
"You Scum!"

When Jake arrived, the Sloan Family immediately contacted Ainsley, and in no time, the baby ran out of the mansion wearing a lion pyjama. 

The pyjama had a lion's ears, whisker, and even tail, making the baby look several times cuter than before. 

It was afternoon, but Ainsley wore such a pyjama...well, it's because the pyjama was a gift from her five friends, and she didn't have the heart to refuse wearing it. 

Thus, what Jake saw at the front door of the Sloan Family was a tiny 'lion cub' running toward him with her arms spread wide. 

"Jake!" Ainsley called out with her cute, milky voice, successfully almost killing Jake with her voice alone. 

"A-Ain? Is that you?" Jake didn't take off his golden mask out of habit, but his ruby eyes could still be seen behind the mask. 

That pair of eyes were shining brightly as he looked at Ainsley. 
