
Ancient Treasure

Volume 003: Baby Steps

"Things are moving quicker than expected for Issei due to the looming threat of the Khaos Brigade, and he must act quickly in hopes of getting stronger. He acquires his own peerage but has barely any time to adjust to life with them as he meets new faces and Kokabiel makes his move."

Table of Contents:

Chapter 6: Ancient Treasure

Chapter 7: God's New Playground

Chapter 8: Tsun

Chapter 9: Change

Chapter 10: Rescue The Little Sister Part 1 of 2

Chapter 11: Rescue The Little Sister Part 2 of 2

Chapter 12: Complete Set

Chapter 13: Hell In Kuoh

('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

'A character's thoughts'

Chapter 6: Ancient Treasure

"Can any of you tell me what you saw? What is the key to defeat the Doom Slayer?" Satan asked his six Demon Generals.

"P-Perhaps it would wise t-to team up and fight him altogether, sire?" One of them spoke. This one goes by the name of Asmodeus. Asmodeus is a cunning, manipulative liar that can infiltrate any organization and steal any information his Lord desires. He is a Goblin with horns to signify his place amongst the Demon hierarchy, short black hair that is slicked back, and a goatee. He held a magical staff of some sort.

Satan grunted in response. "You would be half-correct, Asmodeus, but therein lies the problem: even if all seven of us and our forces fought against the Slayer at the same time, we would still be no match for him in the slightest, even with me at the frontlines." This shocked all of his Generals, but they knew that what he said was true. "The other half of the answer is that we need new allies to partner with us other than Demonkind, a force led by someone as smart and as powerful as me. I have no clue who that could be, so if any of you know someone like that, speak now, or else we will have to search for this mysterious being from scratch."

The next Demon to speak was one of with experience leading an Army: Belial. Most of his body is that of a very strong Human alpha male except for his hoof-like feet and his demonic head. His hideous face was covered by an armored helmet similar to that of any ancient Human barbaric tribe, and the top of his head had two horns protruding from both sides.

"My Lord, I have heard whispers of an extra-dimensional being that is as you described. He is said to be just as powerful as you, but not more. There is not much else I know about him."

Satan leaned forward in interest. "What is his name?"

Belial gulped, hoping he wouldn't be punished for withholding information. "His name is Thanos, milord. I have heard some nickname him, 'The Mad Titan,' but I am not sure why."

"Hm," Satan grunted and turned to his next two Demon Generals.

First was Belphegor. This one is like a very large imp with big, bullish horns and massive claws. He has two very short wings on either side of him as well as many sharp scales on his shoulders, arms, and hips. A Human would confuse this terrifying creature for an alien or maybe even something out of a horror folktale.

Then there was Astaroth, a being who looked Human but at the same time clearly wasn't since he could be mistaken for a cosplayer. Upon first laying eyes on him, most would feel chills. The aura he exudes is nothing but fear and calm domination. Astaroth has flat slits for something akin of a nose, dark red eyes, curvy demonic horns on either side of his head with a crown on top, and wore nothing but black skin-tight clothing. All of that is in his casual appearance as his final form is something far more sinister.

These two Generals excel in stealth and reconnaissance.

Satan stared at them with wide, sharp eyes. "Belphegor and Astaroth, the two of you are to find this Thanos. Summon me to your location when you do, but do not attack him. I can tell you ache for someone's blood, but have patience. Soon, the Demons will have their revenge. Soon, we shall defeat the Doom Slayer."

He sent the two Generals away while the other four stayed behind to guard their Lord.

. . . . . . .

Issei woke up the next morning, feeling much happier than he has been in a long, long time. He tried to get up but couldn't due to a weight on his chest. Opening his eyes, he found Raynare clinging to him, still asleep. He remembered yesterday's events and smiled as he ran his fingers through her long black hair, admiring it. She is almost entirely naked, the only article of clothing being a magenta balconette bra that struggled to contain her large breasts, which poked against Issei. One of her legs lay splayed out on top of him.

