
I am Hungry-2

"Attack him..."

"What? Really?"

"We have to assess him because I can't feel anything from that being."

The five Chaos Paragon powerhouses decided to attack Athan as they released their devastating offensive order abilities.

On the other hand, Limbus and Reigen had just transformed for Athan and became his wings.


Reigen and Limbus were scared, but Athan stretched his hand forward as a massive dark beastly mouth appeared with a black whirlpool in its mouth.

The blue sparks from his cloak glittered as all those devastating chaotic attacks were forcefully pulled towards the giant beastly mouth and... got devoured.

Athan flew towards them using Limbus and Reigen with cold, hungry eyes.

The five Chaos Paragons were scared shitless as they turned around and flew away with their full power.

Seeing them like that, Chaos Monarchs and Chaos Saints also started running.
