
“Soul Shield”

Ainsley could not see the soul weapons, but she could still sense them.

The moment the baby felt the danger, the baby subconsciously used those luck-boosting items and quickly raised her luck level back to the highest.

Then, the baby took out soul-related treasures from her spatial store that her family and Jake had prepared for her.

Since she knew she would deal with people who knew a lot about souls, the baby would not come to this era without preparations.

Those soul-related treasures were mostly soul-healing treasures and soul-protection treasures.

Ainsley used the latter without any hesitation.

Some of her treasures were consumable treasures, such as the soul-healing ones.

The others could be used several times.

The soul-protection treasures could be used several times and it worked like a barrier or a shield, taking the damage to the soul on behalf of the targeted soul.
