

They were having a very sumptuous lunch at the restaurant and instead of hurrying herself to finish her meal and rest, Cayenne savored the taste of the food that they ordered. If possible, she wanted to stop time right there and enjoy her meal for hours. At the same, it wouldn't be good if the food turns cold so, they really have to finish all of it soon.

"I never thought I'd experience this lavish lifestyle in my life. Thank you so much for bringing me here." Veronica mentioned while taking pictures of her food and the interior of the restaurant. "I won't bother think of the price for the whole duration of our stay because I know I wouldn't be able to come up with that amount of money in my life."

"I can totally relate to you." Cayenne responded. "I'll turn a blind eye to the total amount of bill which will be deducted to his card later on."
