinned. "Let me guess, you got a new name. What is it?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me yours."

"Ugh. I asked first, you know."

Jacob rolled his eyes.

Unfortunately, they had to wait another half hour for the other four people to come out, which they did as all of them strolled towards the two Demons.

"My lord, any news?"

"Yes. I now go by the name of Sadao Maou." Jacob nodded with a smirk, arms crossed.

The hero's eye twitched. "Ugh. What a stupid name."

He scowled. "Well, why don't we hear yours, my dearest Emilia? Hm?"

She blushed. "E-Emi Yusa."

The Demon Lord's eyes widened as he blushed. "Oh... Well, that's actually surprisingly cute for you."

"What do you mean, 'for me'?!" She shouted in denial, but was ignored.

"What about the rest of you?"

"Shirou Ashiya, at your service." Alciel bowed, a hand over his heart.

Emi wanted to insult that name. 'That's even worse than SADao Maou! Heh. SADao. Heh heh.'

"Suzuno Kamazuki." Crestia spoke.

Albert and Emeralda shrugged. "We didn't change our names. No need."

Dracula grinned. "I guess it's my turn. I now go by Alucard."

Ashiya's eye twitched in annoyance. "You do realize that 'Alucard' is just 'Dracula' backwards, right?"

"Uh huh." Alucard smirked behind his sunglasses.

"You reckless mosquito! What if someone finds out who you are?! You're making it easy for them!"

"Uh huh. Remind me where I was supposed to give a fuck?"

"Why you little-"

"Ashiya, leave it." Maou commanded. "For now, we need to plan our next move. What are all of you going to do?"

Emi narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Why do you want to know? So you can spy on us to further your evil plans?"

"Hey! I was just curious."

She sighed. "Well, we learned all the basics there are to this world. I'm going to apply for a job and rent an apartment somewhere. I'll share with Emeralda. Sorry Albert, but I'd rather not share my living space with a male if I can help it. Plus, if the three of us are seen together, it would arouse suspicion among anyone else from Ente Isla."

He grunted. "It's fine. Just look after yourself, Emi."

"As for me, well..." Satan bit his thumb in thought. "I guess I'll have to do the same as you, Emi."

"What? Why?"

"I will need to provide for everyone living with me, that being my two Generals here."

Crestia looked at him with suspicion. "Then I'm moving into an apartment right next to yours so that I can keep an eye on you Demons."

Ashiya rose an eyebrow. "What do you want me and Alucard to do?"

"Ashiya, you will stay at home and be a house-husband for everyone. By that, I mean you will cook and clean for us."

"I see. I understand."

"Alucard will guard me at all times. Keep in mind that this city is shared by the Devils, whoever that is, and Fallen Angels, and right now, we are in Fallen Angel territory. Don't attack them without reason."

Alucard smirked. "At least I finally have something interesting to do. This might be my chance at tasting more than one person's delicious blood, and for once, it's not a boring Human weakling."

Emilia took offense to that. "I'm half-Human! Take that back!"

"Or what? You gonna pull out your fancy sword and stab me with it? You do realize that the only way to kill a Vampire like me is if you drive a stake through my heart, right? Even if you were to destroy my body entirely, I still wouldn't die unless a stake is in my heart, I would just regenerate. Many have tried, but all have failed. Many were far stronger than you, and all of them met their end by my hand."

Emi growled in frustration. "I don't care! Take that back!"

"No, I don't think I will. Besides, I don't get what the big deal is with you. Humans are far weaker than I am, and from what I see, not a single one of the creatures in this realm pose a threat to me. That is just a fact."

Emi yelled a war-cry, summoning her sword, charging at him while attempting to stab him, but Alucard disappeared.

"Sit the fuck down." The Vampire's voice came from behind her, bitch-slapping the back of her head. The force of the blow made her face plant, creating a webbed crater, causing a nearby car alarm to trip.

Emeralda gasped. "My time-freeze isn't working on him!"

Albert, seeing how easily Emi was defeated by the Vampire, decided to not attack, to which Suzuno concurred.

Maou, seeing this, immediately began walking away, not wanting to stick around for more legal issues with the police. "We're leaving, Ashiya, Alucard."

Dohnaseek heard the entire conversation as he watched from the rooftop. "Interesting. It appears that they pose no threat to us, Azazel-sama. That is unless that Vampire grows hungry. Now... I wonder how the Devils will handle this?"

