
Prologue 3: Rebirth

A/N: Yup, another Prologue chapter. this one's the last, probably.

Yeah, if anyone wants to donate anything, my Pat-reon is HelloDarkness07, now on to the story!


The Queen of Nevers, is someone who was everyone, everywhere, and every time. She is the living embodiment of all possibilities within the Multiverse.

So, obviously, when she saw millions of Universes dying in the future, all because one petty Eternal was allowed to snap his fingers, she began changing things.

This was going to be her own giant "Fuck you!" to the fates, who like to manipulate the future according to their whims.

First, she chose a Celestial that was going to give birth the natural way- in some possible futures at least- and gave her the Gift of Clairvoyance, which allowed the Celestial in question to stay alive past her time.

Oh, Death was angry at her for the misuse of Authority, but she backed off once faced with the destruction of the Multiverse.

The Celestial, Madonna, went on to mate with a Earth Goddess, The Earth Goddess, and was soon going to give birth to a child.

This.. is where the Queen of the Nevers interfered even more. Dipping her hand within the Realm of the Dead, she plucked one soul out, and melded it with the Soul already within the Celestial hybrid.

This particular soul, the Queen had noticed, was from a Multiverse isolated from the rest of the Omniverse, which meant, it was fated to be wiped clean before being put in the Reincarnation cycle.

But, thanks to The Queen herself touching the Soul, it's fate got changed. It kept it's memory, and got a minor, very minor, gift for Precognition.

Putting the soul within the half formed child, still within the Star, the Queen whispers, "You will save this Multiverse, my Enigma. Or you will suffer forever. You have one task, and only one. Stop Thanos, the Mad Titan, from destroying the Infinity Stones. The rest, you may live as you wish."

The soul, meanwhile, kept on sleeping, not knowing what lay in it's future, but with an instinctive understanding once it wakes up. Whatever happens, Infinity Stones must not be destroyed.


Theos POV:

'What is this? Am I not dead? Did the stone slab somehow miss?' I think to myself, feeling warmth all around me.

'Last I remember, the highway flyover construction fell apart, right when I was driving my bike under it. Did the big ass slab miss?' I think. On second thought, I shake my head.

I definitely got hit by the slab, I felt it hit my head. After which.. nothing. Maybe I died, and I went to heaven?


Lol, no. While I wasn't bad enough for Hell, any version of it from the various mythos, I definitely wasn't good enough for Heaven. I was a normal man, with normal selfishness, and normal evilness within me.

Who was I?

Well, you don't care about my past. Neither do I, actually. My family was mentally unstable, which includes me. So, I wasn't exactly close to them, at least not enough that I'll miss them, or they'll miss me.

They'll surely miss the extra cash I used to bring in, though. And the help I used to give in my dad's shop.

Anyway, I used to traverse with my bike usually, a motorbike, I mean, to go from my house to the factory. Yeah, Mechanical Engineering degree only managed to snag me a small job in an assembly line for a Car company. Fucking Mumbai University.

Ahem, moving on, the Mumbai-Goa National Highway was being expanded, and a flyover was being built as an Express way. Obviously, of the money allocated to this construction, 80% went to various pockets, while only 20% was allotted to the road.

As you can guess, the flyover fell, halfway through the construction. And just when I was under it. A large cement slab, managed to fall right on top of my moving motorbike, and crushed me right under it.

But, you don't care about my life before my death.

So, here I am, sitting, sleeping, or standing in the warmth, while continuously drinking/eating something. I don't even know what I'm drinking/eating. Heck, I don't even know if I'm eating or drinking!

Shrugging, I close my eyes, and go to sleep. Whether it's heaven, Hell, or rebirth, I'll know it when it happens.

When I sleep though, I see some things that make me doubt my sanity, even after my death. A woman, looking at me with tender, loving eyes, as she says, "Mama loves you, my little Theos, never forget that. Mama loves you."

The weird thing was that the woman was surrounded by fire, lava, and some Golden-black armour like the Transformers, or more like Ultron from the MCU movies.. movie. He literally was in one movie.

The next vision was of a fight, between hundreds of giant robots, against one vampire looking man, who wielded a sword and armour against the robots' futuristic energy attacks. And he almost won! But the fight was soon over too, and the Robots all disappeared.

Unfortunately, for Theos that is, he could still see in the spot the vampire was getting dragged under ground in. He saw the blood of the vampire- and how is that possible?!- get separated from the body, bit by bit, and for into little slime like creatures.

Then, the sword and armour that the vampire like creature was wearing separated from the body, and flew off towards two different directions, out of my sight.