He blushed and averted his gaze. Looking at the clock, he panicked when he saw that they were going to be late.

"Raye, wake up. We're going to be late." He gently shook her awake.

She rubbed her eyes as she looked up at him in confusion, still half-asleep. "Issei? What is it?"

He blushed at the sight, finding her current appearance too sexy, and her behavior adorable. Shaking that thought away, Issei grabbed her shoulders. "We are going to be late for school. Today's the day you transfer to Kuoh Academy. I still have to talk to the Student Council President."

She looked at the time, and they both got up. Rushing to put on their clothes, brushing their hair, and eating a quick snack for breakfast, they ran to school. Issei had no trouble running, but Raynare was starting to run out of breath, so she stopped for minute to recover outside of the classroom. Class had just started again, so they would be interrupting.

"You need to train a lot more if you're going to be my Queen," He said to her softly. He took her hand. "Are you ready?" He received a nod and proceeded to walk in with her, earning many jealous looks from everyone. The guys were jealous of Issei getting such a beautiful girl in a relationship with him. The girls were jealous of Raynare for being so close to Issei. Rossweisse-sensei was confused.

"Yes, Rossweisse-sensei. This time, we do have a transfer student, although she still has to go through the process."

Rossweisse stopped writing on the chalkboard. "In that case, go ahead and introduce yourself, young lady, and then answer a few questions from any curious classmates."

Raynare nodded. "Hello everyone. My name is Raynare Hyoudou. I am Issei's girlfriend. Nice to meet you."


Motohama's hand shot up first while standing up too. "Prove to us that you are Hyoudou's girlfriend! How do we know you aren't faking this thing like some paid actor?!" He said in disbelief, remembering how he thought that Issei would be the quiet kid that no one would want to talk to.

Issei smirked. 'Here we go.'

Raynare narrowed her eyes at the bespectacled boy. "Oh my, you dare question my love for Issei?" She turned to Issei, cupped his cheeks, and kissed him on the lips, earning gasps from the Perverted Duo. Issei pulled her close and made out with her for several seconds before pulling away. Rossweisse blushed at the scene, her eyebrows quivering. Motohama promptly sat down, adjusting his glasses.

Aika Kiryuu raised her hand. "Why is your last name Hyoudou, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I didn't have a last name before I met Issei because I never knew my parents, and because Issei is my future husband," She replied proudly, earning a blush from Issei and a chorus of "Awwww!" from most of the girls. The only one who didn't join in was Irina, who glared a little at Raynare, feeling jealous for reasons she wasn't entirely sure why.

Murayama was next. "In a fight, what would be your weapon of choice and why?" She was hoping to recruit Raynare to the Kendo Club but was disappointed when she replied.

"I'd go with a spear because there is something spiritually badass about sparring with a spear, rolling around in mud during training."

Issei thought to himself, 'You and Edward Elric would get along great.'

Matsuda raised his hand, earning groans from the girls. "What are your feelings on the possibility of Hyoudou making a harem?"

"I wouldn't mind as long as he still loves me," Raynare replied, earning looks of surprise from everyone who thought she would want him to herself. She explained, "My childhood was very different from what most of you have experienced. Nobody ever truly loved me like Issei has, so I would be more than happy with the amount of affection he gives me, even if it's limited by a harem."

Rossweisse cleared her throat. "That's enough questions. Raynare, you may sit in front of Issei. Irina, I will have to ask you to move up one seat."

Irina pouted and moved up one spot. They walked to the back corner of the class. Vali usually sat in front of Issei, but he immediately moved back one spot. Issei nodded at him gratefully as he took Vali's former seat and Raynare sat right in front of Issei at Irina's former seat, putting Issei in the typical anime protagonist chair: the second to last row from the back of the room and right by the window.

Issei leaned forward and whispered in Raynare's ear, "The girl in front of you is my friend Irina, and I think she doesn't like you for some reason."

