
The Upcoming Hearing

"Good job Scientist ZiL, I really owe you..." Gustav voiced out with a look of gratitude but something still bothered him.

"How is a hearing going to be held in my absence?" He questioned.

"It has been requested all over the news for you to show up at Court Vladlini tomorrow for the last few days. But the hearing would still have taken place regardless of your absence as the witnesses in several crime scenes have severally voiced their opinions on wanting to speak to the public on what they saw on that day," Sir ZiL explained.

"Every one of them who is fully recovered now will be attending the hearing and a defender has been put in place for you. Courtesy of your teacher," Sir ZiL added.

"Miss Aimee is involved as well?" Gustav voiced out.

 "She appeared on the news recently, I'm sure she's doing all that she can from within to assist with the upcoming hearing," Sir ZiL responded.

"I guess I'll be seeing her soon then," Gustav stated.
