
"New Ability Unlocked"

Ainsley subconsciously emitted her baby charm, and for a while, even Zenith was almost dazzled. 

At the same time, Wilhelm could also feel the power of charm emitting from the baby's body and his large eyes widened even more. 

He knew that their blood clan had an innate charm, but no one had such a strong charm like this baby. 

This baby must be a charm ability user too! 

When Ainsley subconsciously used her charm, she aimed her charm at the blood in the bowl with a bit of suppression at the same time. 

Charm alone wasn't enough. Could it be better if she used both bloodline domination and her charm? 

Ainsley unknowingly used the blood suppression of her own special blood towards this celestial blood, and the color of her crimson eyes became deeper than before. 

Coupled with the charm, the effect was like whipping someone to work but also giving them a sweet reward afterwards. 