Shivering at the weird feeling the armour and sword gave me, I keep on looking at whatever visions I was getting. It did not seems to be in chronological order, at least I don't think so, but I could say one thing for sure.

Whoever that woman who called me Theos was, was related to these Robots. And that one Robot looked really familiar. I've definitely seen him somewhere, but I just can't remember where.

And so, it continued, for years and years. I would look at a planet being destroyed by the Robots, never even learning what the Robots were, and why they were destroying the planets while people already lived there.

I wanted to stop them, for the first few times. But then, when my voice fell on deaf years, I stopped shouting at the dumb robots.

Time turned even more back, and I finally learned what the Robots are called. For a change, the Robots were now beginning to create life on planets, and shaping the gases into stars, galaxies, planets, etc.

It was then, that I saw him again. The Vampire. He just appeared, out of nowhere, or more accurately, out of the Void, took form, and immediately got angry at the Robot in front of him.

With one swipe of his shadow, the giant Robot was decapitated, and it's body swallowed by the shadow.

It was when the Vampire began making his sword and armour, while staying in the brain of the Robot, that I heard it, clear as day. "These Celestials have dared to disturb my Kingdom of Shadows! Now, they will suffer the wrath of Knull!"

Honestly, the voice might have caused me to poop my pants, and I'm saying this for the adult me, but somehow, I didn't.

Thankfully, reverse time Travelling spirits, souls, or whatever the hell I am, don't need to poop, so my dignity was saved. Yay. Can't you feel the excitement?

Cue eye roll in a sarcastic manner, I suddenly widen my eyes. Celestials. Knull. Celestials. Knull.

Knull. Fuck.

Why the hell am I viewing the past if the Marvel world? No wonder the Robots looked familiar, they're all Celestials! What the fuck am I then? And where the fuck am I?

Okay, Marvel fanboyism later. Firstly, why am I Time travelling? Who's showing me all this? Is there a ROB? Do I get wishes?

Awkward pause later, I continue my questions. Who the hell am I?

Suddenly, the ever terrifying Knull hammering away at his armour disappears from in front of me, and is replaced by the void. I see a few wisps of something blue and suspiciously fire like enter my stomach, before I feel my eyes drooping.

I'll sleep now, the wisps can continue doing what they're doing. I'm dead anyway, what are they going to do? Torture me?


"Ooh, my baby! Doesn't he look just cute in his armour, Agamotto?" a female voice says, waking me up a bit, but not too much.

A rough male voice answers back, "Yes, the Celestial is cute. Now, can I leave? Mother plans on leaving the Universe soon, and I have delayed her enough."

My eyes droop again, giving me barely enough time to notice that the wisps have all disappeared, I wasn't eating anything automatically currently, and I was being held by a woman. So, I was a baby.

The next I wake up, it is for a longer time, and I look up, to see a woman holding me to her chest. She was amazingly beautiful! But she was also confusing as hell.

From one eye, she looked to me as a brown haired, fair skinned woman, with green eyes, and a green dress on her. From the other eye, she looked to me as a brown skinned woman, with black hair and eyes, and the same green dress on.

She looks at my open eyes, and smiles widely. Rocking me a bit, she says, "I am sorry, my little Theos, I couldn't save your mother." So that was my mother, a Celestial Robot. "Well, your other mother." Okay, wtf? I didn't know science got that far?

Well, this is Marvel. If it's anything like the comics, two women having children is the most normal thing here. Looking at you, Agamotto "Mr I was born from a teardrop".

The woman, my other mother, continues speaking again, and says, "But don't worry. I will make sure you get to make her proud and be the best son possible! This I promise!" well, she's enthusiastic at least. She picks me up into the air, Lion King style™, and smiling widely, proclaims, "Theos, the Son of Madonna, and Gaea! Our God Child!"

Well, this just happened. Finally understanding what she just said, what my new Mother- ONE OF THEM!- said, I finally open my mouth.. and wail.

I am a baby, you know. Armour wearing, Celestial baby, who's other parent is mother Earth herself.

Someone really wanted me to be powerful on Earth, didn't they? One parent Celestial, other an Elder Goddess stronger than the Skyfathers of every pantheon. Then, there was the past viewing thing, if it's regular for me.

Damn, I am OP.

As Gaea, my new mother, starts fussing over my crying state, I think to myself, 'What a wonderful world..'


A/N: Again, don't get your hopes up. I needed to write this chapter, as it wouldn't leave my mind alone. I probably won't continue this.