Azazel replied from his communication circle. "From what you have told me, that Vampire is immensely powerful, even more than the Three Factions combined. I trust that the Sitri heiress won't do anything drastic. However, even though the Gremory has lost any claim to her former territory, she may still attempt to confront this Alucard character. Do what you can to steer their conflict away from our territory. It is none of our business and needs to stay that way until a treaty is signed."

"Understood. I won't let you down."

"You never have, and I am proud of you. It seems Issei has trained you well. However, stay focused. This isn't about appeasing me, it's about preventing any incidents that could potentially reignite The Great War."

. . . . . . .

A day later and after the Ente Islans moved into their apartments.

Suzuno was busy scouting out the Fallen Angels here, so Emi decided to stay at their Demon castle apartment to keep an eye on them until Maou returns from work.

Or so she told herself. 'Why do I keep thinking about that idiot?! Stupid Demon Lord! It's all his fault!'

Ashiya was doing the dishes, waiting for his lord to return, however...

"Okay, will you please stop glaring at me?"

"Why should I not, Demon?!" Emi spat.

"Because I'm not doing anything evil."

His reasoning was sound.

Emi opened her mouth to retort, but before she could, the clicking of the door being unlocked could be heard followed by the knob turning and opening.

Maou shouted, "I AM HERE!" (107)

Alciel blinked. "What?"

He cleared his throat. "Nothing. Just something from a manga I began reading."

"Manga? What's that?" Emi inquired.

"Oh, Emi! Fu. Fu. Fu." Ah yes, the arrogant laugh that annoyed her. "How you are missing out. I am subscribed to Shounen Leap. They publish manga, which are comic books made by authors who are into the Japanese anime-styled industry. People such as my self who are passionate about that sort of thing are called otakus."

Ashiya sighed. "One day in, and you're already wasting money? My lord, I thought you said you would save up to-"

Maou ran up to him and covered his mouth. "SHHHH! IDIOT! Keep that a secret! Besides, I need something to pass the time, you know."

Emi narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Keep what a secret?"

"Eek! Oh, Emi! Hey there! I didn't notice you standing directly behind me. That's kinda creepy, you know."

"Answer my question, Demon Lord!"

Luckily, Maou came up with the perfect excuse, a half-truth. "Fine! My goal is no longer to go back to Ente Isla." That is a lie. "Instead, I wish to rise through the corporate ranks of MgRonalds and conquer this world through money!"

Emi looked at him in a condescending disgusted manner. "Hah? You want to rule this world peacefully?"

Maou nodded. "I do."

"I don't buy it! No one can change from a mass-murdering genocidal leader to a peace-loving greedy dick over night!"

He shouted back, "Well, congratu-fucking-lations, because I did!"

Maou grit his teeth. 'This isn't good. Perhaps I shouldn't have told Alciel about Yesod! If Emi learns that I was keeping something like that from her, she is going to learn who gave it to me. Not only that, but she might try to steal Alas away from me, should she find her.'

"Why?" Emi's hair covered her eyes. "Why are you so nice, and yet..." She raised her head and glared at him. "You have killed so many!"

"Eh? Well... I think it's because I'm not in my Demon form, and therefore do not have any desire to commit evil acts..." He joked. "Ugh, who am I kidding. You already know that not all Demons are bad. I think it might be because I am not in Ente Isla anymore, or that realm as a whole, really. I absolutely hate the Humans there, but here, they're different."

"That's... I..."

"Emi, people do change. Some change over a longer duration of time while others experience it suddenly. For me, it was the latter. Do you see how red my eyes are?"

"Uh, yeah, they're naturally like that."

"Not that! If you look closely, you can see how tired I am. That's because I didn't get any sleep last night. Want to know why?"

"No, and I don't want to know, pervert!"

"I never said it was perverted, and too bad for you because I'm going to tell you anyway!"

She tried to cover her ears, but he forced her hands off her head. "Let go! I'll scream rape! MY EARS ARE BEING RAPED!"

"You see, I did a lot of reading on the history of this world, and I have come to realize how similar yet how different the people of this world are to the Humans in Ente Isla."

Emi stopped struggling. "What do you mean?"

"Well, for example, they are similar because both discriminate, do terrible things to one another such as genocide, mass murder, rape, steal, war, etc etc. Greedy politicians don't trust one another, and greed and distrust are the number one reason for conflict in both worlds."

Emi grit her teeth, getting annoyed at having humanity's flaws pointed out, but she listened.

"However, while some of the Humans of this world are garbage, most of them are good people that have proven that they can change.

