

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07, Ch 38.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was watching Snyder's Justice League.

Review: It's better than the original one, a lot better, but the CGI quality still makes me cringe. I hate Darkseid from the movie, and I hope they improve the animation before the next movie.

All things considered, it was pretty good, if you ignore the CGI, and the last 10 minutes were intense. If you know, you know. Finally, Jared Leto actually scared me with his performance. Nothing on the One True Joker, Heath, RIP, but it was a vast improvement to his first performances.

Read on!



Odin walks into the Healing Chambers, two guards at his back, and immediately asks, with a forceful voice, "What happened to my son?"

In front of, lying on a Healing bed, or as they call it, a Soul Forge, was Thor Odinson, the firstborn son of Odin. Surrounding Odinson, were 3 Healers, two at each side casting diagnosis spells on his body, while the third one, Eir, the Goddess of Healing, was checking on his Mind.

Eir takes the hands off Thor's head, and frowns at Odin. She says, "That's it, my King. There's nothing wrong with him. No spell cast on his mind, no subtle commands, and no manipulated memories. For all intents and purposes, he is perfectly healthy, both mentally, and Physically."

Odin narrows his eyes at her, and asks, "And what of his magic, Lady Eir?"

"No changes there either. I did see that his inner storm has calmed down a little. Not even when Mjolnir deemed him ready, was it this calm." Eir explains, as the other two healers stop the diagnosis.

One of them waves her hand over Thor, and a hologram of Thor's body appears over it. It shows the inner organs, a glowing white light over his heart, which signifies his Thunder Divinity, and it also shows the veins in his body.

Despite not being a Medical professional, Odin can tell that it is a normal scan, except for the part where Thor's thunder wasn't chaotic anymore.

Before he was deemed worthy of Mjolnir, Thor's thunder was too chaotic. Despite having a tremendous amount of Magical Energy within him, he had little to no chance of actually learning Magic, thanks to the chaotic thunder.

So, Odin gave him Mjolnir, which previously he had used, to bring the Thunder under control. 'I did not expect it to get this far so soon. Something else is at work here.' Odin thinks, frowning a bit.

Remembering that Mjolnir was still in the Observatory, and no one is worthy enough to bring it anywhere, Odin points his palm at the window, and summons it to him. As the healers carry on with their tasks, the hammer swiftly enters through the window, and lands in Odin's hand.

Turning it a few times, Odin casts a spell to check for tampering, and finds nothing. Mjolnir was the same as it has always been. Even the worthiness enchantment he had cast before Thor could claim it was there.

Frowning still, Odin keeps Mjolnir in the corner of the room, and leaves. 'I will talk to Thor when he wakes up.' He thinks to himself, and starts walking towards the prisons.


"Loki." Odin greets, looking at the son he had adopted after killing Laufey on the orders of his dead father.

"AllFather." Loki greets back, sitting regally with his back to the wall, and legs folded.

Between the two, was an Energy field, that stopped the prisoners from escaping. Nothing can be used within the Prison cells that cab facilitate the escape of Prisoners, not even Magic.

Odin nods to one guard, who presses a rune on the wall. The Energy field becomes a bit more transparent, and Odin simply walks through, the Field covering it up once again.

Conjuring a chair, Odin sits on it, and just looks at Loki. Loki just stares back, with no fear whatsoever. 'It's amazing how similar Loki is to my father, despite never having even met the man.' Odin thinks, remembering his father's death.

Odin did not like his father, Bor. Neither did his brothers, Vili and Ve. Bor groomed Odin the heir, while not trusting Vili and Ve much. He remembered the day, when Odin and Bor were tricked to follow a Jotun, and a Sorcerer killed Bor by turning him to snow.

Odin could have saved Bor, but he didn't. He had enough Runic knowledge to reverse the process, and bring Bor back, but he didn't. Because he wanted to be King.

Suddenly, Odin stands up, and slaps Loki hard, throwing him towards the wall. As Loki chuckles and starts getting up, Odin snarls, "Next time you try and manipulate my mind, I will behead you, doesn't matter if you're my son or not."

"Oh, AllFather. I was just getting to the good parts. What happened to Bor's Icy sculpture afterwards?" Loki asks, chuckling at Odin, and getting up. Despite having a bleeding lip, he was still trying to make Odin angry.

Odin might be old and experienced, but Loki was the God of Trickery.

Forcing himself to calm down, Odin sits back down, and says, "I don't think I'm going to get any straight answers from you today, Loki. I wonder where I went wrong with you."

