
"Ainsley's Second Death?"

After all, even if Ainsley didn't die from an immediate attack of her heart being stabbed with a silver sword coated in a holy light, the holy light residue would also cleanse her body inside out. 

For someone with a dark camp's bloodline like Ainsley, being purified by an archangel would be the same as death. 

Michael ticked the corner of his lips, forming a cruel and indifference smile as his figure flashed again, quickly disappearing from Ainsley's place. 

When the 'pause button' was played again, all that was left was the burst of blood from the dead demons around Ainsley, the falling bodies of those demons and the trickle of blood from Ainsley's chest. 

One didn't need to look closely to see a strange, glaring hole on the baby's chest. 

The hole was not that big because the sword was thin and the tip was also small. 

Still, such a hole on Ainsley's body became an eye-catching existence. 