I read about something called The Cold War. It was an event here in which two nations with very different ideals insulted, berated, distrusted, and made fun of one another, all while competing to see who has the better quality of life for their citizens, the better sports teams, the better technology, the better record of space missions, the better Weapons of Mass Destruction-"


"Bombs and giant metallic arrows called rockets that carry a weapon filled with terrible toxic gas and a fuck ton of gun powder. Those rockets are powered by electricity, and rocket fuel that carry terrible weapons that can reach anywhere in the world and destroy entire cities in one explosion, and they have enough of them to destroy the entire world many times over, so good luck sleeping at night." He cackled.

"Impossible." Emi's face paled as her mind began racing with fear. 'If that's true, coming here was a mistake!'

"I thought so too, but I saw videos and what not. Those nuclear weapons also act as a deterrent for countries from invading one another.

They could have destroyed the entire world had they used those WMD's, but they didn't. Well, they almost did as they had over a thousand incidents in which this Earth almost came to an end, but luckily, nothing of the sort happened."

"That's not assuring at all!"

"Anyway, they were also competing to see which country's people would prosper and become the happiest.

My point is that Demons and Humans are not that different. I am proof that Demons can change, and if you find that hard to believe, just watch me, but not with suspicion or distrust. Instead, how about you and I become friends?" He offered a handshake, shocking Ashiya.

"My lord! She's the enemy!"

"Yes, I know. But with how the world we left was tearing itself apart, don't you think that a little love could heal us? N-Not in that way, you perverted hero," Her eyebrow twitched, "but I do wish to be your friend."

Emi gaped at him. "... You're serious?"

"Yes." He smiled brightly, which made her heart skip. "I want to get to know you, Emi. I want to know you as a person, what your favorite foods are, your hobbies, your taste in this world's music and literature, all of it. Above all, it hurt seeing you cry over your father's death, so while I don't wish to go back to Ente Isla and avenge him for you just yet, I do want to see you smile and know the reason for that smile."

"W-W-What are you saying, idiot?!" She blushed.

"Back when you stormed my castle, when I saw you cry, I felt the urge to protect you."

Her blush deepened. "I-Idiot. F-Fine." She shook his hands. "I'll be your friend, but no funny business, you hear?!"

He smirked and decided to tease her. "You know, you're always calling me a pervert, but I think you're the one who has her mind in the gutter a lot more than I do."

"Why you little-" He was so infuriating to her!

"The things that do concern me about this world are the fact that the public is aware of the supernatural, there are multiple factions that don't trust one another here, and one of them calls themselves Demons."

Ashiya furrowed his brows. "Yeah. It's like what you would call the multiverse theory combined with the simulation theory, as if we're characters in some sick, twisted game... Or was it the parallel universe theory?"

"You heard about those theories, Ashiya?! I'm surprised."


The two Demons in front of Emi were off in their own world while she was lost in their conversation. 'Maybe I should try to learn more about Earth, too.'

Her father always used to say, "If you don't keep up with the times, you will be left behind." Abandonment is something she always feared, and now that the Church had gone and done it, perhaps being friends with her nemesis wouldn't be so bad.

A Month Later

Present Day

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

The Vatican

Two priests were meeting outside the cathedral on a bright, sunny day with a few scattered clouds.

One of them was a tan man with blond hair combed back and wearing glasses. It was Alex Gregory, now known as Alexander Anderson, having changed his name. He spoke in a cheerful Irish accent. "So what can I do for ya, Father O'Mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Reilly'O'Brian'O'Sullivan... ha, who is also Italian?"

A man with glasses replied, "Mama mia! My-a name is-a Renaldo. Tell-a me, Anderson. What is your favorite thing to do?"

"Spreadin' the word and love of Jesus Christ to the many people of the world. Teachin' peace and love for all."

"And-a- killing-a Vampires?"

"Ah, just try to fuckin' stop me!"

"And what about... Demons?"

"Second verse same as the first! Now put me on a plane so I can put 'em in a hearse."

"Very-a-well. There is a lovely city where-a spies of our church believe exists-a Vampire and-a Demons."

"Where are these wretched, poor souls?"

"Kuoh, Japan."

"I shall go there immediately and put 'em to rest, then!"

. . . . . . .

"Alright, that should be it for the day." Emi stretched her arms as she took off her headset.

She worked for a telemarketing company. As stressful as the job can be, at least she was glad to have made a friend.

Rika Suzuki.

The young woman has short brown hair, brown eyes, a bright smile, and a professional work ethic.

However, when it comes to gossip, especially concerning dating, Emi quickly learned that Rika can be quite the tease.

"Heya, Emi! Wanna go grab a bite for dinner?" Rika leaned back from her little cubicle left of Emi as they both stood up and made their way out of their company's high-rise.

