
"Capturing Ainsley's Spirit" 

At the same time, although they didn't show it outside, Ainsley's close people who got the news firsthand were shaken on the inside. 

"This is impossible." Jake held his forehead as he watched the short video for the n-th times. 

His tears were already dry for a long time and now, even when he wanted to cry, he couldn't. 

"This is impossible, okay? There's no way, Ain...Ain..." Jake gritted his lips and he put the call on speaker. 

Jacqueline, who was on the other side of the call, also held her breath and choked quietly. 

"I...I don't know if this video is fake or something. But I believe that little lass won't die so easily." 

But remembering those hunters who came from a certain organization, Jacqueline still had deep hatred in her eyes. 

Even Jake was no exception. This was the first time he hated something or someone so deeply until he was about to go mad. 