Loki snarks back, "Maybe it was the constant competition between me and Thor? Or.. and it's just a guess.. you killed my son, and kidnapped every one of my other children?!"

During the whole time, Loki is still seated, and beyond snarling the last sentence, he shows no signs of anger.

Odin narrows his eyes at Loki, and yells, "Your monster Children would have brought Ragnarok, just like what you are doing now!"

Calming himself down, Odin commands, "Loki Odinson. You tried to summon The Serpent to Midgard. For this attempt of a crime against Asgard, you will be imprisoned for a measly 200 years, with your Magic bound."

With that, he slams his palm on Loki's chest, and walks out, ignoring Loki's screams at his Magic being bound.

'Somehow, Loki was more tame than usual today. Most of his anger was directed towards himself, for not being able to protect his children. Now, I'm really curious over who this being they met is.' Odin thinks to himself, and starts walking back towards the Healing Chambers.

As they get in, he orders, "Leave us." Which prompts the Healers and the guards to leave the room. Now in the room alone with Thor, and his bedside guest in the form of Frigga, Odin walks forward and puts his hand on Thor's head.

"Wake up!" Odin orders, using his Magic, and disables the Sleeping spell he had cast on Thor.

Thor wakes up immediately, and jumps back, getting in a fighting stance. He looks at the two in front of him, and hesitatingly asks, "Mother? Father?"

Frigga looks a bit confused at Thor's actions, and asks, "What is the matter, Thor?"

Thor summons Mjolnir to himself, relishing in it's feel again, and asks, "Who are you?!" looking at Odin distrustfully.

Realizing the error of his previous actions, Odin releases his hold on the OdinForce, and commands, "Stand down, son! You're frightening your mother!"

As the full force of OdinForce slams into him, Thor realizes that it is the true Odin, and kneels down.

"Get up, my son." Frigga says, gently pulling Thor up, while frowning at Odin, who ignores it.

Thor smiles at Frigga and then says, "I apologize, mother. I just.. I thought Asgard had been taken over by someone else." He then turns towards Odin, frowning, and asks, "Why did you attack me, father?"

Odin narrows his eyes at the daring his sons are showing today in questioning his actions, and says, "You met some unknown being on Midgard, attacked him, but stopped attacking at once. I needed to know you weren't under the being's control."

Thor scrunches his eyebrows, confused at that, and asks, "Unknown Being? Do you mean Theos, Father?"

Both Odin and Frigga get more attentive at that, as Odin asks, "Who is this Theos, Thor?"

Thor becomes even more confused, but obediently answers, "Theos was the one who stopped Loki from escaping, when he tricked me with his illusions. Loki's illusions did not work on Theos, and he knew of us, so he helped me capture Loki."

Odin and Frigga share a look, both thinking the same thing. This Theos was dangerous.

"Tell us everything that happened after you caught up to Loki." Odin orders, as Frigga gestures Thor to sit on the bed.

And so, Thor does, he tells them about everything. How he and Loki fought, how Loki almost escaped, but an invisible Theos stopped him from doing so. And the subsequent conversation.

"This Theos managed to hide from Heimdall's sight, is immune to Loki's illusions, controls plants, managed to trap Loki with said plants, and is still just a young God. And he specifically said he's the son of Jord?" Odin asks, gripping Gungnir tightly, while Frigga was to Thor's side, holding his hand gently.

Thor nods, so Frigga says, "Well, if he's an acknowledged son of Jord, he is definitely not a threat to Asgard. But, I will still meet with her to clear things up."

Odin nods, and says, "You do that. Thor, you may leave for your rooms."

Thor bows a bit, and leaves, knowing his parents need to talk in private. Once he's gone, Frigga begins speaking, and says, "I knew Jord had a new child, who managed to defeat a Demon Lord and his army, singlehandedly, but he's strong enough to trap Loki? We all know how elusive Loki is."

Odin nods at her, and says, "Given time, Loki could have escaped from the bindings Thor spoke of, but fortunately, Thor had the bright idea of checking for illusions and knocked him out."

"There's also the fact that he knows Thor is a Jordson." Frigga adds, frowning at that. Despite the fact that he is not her son by birth, she loves him the same as she does Baldur.

They stay silent for a while, thinking over the happenings. Odin stands up, and starts walking out. He says, "Jord might not give you all the answers. But just try to find out if he's a threat to our son."

Frigga nods, not saying anything, but thinks to herself, 'You have three more sons, Odin. Granted one is adopted, but you're forgetting about your other two sons just like your father did for your brothers.'

