
Angy Vs Endric

Angy and Endric stared at each other fiercely for a few seconds until Endric started laughing.

"So you're the bitch he's always with, eh? Maybe I should deal with you first?" Endric voiced out.

"Such Vulgar tongue! You lack manners," Angy voiced out.

"Shut up!" Endric shouted out as he pushed his right arm forward.

Angy suddenly felt a strong force grabbing hold of her and squeezing her tight.

She found herself being lifted off the ground in the next second.


The neighbors were shocked as they witnessed the scene of Angy being easily subjugated.

As she tried to free herself, it felt like her body was being crushed in between a gigantic invisible palm.

"So you're only so so... I thought he had more impressive people around him, hmph!" Endric voice out as he flung his arm forward.


Angy's body slammed into the wall on the other side and broke through it.