Raynare smirked. "Sounds like she is jealous that I get to have you all to myself."

. . . . . . .

Lunch time came, and as much as Issei would like for Raynare to be able to chat with Irina, he needed to actually have her go through the transfer process. Currently the two of them, hand-in-hand, made their way towards the Student Council. Knocking on the door before opening it, the Devils inside were immediately on guard at the sight of a Fallen Angel. However, unlike the Occult Research Club, the members of the Student Council would not attack a Fallen Angel without reason.

Except Saji, who had different reasons. Perverted reasons. "DAMN YOU, HYOUDOU! STOP SHOWING OFF ANOTHER HOT GIRL, BASTARD!"

Issei raised an eyebrow. "... First of all, do not ever try to flirt with my girl. Secondly, who are you again?" This caused Saji to make a noise like he got punched in the gut.

("Partner, that loud one is the wielder of a sacred gear that holds the soul of a Dragon named Vritra. I believe I have already told you this.")

"Sorry Ddraig. It's not my fault that he is so forgettable."

Sona blinked at them, putting her hands together in front of her face to display her serious leader side. "Issei Hyoudou... You have caused me many headaches since Rias won't stop complaining about your absence. Why have you quit the Occult Research Club? More importantly, why have you brought a Fallen Angel to this school?"

Issei smiled politely. "I quit the ORC because I was nothing but a tool to them; they shit all over my feelings for no reason, and I am now a pure-blooded Dragon, so nobody fucks with me. As for your second question, this lovely beauty here is my girlfriend. I wish to have her enrolled here at Kuoh Academy."

Sona looked at Raynare, who nodded. "What's your name?"

"I go by Raynare Hyoudou. About my last name, I never had one before. It is nice to meet you." Raynare hesitantly offered a handshake, hoping the Devil won't attack or shun her.

Sona sighed and stood up, returning the gesture with a polite smile. "My name is Sona Sitri, and I am a Devil as well as the King of every Student Council member as my peerage. I go by Sona Shitori in front of Humans. Welcome to Kuoh Academy. By the way, if I were you, I would avoid Rias Gremory and her lackeys as much as possible; last I was told, Governor Azazel is under the guise of a gym teacher's role here, and he was suspicious of her as a prime suspect in the disappearances of dozens of Fallen Angels in her territory. The suburbs of Kuoh belong to her, and she is the only Devil that holds the rights to any territory here. As for me, I only wish to uphold the peace."

Raynare nodded. "I understand. I can already tell that you make a great Student Council President." She began filling out paperwork before handing it to the Devil.

Issei spoke. "There's one last thing I wanted to talk to you about. I was hoping I could create my own club."

Sona raised an eyebrow. "You would need at least four people to join as well as a club advisor."

Issei responded by handing her a form. "I already have taken care of it. It will be named the Supernatural Investigation Club, or SIC for short."

On the form are the signatures and roles of the following people:

Issei Hyoudou - President

Raynare Hyoudou - Vice President

Ravel Phenex - Executive Board Director

Vali Lucifer - Administrator

Natsuki Murayama - Treasury Manager

Irina Shidou - Secretary

Professor Rossweisse - Club Advisor

"I only asked Rossweisse-sensei to be my advisor in name, and voila," Issei explained. "We have also made our own building for our club on the exact opposite side of the ORC."

Sona nodded.

Issei and Raynare were about to leave when he remembered something. "By the way, Ms. Sitri, I know you are a very busy person, but is there any chance you can take some time out of your schedule to regularly play chess with me, maybe once a week? I once heard Rias say that you are an excellent tactician, so I would love to learn from the best."

Sona adjusted her glasses, surprised by his request. "That should be fine. We can play two matches at lunch every Tuesday."

Issei nodded. "Have a good day."

As soon as the pair left, Tsubaki turned to Sona. "Why would Hyoudou want to play chess with you? Is he a masochist? I have played over a thousand matches against you and have never won."

