
"The Large Horde Changing Lanes" 

Ainsley and the others didn't know that the big battle happened outside of the island, and they didn't have to face a Hell difficult battle. 

However, as time passed by, more and more demons from the four gates, not only from the one at Elton Academy, got sucked into the dimensional holes and were sent away randomly. 

The Elton Academy's abyss gate was not the biggest that could hold many demons, and it was Pandora Island's abyss gate that had been holding back tons of demons. 

These demons were sucked into the dimensional holes and then 'distributed' to many dimensional holes in this world, not only the one that had just appeared in Four Seasons Island. 

Chaos started to spread to many countries in both the human continent and non-human continents because no matter what, every place that was within a certain range from an abyss gate would have dimensional holes appearing from time to time. 
