
End of the Tournament.

Athan and Arcued were stunned.

Arcued felt stupid after hearing what Tealery said, but he understood that he was impressed by Athan's overwhelming power and didn't even think about Athan taking the oath.

On the other hand, Athan smiled after getting startled and nodded his head, " Alright. I will also take an oath that I will never betray you two and have any intention to harm you in the future. "

Tealery chuckled and said, " Good. Here, Take this contact card. "

Athan caught the contact card and put it inside his void region.

Afterward, Both Athan and Tealery took the oath before they all looked at the five fruits.

" You two take one each, and the remaining three fruits are mine. Any objection? "

Tealery and Arcued looked at each other before answering.

" Fine. "

" No objection. "