"Hm. Either he just wants to sharpen his mind when he is going into a fight so that he can think more strategically, or he is creating his own peerage. From the actions he has taken, my guess is both. I wonder how he will go about doing that since he is no longer a Devil."

. . . . . . .

While on the way to their new club's building, Issei said to Raynare, "This is just a random thought, but if I am the leader of the club, you and Ravel are essentially my Generals in military terms. Vali is my Colonel, Murayama is a Sergeant, while Irina is a... Private? Poor Irina." Raynare laughed.

The building they arrived at was meant to be an insult to the Devils; it was a church, a large spire with a height of 181 feet towered over the campus and over the Gremory, a cross on the top. This was very fitting for a Dragon like Issei since it also somewhat resembled a castle. The only ones who could enter were those in the club since Issei magically infused the door to only unlock for those he trusts, such as club members and potential peerage candidates. By now, Vali had turned himself into a pure-blooded Dragon too, so he didn't have to worry about his former Devil side reacting negatively to the religious artifacts anymore.

Entering the church, all of the other club members were already there. They all collectively got up as if waiting for Issei and Raynare, worried about them.

"So? What did the Sitri heiress say?" Vali asked.

"Raynare's transfer was approved, as was our club."

They all cheered, and when they quieted down, Ddraig spoke. ("There is something all of you should know, including Issei. I am detecting a Draconic energy signature.")

Ravel tilted her head. "Is it something of concern or danger, Red Dragon?"

("No. As a matter of fact, it is very far away. I could be wrong about this, but I think I just found the method that Issei needs to create his own peerage and turn you girls into Dragons. Shall I teleport you there, partner?")

Issei nodded. "Yes, do it. All of you stay here for a few more minutes. This will probably be quick... Hopefully... Maybe..."

Vali furrowed his eyebrows. "It better."

Issei chuckled as a swirl of green light enveloped him, apparating him far away.

. . . . . . .

When Issei came to, he found himself in a historical place he never thought he would ever get the chance to see: the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

("Partner, you're going to need to dig a hole about a few hundred feet. The place we need to get to is right underneath your feet, but it is obviously buried in sand.")

Issei nodded. "WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER!" The armor of his full form cover him within a second, his four wings sprouting.

Issei then dived head first into the sand, burying his face in it. He flew downwards, using his body as a drill, easily moving aside millions of small pebbles. Suddenly, there was no more resistance as Issei fell along with a large chunk of sand from where he came. Adjusting himself midair, he landed on his feet and slowly stood up. Studying his surroundings, he saw that he's in an underground cavern. In the center of it was a monolith in the shape of a Dragon.

Issei walked up to it when it suddenly opened its mouth and dropped something, as if it were waiting for him specifically. The object it dropped was a small wooden box about the size of a laptop, almost like a mysterious board game. 'Could it be?'

Engraved on top of the box were the words, 'For our nephew Issei Hyoudou. - Uncle Red and Aunt Ophis.'

Issei gulped as the latches that magically held the box in place unlocked due to his presence. He opened the box to find a chess set along with a folded note. Picking it up and unfolding it, it read as follows:

'Issei, if you become powerful enough to choose your own path and have your own peerage, this Draconic chess set will call out to you specifically. Right now, as you can see, these Draconic Pieces are Gold in color because they are not in use.'

Issei looked at the pieces and picked one up. He could immediately tell that it is made of glass.

'When a Draconic piece is in use, it glows green as you can see in this picture we have attached.'

'When a Draconic piece in use is Mutated, it glows blue. Blue represents the hottest flames possible too, so that's pretty Dragon-like and awesome.'

'Be careful for who you choose to join you on your path. This is also the only Draconic chess set out there. It is also our way of saying 'Fuck You' to the Devils. Love, Uncle Red and Aunt Ophis.'

Issei closed the box and stored it away in his pocket dimenison. "Dragon Perch. Let's get out of here, Ddraig."

They teleported back to the clubroom.

