
Battle of new york

Im not going to explain how we go to the battle of new york i will do a short summary i also don't care about negative comments talking about you can't rush this far so if anyone does that im ignoring you

15 year old ace pov

i was at school when explosions happened next thing i saw was aliens entering so i hid in the cabinet they then start pointing guns at the students in the class they started shooting at everyone killing them i then have bones come out my arm i jump out of the closet while rolling on the ground while shooting bones at the aliens hitting a couple of them in there heads killing them instantly while the rest of the aliens start firing so i put a couple of desk so i won't get hit by a laser i then put my hand in my clay pouches and make a couple birds and centipede i then shot small bones at them as the clay exploded they were also impaled with bones.

i then grab my bags and put on my akatsuki robe i had someone made and the hats kisame and itachi wore then go out and start to help people while killing aliens while at it until i run into a man in a american suit with a shield i instantly recognized him as captain america aka steve rogers.

i see an alien come from behind him so i throw two bones at it one hitting it chest while the other hit its neck cap looks to see the alien dead while more come i take this time to make a giant clay bird since i cant make a dragon yet i fly away and once cap got done with the aliens he looked up to see me on my bird flying away.

im flying around shooting small clay birds at aliens i then see a woman in a black leather suit red hair with guns taking aliens down i notice her as the one of the hottest female in the mcu black widow so i decide to help my future wife.

i then go down and make a bone short sword i slice alien head of while she shot one threw it's neck we then go back and forth killing each alien that comes at us until there dead are no more come at us she then looks at me

"you need to get away from here before you get hurt" she says to me i ignore her as the other avengers come over here as an alien ship come down i fly my bird to it as i jump off and land near bruce who is not transformed once the bird made contact i just had to say a it was a beautiful scene.

"Art is an explosion" i say as the ship was blown to pieces a loud noise ring through the air as two more ships come out the portal and as more aliens land i then decide to get a little serious i activate the first stage curse mark a black mark go across my body.

i then put my hand where my spine would be and pull it out making the same sword kimimaro used against gaara and rock lee i run and start to mow down alien after alien as most them were dead and the curse mark started to spread more and more against my body until my skin is darker and i grown a tail and bones are coming out of my back i then start killing more and more until i felt weak and started to cough violently i then spit blood out i create a giant clay bird and fly off letting the avengers take care of the rest.

i was resting with multiple clones healing me while i watch the avengers take down the aliens it then got to the part were tony takes the missile and goes into the portal but after a minute he doesn't i then fly to where the missile is and see them trying to disarm it i then speak in my kimimaro voice which is my normal voice

"you can't disarm it you have to let it blow up somewhere " i say as everyone of gets ready to fight hawkeye aka clint barton the speaks up "who and what are you" i ignore him since his character isn't good until endgame i grab the bomb and put it on the bird and start to fly off to the portal

im changin stuff in the story so i can write it how i like instead of just following things that have happened

YOBOIZsadBOiHOUR3creators' thoughts