
"To Shine Brightly"

When Bernadette mentioned the baby Phoenix, Ainsley couldn't help but smile brightly. 

"Hum, hum! Where is ith?" The baby looked around the dim backstage but saw no such beast resembling a baby Phoenix. 

There was still other guests backstage, but Ainsley didn't pay attention to them yet. 

At Ainsley's question, Bern snapped his fingers, calling his personal disciple. 

"Dalton, bring the baby Phoenix!" 

Dalton, the flashy young man Ainsley met before, immediately came from outside to the backstage with something on his palm. 

Since the backstage was dim, a slight light source from any item could easily attract everyone's attention. 

It was the case with the thing on Dalton's palm. Even from afar, everyone could already see a pale blue glow surrounding something on Dalton's palm. 

The thing was small...so no one could clearly see their appearance until Dalton stopped right in front of Ainsley and squatted. 