"This late?"

"Yeah, it's only 8:00 PM. When do you normally eat?"

"6:00 PM. However, since I'm new here, I'll just have to get used to my new schedule."

"True, true. If ya ever need any help with anything, professional or personal, don't be afraid to talk to me, 'cause I'm your gal!" Rika winked at her.

"Uh, sure! Thanks!"

"Mm! No prob. Anyway, let's go grab a bite at MgRonald's. I heard from some of my friends that they have a new employee who is, like, smoking hot."

Emi cringed, knowing she's talking about Maou. "I'll tag along. Might as well since I need to keep an eye on the Demon King," She mumbled the last part.

"What's that?"

"N-Nothing! A-Anyway, are you trying to get this employee's number?"

"Maaaaaaybe? I mean, I am a single pringle ready and looking to mingle. Hopefully, he's not a dingleberry, or else I'm going to have to hit 'em in his jingles."

"So not only can you cook unlike me, but you can rap, too?"

Rika strikes a pose. "Word to yo motha!"

"Please stop."

"Tee hee."

Entering the MgRonalds, they noticed that Maou was sitting in a corner with Ashiya. The girls chose to hide behind a table and spy on them, unbeknownst to the two Demons.

Rika took notice of Maou, and he is good-looking, but what really caught her eye is the blond man next to him.

She whisper yelled to Emi. "Yo! Who is that tall hottie?!"

Emi was trying to listen to their conversation while Rika was just staring, not caring what they're talking about, so she quickly responded, "Don't know."

Maou was having a serious conversation. "Ashiya, do you have any idea how we can replenish our magic?"

Rika's sparkling eyes went back to normal. "Huh? Magic? What's he talking about?"

Emi was panicking. 'I don't want an ordinary Human like Rika to get involved with Ente Isla!'

Ashiya hummed. "Hm. We can't cause any trouble ourselves, so the best we can do is hope that something like a crime or terrorist attack happens so that the fear of the victims and bystanders will feed us."

"Any idea what happened to Camio?"

"Well, when the Church attacked your castle, remember that you sent him and his men east to fight and hold off their advances. Right before we entered the portal, I sensed that he was still alive and kicking, meaning the fighting is likely not going to end."

"Still no word from Lucifer?" Ashiya shook his head. "I see."

Rika took the opportunity to introduce herself. "Hey there!"

Emi blushed as she stood up and followed Rika.

Maou's eyes widened when he saw where she emerged from. "Emi, you were eavesdropping?!"

"S-Shut up! No I wasn't!"

Rika was surprised. "Hm? You two know each other?" She didn't notice Ashiya staring at her with a blush, thinking she's cute.

"NO!" They shouted.

"Heeeeh? Are you sure, Emi? Could it be... an ex boyfriend?!" Rika held her hand up to her mouth, gasping exaggeratingly with a smirk.

"WHAT?!" Emi shouted.

"And you didn't tell me."

"You got it wrong-"

"How far have the two of you gone and why did you break up?"

"That's not-"

"You're already at THAT stage?!"

"Listen! This is a misunderstanding!"

Rika giggled. "I know. I'm teasing you." She smiled as she introduced herself. "My name is Rika Suzuki. I'm a friend and colleague of Emi's. Nice to meet ya!"

"I'm Sadao Maou. Nice to meet you."

"H-Hello. My name is Shirou Ashiya. The pleasure is all mine."

"Oh, well aren't you a handsome one." Rika grinned flirtatiously.

"Handsome?!" Ashiya blushed.

"Do you have a phone number? Wanna exchange numbers?"

'So straightforward!' Maou thought.

'I hope she's not being desperate to go out with the likes of a lame Demon like him!' Emi pondered.

"Ah, I'm sorry, but I don't have a phone or enough money to pay for such services, but I could give you our apartment phone number instead. I do live with two other people, my master here, and another weirdo, so if I don't answer it's probably because of them."

"That's okay! Here's my number. Call me sometime so we can go out."

He blinked. "Like on a date?"

"If you want, sure! You seem like an interesting guy to me."

"Oh. I have never had a female companion before, so this will be very new to me, but I humbly accept your offer, my lady. However, I would like to get to know you more before we become more intimate."

Emi thought, 'How in the hell does Rika find this Demon interesting?!'

Rika giggled. "That's fine. By the way, what were the two of you talking about?" She tilted her head curiously.

Ashiya froze, so Maou spoke. "Um... Oh! it was a, uh, a videogame! Yeah!"

