

'you shouldn't have slapped her,' the helper commented as their lord rubbed his bound wrist. he didn't respond, she got what was coming to her for saying what she did about his abilities.' make better use of my time by getting knocked up and caring for the child! she likely I didn't knock her guts out!' he continued to fume until he was called into the principal office.

this was his first time here, anytime he causes trouble before it was never big enough to gain the principal's attention as the teachers were able to handle it.' i thought she would be older,' the teacher would be more the fifty earth years older than him. for a Grinine that was pretty young," so this is the first time you've been to my office and for slapping a teacher anything to say?" she didn't look up from the work on her desk.

"she insulted my capabilities!" he said nothing more because there was nothing more to say. "that shouldn't warrant a physical response," aero scuffed and that got her attention. "this is a school of fighters when hasn't someone giving a physical response?"

"okay that pretty fair but you still attacked one of your teachers."

"after she attacked me!" he pointed out the principal looked at him once more," that may be so but she is still a te-"

"I don't care! she attacked me!" aero didn't back down as the principal tried to point out. the person who he struck was an authority figure and that was unacceptable. but aero refused to accept that farce, he told her just that." I don't care what her position was, no one hits me and get off scot-free!" he would never suffer such a humiliation.

they continued to argue for a full flower aero getting more and more riled up before deciding this wasn't worth it. he broke the rope binding his wrist," where are you going?" aero had moved towards the door."I'm leaving!"

"you walk out the door and you will be expelled!" aero scoffed he was planning to leave this school anyway." where would you go there is no other school that will accept you!"

"I'll make one!" the idea had just struck aero but it sounded better than any plan he already had for life. walking out the door he stopped at the ground of the school to get a carriage before starting to pack his things. he was making good progress when a teacher appeared to try and stop him, he had first planned to ignore them but then he realized if he wasn't attending anymore.

"I have no reason to hold back," grabbing his staff he turned toward the teacher. he didn't know their name or their face and he would remember it after rearranging it. she dodged the unexpected attack and blocked the blow to her admin, aero took advantage of her guard to stick her leg. "Ah!" she cried out after his staff got her across the face, but he didn't stop sticking until she was on the ground.

"Okay, that really hurt!" that teacher clearly didn't keep up with her training but she was still able to get more than a few good hits. but it felt oh so good to knock her down, after packing everything he started pushing it towards the front door ignoring the stars he got. as he was loading the cart another teacher appeared, he threw a book at her to start the fight. this one had an audience, but he didn't care about them.

halfway through the fight, he remembered he was the lord of pride and took the chance to damage the woman's pride as they fought. he was aware the fact he won was because she was trying to subdue him without doing damage while he wasn't holding back anything.

his limbs shook as loaded the cart while some student took the teacher to the medic center. they didn't try anything against him, stunned by his ability and the ferocity he showed. ' should have changed clothes earlier,' his current outfit was wreaked from the two fights. he had wounds but they weren't going to stop him, they didn't compare to how good he felt.

"start driving!" he told the cart driver who was trembling as he climbed aboard. she nodded and started driving determined to not look at him, "Stop that cart!" the authority in the voice almost made her stop but aero's growling carried much more venom.

"Abiathar aero! stop right there!" the principal had come out to put an end to this. but Aero didn't stop the cart instead he looks her dead in the eye, "get devoured and be forgotten!" on Augustine this was officially the cruelest thing you could say to a person. she and everyone else was stunned he had to guts to say that, he did without a waver in his voice and ice in his eyes.

"fine if you really wish to leave that much, then know you are banished from this place!" aero responded," give me a reason to wanna come back to this place!" the cart moved out of the area while the principal fumed as aero smiled calmly.

as the cart moved towards his home village aero considered how he would go about starting a school or group. 'i have no clue what I'm doing!' he was gonna figure it out that was sure but right now. he had nothing, groaning he stood up in the cart and stretched trying to get some blood flowing. 'you got any ideas?' he asked the helper.

'for one thing, you should probably increase your saving. long term projects such as this tend to cost a bit of a small fortune, it also needs connections with the right people.' aero thought on these words, the money he could get from working and he was probably gonna find the right kind of people. 'I'm probably gonna be talking to more people than I have in years,' when was the last time he had a conversation with someone willingly. who wasn't his mother?

'so much trouble, I hope I find someone like-minded soon!' deciding to rest for a bit he closed his eyes leaning into his bed the rocking of the helping doze off. he woke up to the sunning light of the sun and a buzz of an empty stomach, rolling over he grabbed the field food he had. not that he liked eating, no one did, but he knew the trick to get it down.

"so umm you don't have a lot of things?" the driver tried to make conversation, she was clearly trembling a bit. aero looked at her flatly," I wasn't comfortable at the school even after two years. I never felt like I could truly make myself at home, I've been ready to leave since I got there!"

"well that's sad," she blurted out she tried to apologize but the helper stopped aero from crushing her, instead they suggested asking her why. they thought it would help him learn the difference between pity and sympathy." you should be able to let your guard down in your own room." there was silence for another minute before she asked another question.

