
"Sneaking Into The Temple"

The wind blast was so strong that even Ainsley almost got swept away by the wind if not for Cellino protecting her with his windshield. 

Just one roar, and it's already...so destructive! 

Everyone's ears rang in pain as they squeezed their eyes tightly. 

Is that really our Sloan Family guardian monster? The fck? That looks like a war machine! 

Where did the family head find this monster?? 

Ainsley didn't summon out the 10 Godzilla children and only summoned Zilla, the mother. However, it already brought so much impact to those who had never seen her before. 

Grandpa Yofan, in particular, was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue. 

"A-ain, this…?" 

"This is Zilla, Godzilla-type Mother Monster. She's a monster with strength on par with a sacred beast!" Ainsley wiped her dirtied face with her sleeve before whistling happily. 

"Zilla can defend the mansion in case another family with a sacred beast attacked us." 