The girl laughed again. "You sure make for a strange pair. Oh, not in that way! I ship Maou x Emi. Go get 'em, girl!"

Emi blushed. "Maou is my friend, nothing more!"

Deep down, those words stung both of them for reasons they weren't aware of.

The four ordered their food and ate. Once they were done, they threw away the trash, used the restroom to wash their hands, and left.

"Ladies, if you want, Ashiya can walk Rika home while I escort Emi?" Maou offered.

Emi squirmed shyly. "S-Sure."

Rika cheered. "Yeah! Let's do it! Oh, and I live in the opposite direction of Emi."

Ashiya pulled out a map. "Where to?"

"Hm? Oh, it's over here." She pointed.

"So... West."

"That's a 5-10 minute walk from where our apartment," Maou said. "Well, goodbye Rika. It was nice meeting you. I'll meet you at home, Ashiya."

The four split up as Ashiya and Rika crossed the street and were about to turn a corner when they felt it.

A surge of magical energy stopped them in their tracks. Dogs began barking, birds flew away, and stray cats hissed as the ground shook with a minor but noticeable Earthquake.

"What's wrong, Ashiya? Did you forget something? Oh crap! Earthquake! Hey, don't just stand there!"

"Rika, I have a feeling something bad is about to happen."


Ashiya chose to tell her a half-lie on the basis of his military experience. "When I was a child, I became a master at playing chess, so every time I tried to predict my opponent's moves, I could immediately tell when something was a trap." That was partially true since he is a military commander.

"Like a sixth sense?"

He nodded. "Precisely. I felt the exact same way when something tragic happened in my childhood; a few minutes prior to the event, I begged my parents to run away with me or hide, saying that I felt that something terrible was about to happen, but they didn't listen. Their mistake cost them their lives when a group of men broke into our home and killed them." That was true.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry to hear that." She felt the urge to hug him.

"Thank you, but my point is that my sixth sense is acting up. We need to go back with my lord and Emi."

Emi was startled. "M-Maou?"

"Yeah. I felt it, too."

"What was that?"

"I think a portal opened from Ente Isla. Someone powerful with malicious intentions has entered this world."

They both turned around at the same time as the others and began rushing back towards each other when a much stronger Earthquake hit them, forcing all of them to grab onto something and brace themselves. People screamed in terror at the shear force.

However, cracks formed in the streets, and before they knew what hit them, the ground rumbled so violently that it lifted sections of the street up and made them fall into darkness, the impact knocking them all out.

Ten minutes later, the first to wake up was Maou. He looked around. "A subway? This can't be good."

"Un..." Emi was unconscious in his arms.

"Emi, wake up!" He shook her.

"Mm? Maou?" She sat up and panicked when she remembered the chaos. "What happened?!"

"I'm not sure about the others, but I felt a brief spike in my demonic powers from the fear of all the other people within earshot. I used my power to protect you as best as I could. Are you hurt?"

Emi blushed when she recalled that he wrapped his arms around her last second and cushioned her fall with his body while using his magic to fend off debris. "I'm fine." She blushed harder when she realize that not only was Maou shirtless, but he was now in his Demon form, being absolutely shredded. "We need to go look for the others."

The two of them began shouting for Ashiya and Rika as they sifted through rubble.

"My lord! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine! What about you and Rika?!"

Rika shouted, "We're good!"

"Okay! Let's find a way out of here and meet at the top!"

They began climbing up the rubble.

Maou gestured to Emi. "Ladies first."

"F-Fine, but if you look up my skirt, I'll-"

"I won't, and even if I do, I'm making you go first while I stay close behind to make sure you don't fall. If you do, I'll catch you. I always will."

She blushed hard and found it impossible to reply as they rock climbed. Her mind was occupied.

'Why does he say such sweet things so nonchalantly?! Doesn't he realize the effect his words have on my heart?! Stupid Demon... But why do I feel happy? It's not like I care what he thinks of me, right? He did risk his life to protect me, though. Maou...'

Her hand grabbed onto what she thought was a stable layer of gravel, but it broke. "Wha-?! Aaahhhh!" She yelped as she fell backwards.

Seeing that she was going to fall into him, Maou quickly acted by jumping and grabbing a set of concrete to his left while catching her in his right arm. "Gottcha!"

Emi was so embarrassed and wanted to impulsively kick him in the face to let her down, but she stopped when she reminded herself of their current predicament. "T-Thank you..."

Once they made it out, they saw a huge crowd of people headed their way and then turning left down the street Ashiya and Rika were going to go in the direction of her house. They were screaming and panicking, trampling over one another, running from something.