. . . . . . .

"So, what did you find?" Raynare asked.

Issei pulled the box out of his pocket dimension and dropped the box on the ground. "This, my friends, is the only Draconic chess set in existence. It only appears to react to me, meaning a person can only join my peerage under my approval." They were silent for a minute before Issei spoke again. "Shall I test out my King piece?"

They all nodded at him and watched with interest as Issei took out a gold King piece and put it to his chest. It began to magically glow as Issei let go of it. It floated and moved towards his chest, turning blue before disappearing in his chest five seconds later.

"It turned blue?" Irina said.

Issei smirked with his eyes closed. "Hm. That means it mutated. A mutated piece is even stronger than the normal ones."

A scroll of text appeared in front of him. 'Congratulations on acquiring a King piece! You have begun your journey of putting together your own peerage. Usually, a normal piece doubles a new peerage member's power, a Queen's power triples, and a King's power quadruples, but because your King piece mutated, your magical abilities and magical level have increased by 8x. All mutated pieces add a multiplier of 2x. For example, if you have a Pawn who takes four Pawns, and three of them mutate, that Pawn's magical capabilities will increase by 24x.'

Issei's jaw dropped. "My magical abilities... went up by 8x..."

Vali's eyes widened. "I'm leaving to train, then. I can't let my rival be more powerful than me."

As Vali left, Albion spoke to him. ['I'm afraid that Ddraig's host is already far more powerful than we could ever hope to be.']

Issei spoke, "STONEHENGE!"

Issei Hyoudou Description:

Current Height- 5'9"

Current Weight- 145 lbs

Current Physique- Muscular

Current Occupation(s)- Student, Red Dragon Emperor.

Personality- Kind, shy at first, angry if someone he loves gets hurt, enraged makes him the closest average human/dragon version of the DOOM Slayer, never afraid to tell those he's close to how he feels about them, accepts other people despite their faults but can hold onto a grudge if he is betrayed and struggles to forgive those who wrong him; basically imagine Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader from Star Wars but with a much better control over his emotions. Prefers honesty over loyalty. Hates slavery of all kind.

Hobbies- Reading manga/light novels/visual novels. watching anime, playing videogames, and sometimes watching TV.

Skills- Fast learner at anything, so good at cooking that he could challenge Yukihira Soma to a Shokugeki and impress Gordon Ramsay.

Intelligence- 130/1000. An increase of 20.

Sanity- 270/1000. An increase of 168.

Weapon of Choice- Hand-to-Hand

Age- 15

Race- 100% Dragon

Current Number of Wings- Eight, an increase of four.

Class- Heavenly Dragon

Fighting Style- Warrior (example- Assassin, Mage, Stealth, etc)

Sacred Gear(s)- Boosted Gear, Gate of Steiner, Stonehenge, and Dragon Perch.

Sacred Gear(s) Abilities + Levels:

Boosted Gear= Double the weilder's power every 10 seconds (level 56), Juggernaut Drive (level 8), Scale Mail (level 8), Dragon Shot (level 8), Ascalon (level 8), Diabolos Dragon (level 8), and Revelation Barrier (level 24), and Fire Breath (level 72). Overall level of Boosted Gear is 24/∞. an increase of 19!

Gate of Steiner (1)= The ability to time travel, which seems to center around a mysterious green gem infused on the Boosted Gear. Consumes 80 mana per every activation. Requirements not yet met. All seals placed on the Boosted Gear must be broken first. Level 8/∞.

Stonehenge= The ability to see someone else's stats as well as his own. That person has to either be an enemy or someone who is at least friends with Issei. Consumes 0 mana per use. It will instantly unlock once Issei is able to summon the Boosted Gear. To see another being's attributes, enemy or loved one, Issei must encounter them at least once before he is able to see their stats without said being actually being there, as they will be accessible via a database in Stonehenge only visible to Issei, as well as any live changes made to it. Level ∞/∞

Dragon Perch= An infinite pocket dimension. Anything of any size or mass can be stored in it. The Boosted Gear must level up enough to acquire it. Requirements not yet met. Level ∞/∞. Ability unlocked!

