
"Omniscient Eyes"

When Grandpa Yofan was pushed back by the Golden Gate, Ainsley was so shocked that she almost dropped Cellino. 

However, she quickly regained her sense and ran to support the staggering old man. 

"Gwandpa! Are you owkay??" Ainsley hugged Grandpa Yofan's waist, afraid that if she let go, the old man would fall on his butt. 

Grandpa Yofan was dizzy for a few seconds before he nodded at Ainsley. 

"I'm okay. Don't worry…" 

The old man touched his forehead before sighing. "Just now, when I requested to open the gate, the sacred beasts inside rejected me. They don't want to open the gate." 

When Grandpa Yofan suddenly explained what had happened before, Ainsley was caught off guard. The baby stared at Grandpa Yofan, dumbfounded. 

What? The sacred beasts rejected Grandpa Yofan's request? They won't open the gate? But why, ah? 

We did nothing wrong, okay? And there's no need to repel Grandpa Yofan too…