"Shirou?" Rika sounded scared and instinctively used his first name.

Ashiya blushed. "R-Rika, stay close to me. Whatever is going on, we need to head towards the source of all this."

Her eyes were wide with fear. "B-But why? Shouldn't we also be running away?"

"It's okay, Rika." Ashiya spoke as Maou gestured for them to leave as they began running, so Ashiya picked Rika up bridal style. "Just please trust me on this. No matter what happens, I will protect you."

Suddenly, a bolt of blue magic shot towards them.

Maou shouted. "LOOK OUT!" He and Emi barrel rolled to the left side behind a large piece of concrete debris while Ashiya and Rika hid behind a car to the right.

Rika was officially terrified for her life. "You guys need to tell me what's going on right now!"

Ashiya turned to her. "Remember when my lord said that we were talking about a videogame? Well, we weren't. The four of us and a few others are from another universe in which magic exists."

Maou nodded. "My real name is Satan Jacob, and I am the Demon King there. Emi's real name is Emilia Justina, one of the Five Heroes, and a half-Human, half-Angel. Ashiya is called Alciel."

Rika's eyes darted back and forward between them. "I... I see." A determined look came onto her face. "Put me down, Shirou. I'll follow you guys."

"Eh? You sure?"

"Yeah! Besides, I'm a pretty athletic girl, so whoever is attacking us won't be a match for these cat-like reflexes!" She was still shocked and confused, but decided to shoot first, ask later.

"If you say so. Just shout if you're in trouble."

Maou took a deep breath. "Okay, you three. Follow me in 3, 2, 1, go!"

They charged from their cover, Maou leading followed by Emi, Ashiya, and Rika. Slowly, they stealthily made their way down the broken street, using anything they could find to hide behind between each running sequence.

Finally, when they arrived at the shooter's vantage point, Maou carefully peaked around and noticed no incoming projectiles.

"This is the end of the road for ya filthy heathens!" They looked up and saw a familiar face standing on a large bridge.

"Alex!" Emi shouted.


A gunshot rang out. The bullet struck Alex in the leg.

From on top of a building emerged Alucard. "Now, now. Be careful of where you stick your nose, Church dog. A pup as loyal as you could end up meeting your cerberus. Oh wait! You just did!" He taunted.

Alexander held his thigh in pain. "Argh! Damn you... My name isn't Alex Gregory anymore. It's Alexander Anderson, and I'm gonna be the one to kill ya! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

. . . . . . .

Issei's House

They were all eating their dinner together when they felt the Earthquake. Of course, forces of nature cannot hurt his home since Issei placed so many magical barriers on his property that they wouldn't allow any harsh weather in except snow. They would even absorb most tremors, but not all.

The house is made of bricks and is magically sealed to be water-proof, fire-proof, lightning-proof, explosive-proof, and overall invincible. Not even the strongest shockwaves could damage his house, but that didn't mean that those inside wouldn't feel it.

Raynare cradled little Yuuma and Yume in each arm, who were scared from the Earthquake, crying. "Shhh, it's okay. Nothing will hurt you since mama's here."

"Ara ara, it seems that something interesting might be happening." Akeno smiled.

The basement door opened with Lailah, Nord, Acies, and Mythra rushing to them.

Tsubasa narrowed her eyes. "... That didn't feel natural. Issei-"

He responded, "Yeah. I could sense some sort of magical energy flowing from it."

Arisu stood up. "Let's go check it out, then."

Tsubasa shook her head. "No, how about everyone else leave, even Ophis and Lilith, who needs some fighting experience. Lailah, Nord, and I will stay and look after the kids."

Acies=Ara crossed her arms. "Mou, I'm not a child!"

Lailah was worried. "Are you sure?"

Tsubasa said, "Yes."

Issei nodded. "Very well, but the only ones necessary to go will be myself, Vali, and Lilith. The rest of you will stay."

Vali smirked. "About damn time I get to do something."

Lilith nodded. "Humu."

Teleporting to the sky above the source, the three were about to observe the scene when they noticed someone else doing the same thing.

It was a bald man wearing priest robes. "Oh, hello there."

"Who are you? I can tell that you're just an ordinary Human, yet you can use magic."

The man chuckled. "I suppose that's true since I am a rare one. My name is Olba Meyer."

Vali looked at him with suspicion. "And what is it you're doing here, Olba?"

"I just came here to observe my good work." Before they could respond, Olba opened a portal and fled. He could tell he wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against those three.

They flew down to a few hundred feet above the bridge.