Potential- Base potential of Dragon God without boosting power, Unlimited potential with boosts.

Level- 100/∞. An increase of 40!

HP- 975/∞. Increase of 225!

Magical Level- 160/∞. An increase of 140!

Magical Affinity- Fire, Teleportation, and Barriers.

New ability learned: Invisibility, Portal Rip, and Deflection! Invisibility lasts for ten minutes. Portal Rip can take you to your own dimension where time is paused in your home dimension. Deflection can deflect certain magical attacks back at enemies.

Mana Consumption: Portal Rip= 100 mana. Invisibility= 15 mana. Fire= 3 mana. Deflection= 2 mana. Barrier= 2 mana. Teleportation= 1 mana. Note- Mana is recovered as time passes all the way up to your current max mana. Your current recovery rate is 325 mana per hour.

MP/Mana- 2502/2502, max possible is ∞.

Athleticism/Stamina- 2000/∞. Increase of 1300!

Speed- 1785/∞. Increase of 1085!

Strength- 1620/∞. Increase of 920!

Toughness/Durability- 1248/∞. 700 is Dragon-like.

Diplomacy/Negotiation- 392/1000. An increase of 300!

Intimidation- 840/1000. Increase of 40!

Charm- 900/1000. Increase of 150!

Weaknesses- The people he cares about

Family Members/Pets- Raynare Hyoudou (First Girlfriend), Gorou Hyoudou (Father), Miki Hyoudou (Mother), Unborn Two Older Siblings (deceased), Juzo Hyoudou (paternal grandfather; deceased)

Notable Ancestors- Ophis and Great Red (Distant Aunt and Uncle)

Friends- Vali Lucifer, Irina Shidou, and Ravel Phenex

Allies- Sona Sitri

Enemies- Kokabiel

Current Goal(s)- Train your peerage, kill Kokabiel and his subordinates

Once you level up a magical ability every level as well as your overall Magical Level, you will be given 1 skill point to upgrade any aspect of any magical ability! The aspect you choose to upgrade can be absolutely anything within the realistic limits of your imagination.

Skill Points:

Alert! You have 255 new SP!

You currently have 269 skill points to spend at any time you wish! Note that once you begin upgrading any one aspect of an ability, that aspect will double in cost to upgrade again.

Upgrades done:

Juggernaut Drive Sanity consumption. One upgrade reduces sanity consumption by 5%. Sanity consumption now at 75%. Remaining SP required to fully upgrade is 32+64+128+256+612+1,224+2,248+4,496+8,992+17,984+35,968+71,936+143,972,+287,744+575,488= 1,151,044 SP. In order to upgrade it so that no more than 20% sanity is consumed, SP required is 32+64+128+256+612+1,224+2,248+4,496+8,992+17,984+35,968= 72,004 SP.

Issei couldn't believe his eyes. Not only did he learn Invisibility and two more abilities he badly wanted to try, but he received four new wings just from a mutated King? He immediately upgraded Juggernaut Drive Sanity consumption.

Upgrades done:

Juggernaut Drive Sanity consumption upgraded 3x. One upgrade reduces sanity consumption by 5%. Sanity consumption now at 60%, a 15% reduction. Remaining SP required to fully upgrade is 256+612+1,224+2,248+4,496+8,992+17,984+35,968+71,936+143,972,+287,744+575,488= 1,150,820 SP. In order to upgrade it so that no more than 20% sanity is consumed, SP required is 256+612+1,224+2,248+4,496+8,992+17,984+35,968= 71,880 SP.

You currently have 45 skill points to spend at any time you wish! Note that once you begin upgrading any one aspect of an ability, that aspect will double in cost to upgrade again.

"Irina, do you want to join my peerage?" Issei asked out of the blue, surprising his friend.

