


a man in black clothes is flying through the air with a young woman hanging by his side. the young woman is vanessa. her outfit has completely changed and resemble' the clothes she wore in the anime. during their journey to return to the 'BLACK BULL'S' base, they stopped by in a town. vanessa didn't have anything on her, so yami bought vanessa some necessities and clothes.

yami :'shopping with woman is such a pain!. she literally bought out an entire shop, just for some necessities. all the money for the things she bought had to come out from my pocket. i don't think she has any idea of the value of money. she spend my money like water. i better not go shopping with women in the future'

yami sees a creepy building in the horizon and heads towards it. he lands infront of it and let goes of vanessa. he looks towards her and say

yami :"welcome to the 'BLACK BULL'S' base, your new home"

vanessa looks curiously at the creepy buliding. yami leads the way and enter's the building, vanessa follows him nervously. the BLACK BULL'S' base's door opens and yami and vanessa enters the main hall. gordon is mumbling something looking at finral. finral is sitting on a sofa looking stiff due to the stare of gordon. finral and gordon notices the door opening and sees yami and vanessa entering through the door. the both of them head towards them. gordon starts mumbling looking at yami and vanessa. finral completely ignores yami and tries to flirt with vanessa

gordon :"hello captain, is this a new member? can i be her freind? we could be besties?"

finral :"hello there, you are really pretty. i know a place with flowers almost as pretty as you. how about we take a trip there with my spatial magic?"

finral opens a portal and he takes out a bouquet of beautiful flowers from it and presents it to vanessa. vanessa is freaked out by finral's action's.

yami :"enough, this is vanessa enoteca a witch from the forest of witches and now a member of the 'BLACK BULL'S'. vanessa, this is finral roulacase and gordon agrippa member's of the 'BLACK BULL'S'. there are others members , but they aren't currently here or doing whatever they want?"

yami introduced everyone to each other. he told vanessa about the base and it's facilities. yami showed her towards the women's dorm. where she selected a room for herself.

yami :"finral, fill her in on her duties as a magic knight. also all three of you should gather here in the morning. we've got to go somewhere. well then disperse and finral open a portal to the capital"

finral open a portal and yami enter's it. yami reaches the capital through the portal. yami heads towards the magic knight headquarters. reaching there, he informs them, that he is here to see the wizard king. a staff leads yami to julius's room. yami enter's the room and sees julius doing paperwork.

julius :"ah yami!, i am told that you want too see me. what is it?"

yami :"well, i have recruited a new squad member and there is a problem"

julius :"a problem.?what is it?"

yami :"the new member of my squad is a witch from the witches forest. it seems she is really important to the queen of the witches. she was even imprisoned by the queen so that she could not escape. the queen was really pissed when i took her from the witches forest."

julius :"WHAT !!!you took a witch that is really important to the queen of witches and made her join your squad!. what happened? tell me all the detail's?"

yami told julius about what happened. about how he found a golem in the dungeon that julius assigned him to investigate and defeated it. after that he found an ancient magic item that teleported yami to the witches forest. after the teleportation ,the ancient magic item got destroyed and later he fought the queen of the witches for trespassing into the forest of witches and how he freed vanessa and escaped from there along with vanessa. julius is surprised with all the information yami gave him.

julius :"a golem, an ancient magic item that can travel through space, visiting the witches forest, fighting with the queen of the witches and bringing back a witch that is very important to the queen and making her a member of the 'BLACK BULL'S'. so many things happened just fora simple mission of investigating a dungeon. it sure must have been an interesting mission!!"

julius stands there troubled about the situation. yami just stands there silently.

julius :"so much trouble for recruiting a member."


julius :"so tell me about this,witch you rescued from the witches forest?"

yami :"well, her name is vanessa enoteca and she has thread magic, but i can feel something special and unique from her thread magic, though i don't know what that is?"

as soon as i say about vanessa's magic, julius's eyes sparkle and his troubled expression disappears and is replaced with a cheerful smile that is full of curiosity about vanessa's magic. he is really excited and comes towards me and says

julius :"thread magic and you say you feel something special from it.? also you fought with the queen of witches and she has blood magic. ahhh! i wish i could see it"

julius is really excited when it comes to magic.

julius :"yami, about this situation ,don't worry about it , i'll take care of it. make sure you protect the new member of your squad."

yami :"yes , thank you for this julius!"

yami leaves the magic knight headquarters and heads back toward's the 'BLACK BULL'S' base. in the base finral is pestering vanessa and gordon is mumbling something from a distance. vanessa just ignores finral and seem to have adjusted to her new home. yami enters the base and all three of them greet him.

gordon/finral/vanessa :"captain"

yami :"vanessa. i have talked to julius about you and he has no problem about you joining the 'BLACK BULLS'. make sure you do your job as a magic knight well ,so as to not make my name be dragged through the mud and make julius regret his decision. "

vanessa :" yes, captain yami"

yami :"make me proud and prove that you being here is the right thing"