Issei pointed at a blond, tan man with duel swords. "A plain Human with no magical capabilities whatsoever. Lilith and Vali, you go down that street and help anyone in need. It looks like there's a subway over there, and people might have gotten buried, so go help them out."


"My name isn't Alex Gregory anymore. It's Alexander Anderson, and I'm gonna be the one to kill ya! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Issei decided to announce his presence. "So what is the church doing here?"

Alucard glanced at Issei and then at Alex. "Yeah, the nearest Elementary school is at least 10 kilometers away." As he jumped off the building and landed a few yards away from Alexander. A nearby civilian was trying to call out for help, choking on her blood. "Yeah yeah, gimme a second."

He quickly knelt down and licked some of her blood from her neck, sealing her wound while satiating his hunger. For a moment, he wanted to bite her, but he decided against it. He didn't want to turn an innocent person, to make them suffer like him.

Issei blinked. "... Are you a Vampire?"

"Wassuuuuup!" Alucard fixed his fedora.

"How are you able to stand in the sun?!"

"Why does everyone ask that? Isn't it obvious? It's because while most Vampires are vaginas, I am a fuckmothering badass."

Alexander chuckled. "Heh. No matter." He pulled out a vial of Phoenix Tears, making Issei's eyes widen as he poured it, sealing his wound.

"Phoenix Tears?! But where did you get them?!"

"I gave them to him," A new voice announced.

"LUCIFER!" Maou shouted.

Lucifer smirked as he floated mid-air, his Fallen Angel wings out. "Hello, Demon King Satan Jacob. That is if you can even call yourself that after you turned tail and ran."

Emi was enraged. "He didn't run, he retreated!"

"Why?! Because he's a coward!"

"No, you idiot! It's because he was injured! Your partner stabbed him in the gut!" She pointed at Alexander, who locked blades to Alucard's guns.

"Ha! Like Hell I'd believe that!"


"Get it? Like Hell?"

Emi groaned. "This is one of your Generals?! He's an idiot!"

Issei looked towards Maou. 'Satan Jacob? I'll have to talk with him after I witness this fight. And Lucifer must be another dimension's version of the Devil before he became Satan. I need to interrogate him about those Phoenix Tears.'

Alexander said, "What's your name, ya filthy heathen?"

Alucard smirked. "Only if you tell me yours first, papist."

"... I already did."

Alucard yawned. "Uh huh, sure."

Alexander felt his eye twitch in annoyance. He pointed a sword at Issei. "You there! Are ya friend or foe?!"

Issei shook his head. "Neither. I'm just here to help innocent people and to watch this fight."

Suddenly, Issei sensed an attack coming his way.

Alexander threw his sword at him.

Alucard watched with interest. 'What will this kid do? He does seem rather powerful.' His interest was piqued even further when he saw how Issei easily dodged the flying sword.

Issei was surprised to see the weapon fly around and back to Alexander's hands. "Okay dude, you need to seriously tell me how you did that. You can't use magic. Do you have some kind of device that allows you to turn your sword into a boomerang?"

"Aye! In my hands 'ere is a button that, when pressed, activates a powerful magnet somewhere on my body."

"I see. That has got to be the gayest sentence I have ever heard someone from the Church say." Alucard cackled at Issei's response. "So why did you attack me?"

"Because you're not on my side!"

"You idiot! I already told you that I want to stay neutral here."

Alucard scoffed. "There is no in between with the Catholic church. You're either with them or against them." Whipping out his gun, he shot a bullet at Alexander, who knocked it away with a sword. "Now then, your fight is with me, church dog."

Seeing Alexander occupied, Issei turned his attention back to the other fight.

Ashiya glared. "Lucifer, you traitor! How dare you try to hurt your master!"

"I have no master! I'm more powerful than all of you!"

"Then why attack us?! Don't you have any honor for a Demon?!"

"Heh. I was never one of you. I have become something far superior to such lowly creatures."

Maou growled, "Emi... Are you able to summon your Holy Sword?"

"No, but Emeralda gave me an elixir that restores my mana in emergency situations."

"Use it to beat Lucifer. I'll repair the damage to that bridge."

She nodded. "Right." She pulled out a vial and drank the entire thing in five gulps. Her red hair transformed back to white, her eyes from green to yellow as she summoned her Holy Sword, Better Half.

"Ashiya, stay here and protect Rika."

"Of course, my lord. I was going to do that regardless, even if you ordered otherwise." Rika blushed.


The bridge was on the verge of collapsing, having lost several smaller support beams holding a much larger one during the Earthquake.

