
177. Conciously

They enjoyed the wine with rain become their background, James poured all of his sadness and sorrow. Ed listened carefully, and that's when James told some problem that he had never told before. Ed's a good listener, he barely talked when someone shared their problem with him.

Rose only watched them from the lounge room, Ed gave the signal to told her 'Give him a minute'. She nodded and watched them from the inside, wondered what happened between them that made his husband look serious when listened to James.

It got late when James finished his story, nobody looked to a watch or phone during the conversation. Ed wanted him to felt relieved after poured his burden even just a little. James took a deep breath while sipped his wine, "Sorry I took a lot of your time,"

"Nevermind, glad that I can help you,"

James took another cigarette, he felt a little dizzy, "Maybe, I'll take off after this,"
