
ch 4. heat, meat and mate

"mom? dad? help" he yelled right after he opend the door. tae was panting behind him. joons parents came into the floor. "what...oooohhh... told u." his father stated and grinned. "okay emergency! get him to the love shack" his mom orderd. "the what?" "the cabin on our ground?!" his father pointed to the cabin right away from the main house. "okay?" "u will locked in there for a week. we will bring u food and anything u need." his father chuckelt. his mom came back packed with boxes. "lets get going" they put everything in the golfcart and drove them to the cabin. joons mom switched on the lights. "a bit dusty, but clean. bathroom is there. fridge is full in a minute. have fun." she tapped her sons arm. "wait...what u mean...what should i do?" she smiled and let the men alone. "i told u. satisfy him and he will be yours forever" joons dad closed and locked the door. "why are u locking the door?" "so that u cant run away! good luck son!" "what the fuck..." joon cursed. he turned around and flinshed back. his mate was looking at him like he was his prey. the eyes hodded, sweat running down, hands trailing his body up and down, tugging on his clothes. "jooooonnnn....help me....what is wrong with me?" tae whined. joon sighed and huged his mate. "sorry babe. looks like u are in heat." "heat? now? but i dont want babies now....joooonnnn. why is it so hot in here?" joon guided tae to the bathroom and put him into the shower. he had no mercy and switched on the cold water. tae yelled. "cold....cold....very cold...." "is your head better now?" tae looked at him. "what do u mean" "u are in heat tae." "oh....ooooohhhh my god! i am in heat?!"joon brought tae out of the shower and wraped a towl around his body. "so lets see what mom packed for us." "i hope condoms" tae driely stated.

"where is joon and tae?" jimin asked jin, who sat on his laptop. jin smiled wide. "love shack" jimin looked surprised. "tae is in heat? really? oh wow. i am wondering when it will start with me." "u found your mates, so the first heat should hit u soon." jimin scrunshed his face. "dont know how to feel about that." "its more strength drenshing for the alphas." "oh yeah? tell more" jimin sat down. jin chuckelt. "i remember i was absolutly oblivious how an omega would be in his heat. i never saw one in this state. my mate and i just met, when she started her heat. it was exhausting and wonderful at the same time. every alpha love and fear this time. and u lucky boy have two alphas!" jimins face got red. "still dont know what to think of it. it might look like i am a whore begging for two cocks. sorry for my language." jin laught. "no no, its okay. just be happy and enjoy it. thats the most important thing. dont think to much about it, okay?" "thank u jin. what are u looking at?" "pics of your clan" "its yours now too. oh look hobi! he is my best friend." "what is he?" "omega" jimin stated and looked wide eye to jin. "hobi! omg! why didnt i think of him? wait i call him" he stood up fastly and looked for his phone. "hey hobi, yeah yeah i know. have some news. big ones. come here asap!" he ended the call. he grinned at jin. "he is mateless. i would eat a broom if he isnt a match!" he hopped around excitly.

kook slowly woke up. he nuzzeld more into his mate. that felt so good. he opend his eyes and flinshed back. "morning. or evening." yoongi husked out and smirked at him. "where is jimin?" "woke up some minutes ago." kook stood up. "never talk about this" yoongi chuckelt. they went downstairs and were welcomed by a dancing mate. "what going on?" "tae is in heat, jin maybe will have a mate in a few minutes" "hold down your horses jimin, we dont know that now" jin tried to calm him down. the door bell rang and when jimin wanted to open the door, his mates where faster and pulled him behind them. "its just hobi" "still. let us do it" jimin sighed. yoongi opend the door and a confused hobi stood there. "he....helloooo? jimin???" "i am here! come in! come in!" kook and yoongi let hobi get through. "hey....where are these two?" "my mates" jimin grinned. "mateS? jimin! u dooog!" jimin laught and huged hobi. "come i wanna tell u everything" he pulled hobi with him. "oh i forgot. hobi this is jin. he is new in our family. jin this is my best friend hobi." they shook each others hands when hobi flinshed back, holding his hand and with a surprised look on his face. jin also looked surprised, than happy and relived. "i think we should talk hobi." hobi looked from jin to jimin and back. "okay?" jimin gave his friend a push and jumped into his mates arms. "thats so great!"