They watched in amazement as Maou used the last of his demonic energy to magically levitate the falling debris and begin sending the pieces back to their original place, repairing them.

Seeing this, Lucifer scowled and was about to fire a ranged attack at him, but he was interrupted.

Emi jumped to the sky and roared, "Oh, no you don't! Your fight is with me!"

Lucifer was startled and briefly showed a moment of cowardice as he turned the other way and tried to flee. "No! A lowly Human like you can never beat me!"

"I'm an Angel, too! Perhaps you should have done your homework on your enemy, idiot!" She swung her sword and clipped a few feathers on one of his wings.

"Auuuugh!" The Fallen Angel fell to the ground, causing an explosive impact crater.

"Well, that was rather boring." Issei said.

Seeing one of his allies defeated, Alexander jumped onto a rooftop and retreated. "Till we meet again, ya filthy heathens!"

Alucard huffed. "Fuckin' pussy."

Vali and Lilith floated next to Issei.

Vali said, "We got as many people out as we could and healed them."

Issei nodded.

The three watched the scene play out.

An angry Ashiya stomped towards the crater, grabbed the traitor by his unkempt hair, and threw him backwards, making him hit a wall with his back against it as he whimpered. "Whose side are you on?"

"I-I, um... I partnered with Olba..."

Ashiya hissed. "You were right, Lucifer. You were never one of us because you are pathetic to have stooped so low." Maou, Emi, and Rika walked behind him, the first two now back in their Human forms. "My lord, Lucifer needs to be punished. Please allow me to whip him."

Maou smirked evilly. "Gladly."

Lucifer could only watch with wide eyes as Ashiya took the belt off his pants. "W-Wait! Have mercy!"

Ashiya smiled sadistically. "Get ready for daddy's belt!"

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Lucifer screamed in agony, covering his face as he was lashed.

Rika blinked in surprise. "I never thought Ashiya was like this, but that's actually kinda hot."

Issei interrupted the three. "Satan Jacob?"

Maou was startled. "Where did you hear that name?"

"Lailah told me."

"What?! Then..."

Issei nodded. "Alas=Ramus has been under my care since she came here."

Emi rose an eyebrow. "Who is Lailah?" Silence permeated.

Maou sighed. "She's your mother, Emi. That troublesome Angel practically raised me."

Her eyes widened in horror that her mother was the one to raise a monster, if not create him. "Wait, you mean... The one from your memories?!"


Issei spoke, "You can see her, if you want. I can take you all to them, including Alas=Ramus and the others."

Emi simply nodded, unsure of what to do.

"Anyway, your General Lucifer said he gave Alexander that vial of Phoenix Tears. Someone I love is a part of the Phenex Devil family. I need to know the source of this shipment."

Before Maou could respond, they heard heavy footsteps headed their way.

It was Team Holy Trinity lead by Doom Slayer, all in their armor, weapons ready.

"What happened here?" The Chief wondered out loud.

"An Earthquake with signs of fighting," Cortana responded.

'No shit!' John thought.

The Doom Slayer saw Maou, who is now the size of a Human but still has his Demon horns out.

'Did these guys just come from a gamer convention for shooters or something? Wait, why does one of them not look Human? Are those his eyes?!' Maou blinked, staring at the Arbiter, then the Chief, who he had no thoughts on. He then quickly realized that their armor is actually heavy and is the real deal.

The one he chose to address was the Slayer, seeing him in the middle of the trio. "Uh... Who are you?"

The Slayer, looking enraged, glared at Maou. He didn't say anything and responded by simply cocking his shotgun. 'Rip and tear, until it is done!'

To Be Continued


(105) Pirates of the Carribean 2 and 3. Quote by Davy Jones. It's pretty much his catch phrase.

(106) Attack On Titan Season 3

(107) My Hero Academia

Issei's Harem by where they are in harem ranking:

Raynare (Main Girl, Queen, ranked 1st of 12)

Arisu Yamauchi (OC, Six Mutated Pawn Pieces, ranked 2nd of 12 )

Mythra=Arcane (2nd OC, ranked 3rd of 12)

Akeno Himejima (Knight, ranked 4th of 12 )

Kuroka Toujou (Bishop, ranked 5th of 12 )

Natsuki Murayama (Two Pawns, ranked 6th of 12 )

Irina Shidou (Rook, ranked 7th of 12 )

Rossweisse (Rook, ranked 8th of 12 )

Ravel Phenex (Bishop, ranked 9th of 12 )

Sona Sitri (ranked 10th of 12)

Mira (ranked 11th of 12)

Tsubasa Yura (Knight, ranked 12th of 12 )
