
CHAPTER - 13 { An Impossible Attempt }

Three days later___

Continuous training was done in these past three day while Kota watched his pokemons.

Gyarados has successfully learned three new attack moves. Ice Beam, Outrage and Water Pulse.

Scizor has learned Hyper Beam together with Fearow while Charmelean didn't learn any.

Instead, Charmelean had an outstanding increase in his fire power.

Today, it was Gyarados's turn to practice the Water Pulse move under water.

Swimming in the sea, Gyarados scared off all the small fish pokemons.

"I can see the whole island, " Muttered Kota while sitting on the top of the head of Gyarados.


Just as they were about to prepare for training, Gyarados started reacting in a strange way.

"What is wrong? Did-, " Before Kota could finish, Gyarados shook his head violently, making Kota fall.


Kota swam in the sea, he looked at Gyarados who slammed his body on the surface harshly.

'What's going on?, ' Thought Kota then he looked towards a certain direction.

"Those guys!, " Kota saw the destroyed shipwreck, and how could he miss that giant Tentacruel.

Suddenly, there was greed in Kota' eyes. He wanted that Tentacruel in his team.


Gyarados stopped moving, his eyes were bloodshot but his behavior was in control.

Kota was shocked by what he saw, Gyarados had actually increased in size.

The ones before at eight meters had already crossed fourteen meters.

His skin had some black marks, it was like that of a tigers but very less compared.

"Are you fine?, " Asked Kota while still swimming, Gyarados nodded his head and looked towards Tentacruel.


He roared, it was not a provocative roar but instead was like an angry one.

"How about it? Take that guy down? Can you do it?, " Asked Kota, staring at the angry face of Gyarados while smiling slightly.


Directly splashing a large amount of water, Gyarados swam towards the direction of the giant Tentacruel.

"Help me, " Said Kota, pulling out a pokeball from his waist belt and calling out Fearow.


Grabbing the claws of Fearow, Kota came out of the sea water and climbed on Fearow' back.

"Let's go! We need to back up, Gyarados!, " In the sky, Kota said, holding Fearow tightly while the latter flew at a very high speed.

* * *

In the City, people were running in panic while the Tentacool overwhelmed the land.

The giant Tentacruel causes a giant tidal wave that floods Porta Vista.

Buildings were destroyed in seconds while the roads were crushed.


A loud explosion caught the attention of all the people on the top floors of different buildings.

The giant Tentacruel was attacked by a very powerful Hyper Beam.

From the sea, Gyarados was calling out to Tentacruel to come and have a battle.

"Why is that Gyarados stopping that giant Tentacruel? Isn't it also a water pokemon?, " The people were confused about the action of Gyarados.


Another Hyper Beam was shot at the back of the giant Tentacruel making it angry.

The many small Tentacools immediately tried to attack Gyarados only to be swept out by him.


Rampaging its way towards Gyarados, Tentacruel destroyed anything in the way.

"Ash! Look!, " On one of the top floors of a very high tower, Misty called Ash to look towards the sky.

"What happened, Misty?, " Following her sight, Ash saw a black dot in the sky.

Soon, the black spot came closer only then could people recognize that it was actually a person on the back of a flying pokemon.

"Kota!, " Exclaimed Ash, he stared with wide open eyes while Misty and Brock were also stunned.

"Is that his Gyarados? But it's bigger and also a little different?, " Said Brock, he narrowed his eyes to look towards Gyarados.

"He is trying to stop the Tentacruel from completely destroying the city!, " Many of the people already guessed that the Gyarados belonged to that trainer.

Many took out their phones, cameras or whatever that could record the event today.

All the focus was on Kota, and the battle between Gyarados and Tentacruel.

* * *

In the sky___

"So, what if you have a big body? That's just an easier target, " Laughed Kota watching Gyarados fire multiple Hyper Beams on Tentacruel.


Tentacruel had many small bruises on its body, it was definitely hurt.


Swinging its testicles on Gyarados, Tentacruel was very frustrated about these bruises.


Gyarados dived in the sea and avoided all the testicles. Coming up on the surface again, Gyarados shot another Hyper Beam.

This time it hit on the face of Tentacruel, making it fall behind on the fallen buildings.


Because of the increase in size, almost all of the energy was consumed.

Tentacruel had very little strength left, its eyes weak and its body already giving up.


Even though Gyarados went through a similar process of increase in size.

He still had enough energy to defeat all these Tentacools and this giant Tentacruel.

That's the difference between trained and not trained.

"Gyarados! I need that guy!, " From the back of Fearow, Kota shouted towards Gyarados.


Gyarados looked up at Kota and nodded his head, he then turned back to look at Tentacruel.

Its body was surrounded by hundreds of small Tentacools.

They were protecting the giant Tentacruel from Gyarados.


Opening his mouth, Gyarados aimed the Hydro Pump towards them.


With the explosive power of the Hydro Pump, tens of Tentacools were blasted away.

"I know why you are doing this! To protect your home, right? But you are weak! That's the reason you lost today!, " Kota shouted towards the giant Tentacruel in a calm voice.

His words seemed to have entered the ears of the giant Tentacruel making it flick.


It shouted back at Kota, it had sadness in its eyes while that weak expression.

"Gyarados! Destroyed that building!, " Shouted Kota pointing his finger towards the coral reef.


Gyarados turned to back towards the building on the coral reef.


With only a single Hyper Beam, the incompleted building was blasted off.

Everyone including the giant Tentacruel was shocked by the action of Kota.

What was he doing this for?