the cold shower calmed taes heat a bit down. he wasnt feverish, but still. "are we going to do it now?" "do u want it so fastly?" tae tilted his head. "we have to do it anyways." "i know. i want u to enjoy it. not because u need me, but to want me." "that doesnt make much sense. but i get it. i think i need u and want u." joon looked up. "u dont know what it takes me not to jump on u right now." tae smiled. "did u found condoms?" "i think my mom wants to be a grandma. sorry babe." tae sighed again. "ngh... than we gonna take the risk. i will not let the heat torture me, cause i am afraid to get pregnant." joon still looked concerned. "i can order one of our men to get me some" tae thought about it. he noded. "okay." joon took out his phone and ordered the important items. joon finished his call and smiled a bit. "i kinda would like to see a pupp mixed with our features soon." he sighed. tae raised his hand and caressed joons chin. he locked his eyes with him. after some time he noded. "okay." "okay? okay what?" tae didnt say a thing, he kissed joon deeply and pulled him with when he layed down on the bed. "tae...." "shshshsh. kiss me" and joon did. with the skin contact the heat fully came back. taes mind shuts down again, he let his body take over. joon didnt budge this time, his body let the way.

hobi and jin walked around the dark garden and chatted. they wanted to know all of each other. holding hands and enjoying the shocks and waves they smiled at each other. a huge stone fell down of jins chest, he had a mate again. he didnt have to change into a wolf. he was alive again. he could cry heavily if he wouldnt be ashamed to do it infront his new mate.

jimin kissed with yoongi, smiled at him and turned his focus to kook. his concern was washed away by his mates lips. they felt like heaven. a snort let them flinch away. "really? dont need to see that. go up in your room. i only hope u get your heat after tae, jimin! did u see jin?" "he is out in the garden with his new mate." "mate? whom?" "hobi" "your friend hobi?" jimin noded and smiled. he pushed his mates up the stairs. he wanted to continue in their room asap.

"joooon? please joooon" tae beged. "just a minute more tae. i dont wanna hurt u" his fingers were deep into tae and preping him. tae was panting hard, arching his delicious body and moving his hips with joons rythm. "please!" "soon" "JOON! NOW! RIGHT NOW! HURRY!" joon flinshed. *woah* "dont woah me! do it!" tae snapped at him. joon sighed and spread his precum around his cock. "okay. ready?" tae noded fastly and raised his knees to his chest. he was more than ready. joon scubed between his legs and pushed in. tae let out a low long moan. he immidiatly felt good and fullfilled. he felt loved, wanted and needed. he felt like finally coming home to a family. joon made him feel like this. his joon. only his joon. he wraped his arms and legs around his alpha and watched joons facial expression he showed while thrusting into him. it couldnt be real but it was too real for tae. weeks ago he came here after a horrible and lonely life and everything changed. taes hips fired joons thrusts on. their sounds became really loud. joons henchman stood outside the cabin the condom package in hand. he listend to the lovemaking, shruged his shoulders and walked wisteling away.

the parents layed in bed. mrs. kim sighed. "what bothers u?" "i forgot the condoms." "u forgot them? confess! u want to have small feet running around this house." mrs. kim smiled. "wouldnt that be great?" "if the kids are gonna be like joon, they will annoy me very soon"

the three were almost nacked and hands touched skin, hair and faces. mouths touched whatever they could get. tongues trailed and wet skin. sucking and biting, moaning and growling. jimin didnt know anymore who he was kissing or who was sucking his neck. he just enjoyed it so much. *dont mark him alone.* yoongi warned kook. *no we need to do it together and at the same time.* they focused back to their mate. they were so into it, that the two alphas didnt noticed that they were touching each other too, even kissing. jimin was happy that the two man became friends, it looked like for him. jimin only got a bit jealous when he saw them frensh kiss again. his tongue came inbetween them and now they all played with the wet muscles. "boys get me out of my clothes" jimin panted. kook and yoongi looked at each other and helped to get rid off jimins remaining clothes. "u too" jimin chirped. after all fabrik was away jimin sat up, turned around and looked at the alphas bodys. he sighed happily and touched them both.

tae almost made his lip bleed, he bit hard on it when his climax hit him hard. his body shook violantly and collapsed down. joon came with him and layed next to tae. the bodys were drenched in sweat. "get your breath soon, i need another round" "what? that soon?" tae smiled and touched his chest and thighs. "yeah i need more"

next day:

leader kim went with some stuff to the cabin, he knocked lightly. "dad?" "morning son. everything okay?" "please let me out! i am dying in here!" joons dad chuckelt. "isnt so great when u have to funktion, right?" "dont mock me! please open the door! just let me walk a bit outside" "sorry son. i cant. how is your mate?" "he is finally sleeping. daaaad" leader kim grinned wide. "only 6 more days and nights, son." "i am not gonna survive that long!" "u will. i brought a lot of red bull!" "how is this suppose to help me?" "manpower, son! manpower! hang in there" he laught and shoved the boxes into the open cage, which they could open inside in the cabin too. "its not fun at all!" he heard joon complain again.