"Huh?! I-I um... Would I lose my status as an Angel? Would that make me a reincarnated Dragon, or a pure-blooded Dragon?" Irina asked.

"You would become a reincarnated Dragon, but instead of being a pure-blooded Angel, you would be a half-Angel, half-Dragon," Issei responded.

Irina nodded. "I... I see. In that case, I will join you!"

Issei nodded. "Then I will begin putting the pieces I have assigned to each of you, starting with my Queen."

He turned to Raynare, who nodded. He sat down on a bench and gestured to his lap, and Raynare laid her head down on it, facing the ceiling. Issei pet her head to make sure she felt comfortable.

The other girls blushed at the scene. Murayama had stars in her eyes, looking supportive. Ravel looked embarrassed. Irina looked jealous.

Issei slowly lowered the Queen piece to her chest. He gulped. 'Her boobs are too big! They're in the way!'

Draig sighed. ('Focus, partner.')

The Draconic Piece began glowing, and Issei let go of it. It turned green and disappeared into her chest five seconds later. Raynare kissed Issei on the lips for a minute before she she stood up.

Irina was about to go next, but Murayama beat her to it. "Me next! Me next!" This earned an annoyed look from Irina and a chuckle from Issei.

He repeated the exact same process with Murayama. Placing a Pawn on Murayama, it glowed and hovered over her chest, but it didn't disappear.

("She will need more than one Pawn, partner.")

Issei nodded and placed a second, making both of them glow green and disappear. Murayama kissed him, too.

Issei repeated the process with Irina, and then Ravel, giving Irina a normal Rook and Ravel a normal Bishop. Both of them also kissed him on the lips, much to Raynare's amusement. She started the tradition, and Murayama continued it.

As they finished, the door suddenly burst open. It was Akeno and Rossweisse.

"Akeno? Rossweisse-sensei? What are you girls doing here?" Issei asked.

Akeno looked at Raynare and then turned to Issei. "We would also like to join your peerage, Issei."

Issei was surprised. "I can understand Akeno, but Rossweisse-sensei too? I didn't know you were connected to the supernatural."

"I am. I am an Asgardian Valkyrie, and Odin's right hand."

("Partner, she has substantial potential and would make a great Rook.")

"What about Akeno?"

("Make her your Knight. While her strength and magical abilities are good, her speed needs a boost.")

Issei nodded and repeated the process with the other two ladies, now standing up. Akeno ejected her Evil Piece, luckily not dying, and kissed Issei for a good minute after getting knighted. Rossweisse didn't kiss him, though. Both received normal Draconic pieces without mutations.

"Ara ara, does this mean everyone here is in Issei's harem? Fufu..." Akeno received nods, albeit shy ones from Irina and Ravel.

Rossweisse blushed and shouted at Akeno. "N-Not me!"

Akeno licked her lips. "Not yet..."

"So, this leaves me with unused Draconic Pieces in six Pawns, a Bishop, and a Knight..." Issei said out loud, thinking to himself, not noticing both Raynare and Akeno clinging to his arms as he sat on a bench. Akeno rested her legs on Issei's while Raynare rested her head on his shoulder.

"What happens now?" Raynare asked.

"Well, earlier when I made myself King, I used my Stonehenge ability which, for those of you that don't know, allows me to see everything there is to know about my friends, enemies, and myself. It said that I gained a new ability called Portal Rip, which allows me to create a dimension where time does not exist, meaning we can stay there forever if we wanted to. I'm thinking that I need to train all of you."

. . . . . . .

Issei trained the girls for a time period that was the exact same as the three months he spent in Fuji, and in a dimension that looked like Fuji. He assigned a training regiment tailored specifically for each girl and put them in groups of three. Raynare, Akeno, and Irina were grouped together while Rossweisse, Ravel, and Murayama were grouped.

