
"Harpies & Hydra"

The marshal questioned those who watched Bello's entire summoning thing that only lasted for five minutes. 

The people who watched the entire summoning thing immediately reported to the marshal with shaky voices. 

"Report, marshal! T-that...that black panther...that sacred beast, he...he suddenly threw a paw-shaped illusionary phantom, and..." 

"And, and the phantom turned into this gate, yes." 

The high-pitch cries and screams from the gate were still there, so the marshal had to concentrate just to listen to the report. 

At the same time, those above the clouds suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings but accompanied with another high-pitch scream of countless women. 


The sound was unnatural, as if coming from monsters instead of real women, and judging from the collective sound, the number of these 'monsters' shouldn't be small. 
