
Truths Change with Time

The night expanded as a black blanket, protecting the earth as it dreamed. I looked at my watch lingering around my left wrist, the shortest needle aimed at two.

I walked downstairs and went to one of the libraries inside the Yerevan mansion. After making sure that no one was following me, I pushed a paperclip into the tiny hole in the doorknob and twisted it until it caught the direction of the lock turned. A moment later, I heard a soft clicking sound, and the door was successfully unlocked. As I walked in, I carefully locked the door from the inside and slipped into the bookshelves.

Laughing in my head, I cringed at how easy it was for me to commit such a crime, for I used to do it so many times in the past, so incredibly calm along the way as if every part of my body forgot the fear and the nervousness.


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