
"Starting The Potion Auction Business"

The new members didn't know about the ranking system, but Ainsley already introduced it to the old members a week ago. 

Thus, when the new members saw the app's display and saw the contribution ranking, they're quite confused. 

Fortunately, the app had its own guide, a five-minute video explaining about the overall system used in the Sloan Family. 

When the new elite members finally understood the whole new system, they instantly talked to each other with flushing faces. 

"This is amazing! The Sloan Family adopted the adventurer guilds system...so there won't be seniority or something like that." 

"Yeah, yeah, but look, our account level is only at level 0. It means that we are still newbies. The seniors in the ranking have at least level 3." 

The youngsters were fond of technology and APP. They immediately talked about the features that the Sloan Family's app got. 
