

Many spirits, men and women, old and young, human or not, also fell under his pants, becoming his subordinates, slaves, or something like that!

Ainsley's people didn't gather the information for too long, so they also could only find superficial information from the shaman guild and shamans who lived around those areas. 

According to these shamans and the various records in the shaman guild, the mysterious femme fatale spirit would go to these specific places every single day, as if looking for something. 

Maybe it was related to his obsession, but anyway, the shamans got some news about where people could find this legendary strange spirit. 

"There are a lot of shamans who are curious about this spirit or want to make a contract, so this spirit is actually not that difficult to find." 

After the subordinates reported to Ainsley, the guild master of the shaman guild also said some words related to this legendary spirit. 