Shaking her head at the repeating history, Frigga stands up and starts walking towards the Bifrost, with two guards following after her. It was time to request an audience with Lady Jord.

It was two days after she had sent a message to Jord on Midgard, that she received an invitation to her house. So it was, 3 days after receiving the invitation, that Heimdall dropped her on the beach of Jord's Island.

Not even Heimdall knew where the home was, but he had received the location from Jord herself, and Frigga had no doubt, that he will literally forget about it as soon as the meeting is done with.

With Frigga, were two Hand maidens, and four guards, and she could also feel Heimdall's sight on her.

Seeing a path lead inside the island, Frigga starts walking towards it, with her companions following right behind. The path leads to a house, sufficiently big for a mortal to live in, but did not feel as if it belongs to a God, let alone an Elder God.

As soon as they reach the door, all 6 of her companions drop down, unconscious, and she feels Heimdall's gaze stop working on this island.

Sighing, and ignoring her fallen guards, she just knocks on the door, and enters when it opens up.

"You did not have to knock them out, Jord." Frigga says, looking annoyed at the woman sitting there, reading carelessly.

Putting the book down, Jord smiles widely, and walks in front of Frigga. She says, "How else was I supposed to have a private conversation with my daughter?" and hugs Frigga.

Frigga just sighs, and hugs her mother back. Not many Gods knew of this relation. Not even Odin. He just thought her a normal Vanir.

Leaning into the hug, she says, "I have missed you, mother."

"And I, you, daughter. How have you been?" Jord says, hugging her once and then separating. She motions towards a reclined chair, and sits in one herself.

Frigga takes the offered seat, and says, "I have been well, mother. No issues of note yet. Baldur is alright as well, and still invulnerable from anything. We can talk about that later though. What's this about a son I hear? And why didn't you tell me about him?"

Jord sighs, having already dreaded this conversation, and says, "His name is Theos, Frigga, you'll like him. He's not even 200 years old though, so I haven't mentioned him to anyone. Alas, the demon spread it everywhere anyway."

Frigga frowns at her mother, but concedes at her excuse. At 200, Thor, Baldur and Loki were practically adults, but still weak. So she can understand Jord keeping him a secret.

She suddenly snaps her head towards her mother, and asks, "He's not even 200?!"

Jord nods, confused at why this is so surprising for her.

Frigga jumps up, and holds her mother by her shoulders, shaking her a bit, and asks again, "Are you sure? You're not lying?"

Jord gently pushes Frigga back, and answers, "Yes, I'm sure. He's 184 years old. Why?"

Frigga blinks, and widens her eyes in surprise. She mumbles, "Just 184? And already so strong?"

Frigga brings herself back when she feels Jord shaking her by her shoulder. Turning to Jord's questioning look, she answers, "At 184, he managed to trap Loki! Why are you not more surprised? Just think, how strong he'll be when he's older!"

Jord just chuckles, and sits back down. Waving Frigga's concern away, she answers, "Yes, Theos managed to trap Loki, but he is not that strong yet. Loki was distracted when Theos called Thor a brother, and took advantage of it. Loki still managed to take most of the effects of the Bindings off, but Thor knocked him out anyway."

Frigga sighs in relief. She knew how big of a target strong Gods make when they're younger. Thor and Baldur both had no shortage of assassins after them when they were kids.

Even if by tricking, Theos managed to trap Loki, which is no small feat.

Shaking her head, she ignores her thoughts, and turns back to her mother. Her mother, whom she hadn't seen for half a million years. Narrowing her eyes at her mother, she says, "Well, what are you waiting for, mother? Tell me about my new brother."

Jord just chuckles, and starts telling her about Theos. Again, she's upset she has to do so, but she has to keep a few things secret, even from her other children.

Frigga might be one of the only few that were raised by an Avatar of hers, but she still has the same fear of Celestials that the other Gods do.

'I'm meeting a lot of lost relatives this month, and it's all because of Theos.' Jord thinks, wondering whether to thank him, or punish him.

Somewhere far away, above the ocean near the African Continent, a flying man suddenly shivers, not knowing what he did wrong now.



If you guys were confused by his statements last chapter, Buri does not die with Ragnarok. He was born in the first cycle, as the son of Ymir, and he stayed alive when the first Ragnarok happened.

Whether he's the one that makes the rebirth of Asgard possible, I don't know. But, for now, he just watches as Asgard is born again, and as it dies again.

Every cycle, he goes to Asgard, raises Bor, and then abdicates the throne for Bor when Bor defeats Buri in Physical combat. You can read his Wiki page if you want.

Anyway, until next time! Tata!
