
"Bearing The Pain Together"

As Ainsley received Demetra's ability, something inside her core just flashed with an ambiguous light, indicating a temporary slot for a temporary special ability. 

To be precise, the ambiguous color appeared on the purple side of Ainsley's core, which represented her shaman ability. 

It means that there's an overlapping ability on top of her shaman ability– the 'Walking Elixir' ability. 

To use the walking elixir ability, Ainsley only had to activate her shaman ability but not let the Godfather possess her body. 

Then, the baby would feel as if someone possessed her, which in turn gave her the new ability. 

The one 'possessing' Ainsley would be Demetra. 

In fact, Demetra could really possess Ainsley for twelve hours starting from now on, but Demetra didn't want to. 

[I can't leave the Meidian Mansion. I'm bound to this place. So, only my ability will follow you.] 
