
"Casino God"

The players, the casino staff and the spectators looked at Ainsley as if they had seen a monster. It's not a big deal for her to win in the first round. They could say it's her luck. 

However, when the players and the casino staff clearly deployed their special abilities, how could the ball still end up landing on the baby's chosen number? 

Is it a coincidence? Did the casino make a mistake or something? The staff shouldn't be that idiot to let go of the opportunity to win some money for the casino. 

If he did that, he could get a huge bonus from the casino itself. 

But what just happened? The casino staff clearly made a mistake! 

The players were shocked, but after pondering for a while, they instantly connected the baby's win to her luck and the casino staff's mistake. 

In the next round, the casino staff wouldn't possibly make a mistake. 
