
Chapter 220 The light which cannot reach the death

Kaecilius smiled and said lightly.

" Arthur. The greatest hero and one of the most powerful mage in this world. Your death will please the lord."

Arthur looked at him and said with indifference.

" How far have you fallen. I will stop you before you turn this world into nothingness."

Kaecilius snorted. He activated his spell.

" Try me."

Arthur didn't say anything as he gestured to attack. Stephen nodded. He threw his disk and tied Kaecilius's arm. Ancient One blinked next to him as she plunged her spear into him. Then Arthur appeared beside him and slashed him down. However, Kaecilius didn't react. He was smiling.

" Futile. My life and soul is immortal. Unless the lord kills me, even most powerful soul magic has no effect on me."

Arthur didn't back down. He said lightly.

" Shine."

His sword shone like night sky. Arthur released his zanpoktou.

Kaecilius laughed at his power. Perhaps, he would have died instantly if he was a human. Unfortunately, this type of attack was meaningless. He grabbed Arthur's sword. A burning meat smell came out from his hand. He said with surprise.

" It is even available to burn away darkness. However, my darkness is infinite. You can't continously deal damage to me."

Ancient One shouted.

" Stephen use your spell on us. We will be alright."

Stephen nodded. He muttered as his surroundings glowed brightly. Kaecilius's face changed when he heard the chant.

" Like I will let you do that."

He struggled as he directly pushed Ancient One and Arthur back with other dimensional energy. A huge torrent slowly pushed them back. Arthur shouted.

" Mordo now."

Mordo appeared behind of him and threw an artifact to Kaecilius.


It binded him on the ground as Stephen finished his chant.


The bright chains tied him and pulled him to the ground. Arthur and Ancient One chanted together as they tried to seal him.

Kaecilius said loudly.

" Dark lord, please I need more power."


The space trembled and Kaecilius burned with raging dark fire. Arthur and Ancient One retreated back.

Step, crack*

Kaecilius cracked the spell and appeared with a dark robe. His hollow eyes looked at them and said coldly.

" Long time no see, mage. You have a debt to pay."

Ancient One said coldly.

" You are a fool to believe if you can devour this world."

Dormammu smiled brightly.

" A great line up indeed. Two powerful mages and one elder mage. Lastly, a demi god who traded her soul for longevity."

Mordo was shocked to hear this statement. He shouted furiously.

" Don't lie monster. Our master isn't a person like Kaecilius."

Dormammu chuckled.

" You should know I would never lie. How do you think she is still alive? Because of me. You know it right, Mr. Strange and Mr. Frost?"

Stephen groaned. He dodged his eyes. Mordo trembled slightly when he saw this. Ancient One said calmly.

" Mordo, we will talk later. Firstly, let's defeat him."

Dormammu burst out laughing when he heard this.

" How ignorant! You think I would be naive to be sealed again."

He appeared next to Mordo and threw him to the skyscraper. Arthur shouted.

" Defend yourselves."

He teleported next to Mordo and grabbed him. Then he appeared next to Dormammu and slashed. Strangely it was ineffective. Dormammu grabbed Arthur's sword and said calmly.

" A fascinating weapon. You might have hurt me if I didn't activate my dimension power."

Ancient One blinked behind him and stabbed her spear. However, Dormammu grabbed her by throat. He opened a portal and threw Arthur to there. Arthur felt unimaginable force from him. Even he tried to resist he couldn't do that. Dormammu looked at Ancient One and grinned evilly.

" This is the end, mage."

He banned her magic and threw her down to the ground. Stephen looked at him horror and shouted.

" No!"

Ancient One's body flew down like a broken doll.

Swoosh, bang*

Arthur dashed to her with his light speed, but he couldn't reach her as it was too late. He only grabbed broken body with dying breath.

Stephen appeared next to him and said with urgency.

" Let's go to the hospital. We might be available to save her."

Arthur shook his head. His hands were glowing and he couldn't save her. He said with a sad voice.

" It is too late."
