
7. Battle of the Best

Slipping into the clothes, they feel great on my body, turning around I look into the mirror and quickly tie up my hair.

Turning around swiftly I pull onto my tied hair to make it tighter, hearing the music I go to make my way out of the dressing room in my new outfit.

The lights were dim as the center room ones were lit, making a spotlight for us two as we were about to see who of us was the best.

'No doubt it's me' thinking this to myself as I make my way with a smirk on my face I step in the middle of the dance floor, hearing the whispers behind me I crane my neck.

Turning around a very ugly rat comes into view, scoffing in my face she comes closer, her mouth way too close to my ear.

"Don't even try anything, I don't know who you are.... but Nick's mine, understand?" My face is blank as she leans her head away from me,

'Nick? I'm guessing that's the guy I'm dancing against'.

Turning my head to the side I chuckle, my eyes roll as I bring my head to look at her, "damn that's funny....-"

Her face twists into confusion, a small smirk makes its way onto my face as I clear up her confusion, '-... I mean I really don't remember seeing a price tag stuck to his forehead, didn't know you can own a whole person."

Her face starts to turn red, laughing I turn around and start to walk over to the mirror, "don't forget to breathe!" Shouting this to her over my shoulder I see her stomp her foot.

Through the mirror I see her turn around, marching her way over to the rest of the people, slumping on the floor next to them.

My eyes catch him staring at me through the mirror, gritting my teeth at the way he is looking at me, "dude I don't even know your name yet and you're ALREADY staring? Obsessed much?"

Turning around I catch his eye roll, smirking to me he takes in a breath, coming closer he brings his face right infront of mine.

"Maybe.... if you spent less time looking at yourself we could have been half way through with the dancing", my fist clench as I feel my nails dig into the palm of my hand.

"You are SOOOO right! You were doing enough staring for the both of us", my comment catches him off guard.

I bite my lip as he lets out a low 'Oooo' sound, holding his hands up as he starts to walk backwards, chuckling at me while holding my eye contact.

With the music still playing I tilt my head to watch him, I can see the glistening sweat roll down his neck, slithering to hide beneath his black shirt.

His arms move wildly as the passion in his eyes is evident, hair flopping with every single movement.

Thrusting his hips upward he swings his hands infront of him, making them into an 'X' motion.

Looking at me at the same time he bites his bottom lip, sending me an exaggerated wink in the process.

Crossing my arms in front of me I roll my beautiful eyes, my tongue pokes the inside of my cheek as I scoff at his stupid moves.

Still in the same position I watch him walk towards me, he swings his furthest arm away from me up and makes a wave, ending with his other arm as it knocks my hat off.

My blood starts to boil at the nerve of him, sucking my teeth I watch him walk away from me to stand more towards the other students, closer to Maybean.

'Fucking finally, Oooo I can't wait to show this jerk off' my mind wanders as the music grows louder, I can feel my hands twitch, my body is anxious for me to start dancing.

Standing at a tilt I move my hips side to side, pushing my arm in front of me I motion it towards myself as I walk backwards.

Turning my body I make a 180 as I swing my head making my hair spin, I can see some of the other kids on the floor start to cheer for me.

Nick stares at me a dark look in is eyes as he tilts his head to the side, his arms are crossed over his chest that is rising and falling heavily.

Maybean who is standing next to him too close for anyone's liking makes a dirty face towards me.

Smiling brightly I continue my dance, paying no attention to either of them.

I can feel the furious jerk of my body as I move it to the best of my ability, some of my hair sticks to my face from the slight sweat.

My eyes glaze over as I move them to look over at him, walking towards him I didn't notice the girl move to the other side of him.

The devious smirk evident on her face that went unnoticed by all of her peers, including me, dancing towards him I continue to smile.

The silent girls foot swings out, right in front of me, going unnoticed i trip over it.

With my body flying forward I stumble onto the only person in front of me, his arms slither around my waist to stead both of us from falling.

My forehead bangs onto his chin, a sharp pain running through the spot that made contact, hissing sound escaping both of our mouths.

Standing up I grab his burning hands and rip them off from around me, his mouth is wide open as he goes to tell me off.

"Hey Twinkle Toes, I didn't know you were going to fall for me that fast!" , pushing him away from me I laugh at his stupid remark.

"Oh you wish!" Getting a little flustered my cheeks start to turn red, the music stops as the other kids around us start to stand up.

Clapping wildly for us I keep my eyes on him, his are focused solely on me, opening his mouth he shouts out over the clapping and yelling.

"Maybe I do... maybe I don't!", a wide smile on his face he starts to laugh as he gets pulled into a head lock from the boys earlier.

Turning my head to the side I look at Lima Bean, she looks so pissed off that I can practically see the steam blowing out of her ears.

'Payback sucks bitch, shouldn't have stuck out your damn foot', thinking this to myself as I stick my tongue out to her, huffing she goes over to him and the other people cheering.

Turning my head swiftly I hear someone clap slowly and loudly, making all the other noise stop from around us.

Mr. Gee the dance teacher and Coach stands there, a bright smile on his face, "didn't I say that your weren't expected to dance today?"

Laughing at his statement I go to reply,

"You did... but somebody couldn't mind their business and instead wanted to mind mine, but it's okay a little warm up never hurt anyone."

Shooting my eyes over to give Nick a hard glare I turn back to Mr. Gee, my statement made his smile widen.

"Well it seems you too had fun.... so much that I bet you wouldn't mind that I'm making you partners from now on!"

His hands clap together with bright smile still on his face, my heart drops as I go to object, seems other people are not happy either as two other voices yell along with mine.