tae woke up. he felt so much better and stretched his body. he saw joon slunched on the table. "morning. whats with u?" joon looked at him. "i am done." tae sat up. "i really let u work a lot last night, hm?" his mate noded. tae stood up nacked and huged joon. "sorry. i know i was....wild last night. thank u for helping me." "its not over, u know" "i know. poor baby." tae chuckelt. "just in case, i never wanna hear u complain in the future, when we dont do it often! i will remind u of this week!" joon smiled wide. "never! i will never complain! come on get a shower, breakfast is almost done." "u cooked?" "dont look so surprised. my mom insisted that we learn everything." tae giggelt. "i love your parents" joon stood up and kissed him. "i know, they love u too." he pushed tae slowly to the bathroom. "dont forget to clean here too. i think i spilled everything i got into it." he slapped taes butt lightly. "ouch...yeah, i can feel that" joon sighed when he heard the shower running. he looked out of the window.

kook woke up first. jimin layed between his alphas and looked so beautiful. he saw yoongi pressed against jimins body, his head in the back of the omegas head. his sleeping face was nice too. kook sighed. after this night he was certain, that he could live with their arrangement. yoongi wasnt so bad and he loved jimin. for kook it wasnt an ideal mateship, but at least he had found his, the rest would unfold slowly. he caressed jimins face, than yoongis. they looked so cute sleeping. yoongis lips pouted. kook laught silently. "why are u up already?" jimin whispered, still with closed eyes. "i like to watch you sleep" "u creep" yoongis muffeld voice was heard. jimin chuckelt and finally opend his eyes. he smiled at kook. "morning love" "whats with me?" yoongi complained. jimin turned around and pecked yoongis nose. "morning to you too. thank u both for last night." "we didnt really do anything" kook stated. yoongi laught, kissed jimin deeply and sat up. his eyes were still not fully open and he yawnd. "owww you look cute" jimin smiled. kook and yoongi tickled jimin. "stop! oh god, help!" the three laught. "come on guys, we need food. lets get up" kook pulled on both hands. "noooooo i wanna stay in here with you." jimin pouted. "i dont have plans to starve." kook driely mocked. he pulled hard on yoongis arm and the alpha flew into kooks arms. "wow. morning brother." yoongi smirked and gave kook a wet kiss. jimin scubbed closer to his kissing mates. "thats so sexy. do we really need food right now?" kook grinned and pecked yoongi ones more, he heaved jimin over his shoulder and carried him to the bathroom. yoongi strolled behind.

the week went fast for some people, not fast enough for just one. the parents locked the cabin door open and were presented with a rosy relaxed looking tae and a worn out joon. he couldnt even stand up straight. his parents had to contain themself very hard not to break out in laughter. "morning boys. looks like the week is over. welcome back into civilation." joons dad grinned. "morning. does something happend while we were gone?" tae smiled. "no not really. jin has a new mate." "really? how great!" tae looked excited. "they will be here in the afternoon for coffee and cake. so come on now" joons mom pulled tae with her. "i think i should clean the mess later" tae looked back. joons mom laught. "i already orderd some good fairys to do that." joons dad pulled joon to the golfcar. "son? are u still alive?" "almost... i need sleep." joon mumbelt. joons dad chuckelt. "i remeber how done i was after your moms first heat. i promise it gets better with time." joon just moand in agony as he tried to walk properly. "everything hurts." "and u lost weight too, son." "stop grinning dad!"

hobi sat on jins lap and "helped" him with his work. "hmm...darling, not that i dont appreciate this, but i still have work to do!" jin stated inbetween kisses. "i know, but i cant resist. u neither." jin smiled. "yeah, awful how much power u have over me." hobi giggelt. he caressed jins face. "sorry for disturbing you. joon and tae will come back today and we all meet for coffee." "thats what u wanted to tell me so urgent?" hobi noded. "and that i love u and miss u when u are not around me." "who is taking care of the pupps today?" "its my day off!" jin laught. "i forgot. sorry baby" hobi worked after his classes in a kindergarden for 3 days a week. jin visited him and was over ran by pupps to play with them. "i never asked u" "about what?" "kids. u want some?" "how many u want?" "lots of them!" jin smiled. "than i have to work pretty hard to get a ton of food on our table every day." hobi laught. "yeah right. u are the one who ates the most!" jin got a job from leader kim. he managed the whole clan. every complain, every question, every request wandert first on his table. it was a huge responsibility, but jin loved it. and the week with his new mate couldnt be better. they spend every availible minute together. only college and work seperate them. if jin had to work longer, hobi came into the office, brought food with him and sat on the sofa, studying his stuff in silence.

