
Never a day that she doesn’t love them

When she asked Liu Shun-Feng if he could drive her somewhere. That somewhere was here. The Pan Manor. Pulling his car up to the Pan Manor’s gate, Wang Yi-An got off.

The daylight was bright, because after their breakfast it was half an hour’s ride from the restaurant to the Pan Manor. She stared at those gates for a second longer before Liu Shun-Feng asked her. “You sure you want to be here? Of all the places?”

Wang Yi-An didn’t talk much. Every time Liu Shun-Feng asked her, “Where are we going?” she would respond with a simple answer, “Soon you’ll know.” And soon enough, they had arrived at the gates.

The one thing about Wang Yi-An that could be both her strength and weakness was her kindness. Living apart from her brother, Yi-Xiu, was a decision she had made because she couldn’t bear the thought of her mother being left alone. Now, because of her kindness, she was worried about Cheung Yun-Er, who was now alone.