"they say it really bloody being a hunter, is it true?" aero looked at her." yeah it's bloody," aero tried very hard just how bloody it could be. he didn't like to admit to it but the blood made him a bit sick so he just ignored it. wich was very hard when the blood covered his weapon, his hands, his clothes, his stomach was twisting from these thoughts.

"you don't seem to like it," aero shrugged as his stomach calmed down." why would you do something you don't like?"

"I don't like a small part but the thrill of combat overcomes anything else!" he loved it and that love gave birth to the pride that brought him to his day." okay, I've answered enough questions!" he could tell she was gonna ask another and stopped her. instead, he asked her "are there any guys In your family?"

"I have an older brother and my father, why?"

"Are they happy with the destined course of their life? are they happy with the only thing they can do in life is to birth and raise children?" the words stunned her causes she didn't know the answer, it wasn't a question she ever asked, she swore she would protect them and she didn't know if they were happy." your silence tells me so much?" you could taste how smug Aero was even though he didn't speak.

"How would I make them happy with life?" she asked after two flowers of silence. aero scoffed, "the only thing you can do and let them find what makes them happy!" the silence continued the rest of the day with her thinking aero watching like a predator wanting to know exactly what kind of conclusion she comes to.

"oh thank the zalts," after a day and a half of travel they had arrived at aero's village. more specifically his house that his mother was returning to from work. "Aero? what are you doing here?" she immediately went into worrying mother mode.

"I quit school," he said quietly looking at her sandals." dear Zaltess it finally happened." aero snapped up looking at her confused, "I've read your letter filled with complaints about the staff and student body. "you weren't happy at that school but you wouldn't have left if it hadn't been your idea!" the cart watched as the proud boy was left speechless.

"let's get your stuff inside," she said when her child recovered. the cart driver needs up helping and telling about the drive over after a lot from pressing from his mother. she scolded aero and made him apologize to her, he did even though his eyes didn't show a bit of remorse as he cared his bed to his room.

"thank you for bringing him," aero's mother said as he forcefully gifted the driver a sweet. they had just finished unloading the cart and she was getting ready to go home. after the driver had left she had turned to her child who was helping himself to her homemade food. "so what do you plan to do now that you've quit school?"

swallowing aero told her he planned to find guys who thought like him, "I know a few people like that!" aero started looking at his mother, "oh don't be surprised I raised you I know how to see if a boy isn't happy with his destiny. of course, you were very loud with your distaste and these boys aren't!" then to aero's embarrassment, she started reminiscing about how loud aero was in his displeasure.

"..and that's when I realized that letting you wander with the stick was a bad idea." she finished another tale of Aero's childhood when Adir beit stepped into the home. Aero turned a cols look at the older male who would have run at the moment if the mother hadn't noticed him. "Adir just in time for our second meal!"

"of course I promised to come, but I didn't think aero would be joining us Neora?" she nervously looked at the boy who was holding back a growl. "yeah he quit school, but he has a course of action before him so I'm not that worried!" she didn't seem to mind her son's presences as Adir joined her in the kitchen so they could start preparing their meal.

the older male calmed down when aero left the room, unable to stand the sense but not wanting to break them apart and upsetting his mother. so he went to his room and started cleaning up his room and talking with the helper on convincing people to follow his lead against the expectations of the world.

'23, 24, 25!' putting his feet on the ground aero restore the blood flow to his arms. he could still his mother giggling downstairs, 'that man is not worthy of her." he continued to exercise working out the frustration he felt for Adir's existence. the lunch date lasted four flowers and aero had made every muscle sore by the time Adir left, "I didn't think that through!" he groaned after catching his breath.

when he was feeling better he went downstairs to do some hydrating, he was surprised to find his mother dancing around the kitchen with a Goffy smile on her face. this was one of the only reasons he didn't just scare Adir off with violence, he made Neora smile. getting his fluids he watched his mother in her happy daze before deciding it was time for a nap.

"much better," he stretched out after his nap. hef found a note from his mother in the kitchen he went out for food supplies. "it been a few years," realizing how long he's been away he decided to check out the town and see if anything changed. as he left the house he vaguely recalled some of his hatch mates, their faces and name had been lost to him. 'not like they were Important," if as some higher being with irony was ready his mind someone recognized aero and approved him.

"been while fight boy!" a rather large female said toying with a small ball," who did you beat up to get sent back here?" Aero looked at her blankly," who are you?" he had an impression that they have met before. the ball hit the ground, "you're not joking! by her broken blade!"

aero bent out of the way of her fist completely unimpressed, "you don't remember me!" he caught the next fist and in one motion bent it behind her back. "you haven't changed one bit!" she cried before aero knocked her feet from under her before planting himself on her back." okay so who in the realms of the zalts are you?!"

"I'm the girl you beat up!" she shouted wondering how

"that doesn't narrow it down at all, you're probably one of a hundred!" she wasn't special, she was barely an impression in his memory.

" The first girl you beat up all those years ago!" okay no he was starting to remember her. but that wasn't really meaning much, the number of people he fought before he left for school actually there probably few people still living in this town. "ugh hope they don't show up!"