"oh here u are!" mrs. kim smiled and guided the couple to the table. "sit down and start." "where is joon?" hobi looked around. "sleeping" tae shoved another piece of cake into his mouth. jin tilted his head. "tae... can it be, that joon didnt mark u?" everyone looked at tae. "he is right. joon didnt mark u" "i knew i have an idiotic son!" tae looked into their faces. he shruged his shoulders. "he just forgot. i didnt let him think really. my poor joon had other things to do which were more important." he grinned knowingly. jimin giggelt. he knew what tae ment. he wasnt in heat yet, still the urge to feel his mates was so strong even now. jimin could imagine how powerful it would be when he got his heat. "u should go up later and let him mark u immidiatly. your bond isnt fullfilled if he doesnt do it." leader kim stated. tae noded. "i will. no worries. can i have another one?" he asked mrs. kim and pointed at the cake. "yeah sure. and tae!" tae looked at her again. "tell me if u feel diffrent. unfamiliar urges and stuff like that." tae tilted his head, than it clicked. "oh yeah. i will" he smiled. jin and hobi looked at each other and giggelt. "please dont put your kids in my kindergarden!" hobi pleaded. "u work in the only one we have. of course u will have them there." tae grinned. "and mine too. i mean ours." jimin chirped. his mom snapped around to him. "already? since when?" "no no. nothing happend, MOOOM!" jimins face got red. his mates chuckelt.

joon slept. he was still exhausted from this intense week. tae smiled and caressed his hair. "babe? baby?!" joon flinshed and woke up. "something happend? are u alright?" his hands trailed down taes body. tae giggelt. "yeah all fine. its just, u forgot to mark me." joon looked dumbfounded. "really? let me see." he pulled on the hem of taes shirt. tae giggelt again and got out of it. he turned his neck and upper body around. "see! no mark" "oh i am so sorry taetae. how could i forget this?!" tae smiled and held joons face in his hands. "u had other things to do." joons eyes had dark bags, he rubbed them. "come lay with me. i still have enough energy left to mark u now." "are u sure?" joon noded. "yeah, everybody needs to see that u are taken and more importantly MINE" he turned tae around and pressed his body against his back. his tongue trailed the corner of neck and shoulder. tae moaned out. "oh thats not good, joon. we are too sore for that" "we are not gonna fuck, babe." he kissed the spot and pressed suddenly his teeth into it. taes body arched. his hand pressed on joons back head. an incredible feeling crushed through taes body. he shook and got goosebumps all over. he felt so loved and safe. joon licked over the mark and cleaned it from the blood. now it was official. this beautiful creature is his. his alone. nobody could take him away.

jimin was in his thoughts. he still was it when he went up to his room with his mates. "whats in your head, sexy?" jimin looked up. "how and who is gonna mark me?" "we two will do it simultanity." kook pointed to yoongi and himself. "why are u thinking of that? do u expect a third mate?" yoongi mocked. "no u two are enough for me. god i love u both." tears started to ran out of his eyes. kook and yoongi looked shocked at each other. "whats happening?" kook stood up and ran out of the room. seconds later he came with jimins mom back. "baby, puppy? whats going on?" she huged her crying son. "we didnt do anything. he just started to cry suddenly." "shshshsh all good, honey. now tell mommy" jimin had a hickup. "i love my mates soooooo much mom..." "oh for the moons sake! not u too!" "what?" kook asked alarmed. mrs. kim looked at them. "his heat is starting. thats why he is emotional. great. i will prepare the cabin tomorrow." she sighed big. kooks and yoongis eyes went wide. "heat, now? so soon?" "u are two strong young alphas. i imagine u will fullfill the task." "you saw joon" yoongi scrunshed his face. mrs. kim laught. "he was just alone. take good care of my babyson." "i am 22 mom! now get out, i need my mates" kook and yoongi looked shocked again at each other. it dawned them that the next days wouldnt be easy for them.
