
"Night Hunting"

Ainsley recalled Zev's instruction carefully and immediately shouted in her heart. 

[Spread out!] 

At that moment, Ainsley's charm ability aura that enveloped the whole guild hall seemed to tremble. 

Countless balls of light suddenly came out of the pink aura. 

The pale pink light balls instantly spread out and slowly entered everyone's forehead, one ball for each person. 

But there were exceptions where one person got more than one light ball. 

Ainsley could see this, and the others could also see the beautiful phenomenon of countless light balls entering everyone's foreheads. 

But the others didn't know why some people got more than one light ball.

On the other hand, Ainsley knew the reason. 

[Those with more than one light ball should be stronger than their peers, right?] Ainsley looked at Zev for his confirmation. 