Akeno fired bolts of Holy Lightning at Raynare and Irina, whose job was to dodge them while running towards the Priestess of Thunder. Raynare and Irina strategized to flank the new Knight. Raynare would rush in from Akeno's right side and hit her with the butt-end of her spear while Irina used her Durandal to force Akeno to go on the defensive. They both succeeded, but not after much failure since Akeno is far more experienced with magic. All three girls were then put through the exact same training regiment Ddraig gave Issei: 40 mile runs, 100 push ups, 100 pull ups, and 200 sit ups every other day. Issei also sparred with all three at once using only a wooden sword, and he won easily.

He then did the exact same thing with Rossweisse, Ravel, and Murayama, who were supposed to successfully hit Rossweisse. Ravel and Murayama had a much tougher time at landing any attacks on the Valkyrie than group one, but they eventually succeeded before going through the exact same training regiment as the others.

Now, he challenged all six girls to a spar as he merely used a wooden sword. Again, Issei easily won with the only one who came close to landing a hit being Akeno, but this time, the girls were getting better.

. . . . . . .

John-117 The Master Chief lost consciousness as the aft section of the UNSC Frigate, 'Forward Unto Dawn' slammed into the Lesser Ark. The last thing he remembers was him, the Arbiter, and Cortana trying to make a desperate escape on a Warthog as Halo Installation 00 tore itself to shreds.

Now awake, he was confused and on guard as to why the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is the sky. 'Could this be an illusion caused by the Gravemind?' He thought. Turning his head to left, he could see the Arbiter having similar thoughts.

The Chief and his Sangheili friend stood up and looked around, studying the environment. It looked like he was on top of the roof of some sort of Human school.

There were other people, who were also unconscious, on top of the roof top. One of them, a Human if the Master Chief had to say, wore armor similar to his. He hovered off the ground with his arms flickering with some sort of electricity effect before it disappeared, causing the stranger to fall. The man looked around until his gaze met the visor of the Master Chief. He walked up to the Spartan-II and looked him up and down, sizing him up.

"Greetings," A synthetic voice spoke. "My name is VEGA. I am an Artificial Intelligence. My Human companion does not speak at all, but you may call him the Doom Slayer, or Slayer for short."

The Chief and the Slayer sized each other up, and then they fist bumped, as if to acknowledge each other as worthy warriors and comrades. "Nice to meet you, Slayer. This here is the Arbiter," Chief said, gesturing to the Elite, who nodded at the Slayer, receiving a nod in return.

"So you have an AI companion too, huh?" Cortana asked. "My name is Cortana. It is nice to meet you, Slayer and VEGA."

"Cortana... Where are we?" Chief asked.

His AI companion spoke, "Chief, you're not going to like what I have to say. It seems we were somehow pulled into another dimension. I do not know what brought us here."

VEGA continued. "It seems we are on Earth in a country called Japan, more specifically the town of Kuoh. The current date is September 8th, 2020, 4:20 PM Earth time."

"Earth time?" Cortana inquired.

"Yes. The Slayer and I came from Mars as well as the dimension of hell, where he fought the Demons. A professor I worked for, Dr. Samuel Hayden, installed a tethering system into the Slayer's suit, which can take him in between dimensions. I believe it may have malfunctioned."

Right as the others started to wake up, Issei and his peerage, who wanted to eat lunch on the roof, walked in. "... Who are you?" They all said.

To Be Continued

The forces of evil have started to make some moves. Master Chief and Arbiter are brought here right at the end of Halo 3 while the Doom Slayer enters this universe right after DOOM (2016).

Issei's Harem (same as peerage members, most to least powerful, will not change):

Issei Hyoudou (Mutated King)

Arisu Yamauchi (OC, Six Mutated Pawn Pieces)

Raynare (Main Girl, Queen)

Akeno Himejima (Knight)

Kuroka Toujou (Bishop)

Irina Shidou (Rook)

Tsubasa Yura (Knight)

Rossweisse (Rook)

Ravel Phenex (Bishop)

Natsuki Murayama (Pawn)
