

Lurking, waiting. 

The hunters waited until Ainsley showed signs of exhaustion. 

Until Ainsley already looked so haggard yet still trying to massacre the troops near the East battlefield too…

She's not protected by the 'luck armour' at all. 

The moment they're waiting for has arrived. 

Ainsley was laughing and crying while standing on Ava's back, unmoving. 

"Just die! All of you– die! Die! die!!" 

In that instant, the leader's eyes glinted. 


The moment the signal dropped, the four of them didn't hesitate to pull the rifle's trigger...and the marble-like bullet instantly lashed out at the same time. 


Ainsley heard the whistling sound of the wind yet didn't see the marble bullets heading her way. The battlefield was too chaotic for her to notice this…

And when she did notice the glint coming from the smooth bullet's surface, it was already too late. 
