
Chapter IV: Winds of Change

"Congratulations on your victory, brother." Khalos places a firm hand on Crixus' shoulder.

"I hear your victory was a deft defeat. Nasir lasted mere moments against you!" Crixus' replied.

Khalos smiled. "You heard correctly. And soon, you will hear that I will be the next Champion of Capua. That is also correct."

Crixus laughed. " I welcome the challenge."


Things were beginning to change as Khalos was led to Batiatus' chambers. He heard joyous laughter. Inquires had been for Spartacus. Those who wish to gain the favor of Legatus Glaber, women who want to be fucked by a beast while their husbands were away, and those who wanted to see Glaber fall.

"Spartacus! You son of a Thracian whore! You are a blessing! You earn back your cost and enough to buy your wife's freedom. Prepare yourself for a hectic month." Batiatus spoke then sent Khalos away as he looked through many written requests.

Unfortunately, Khalos deeds were not enough to sway Batiatus' greed. He would advertise Spartacus during the day, and at night, he planned to take Kerza and two other gladiators to fight in the pits to double his monthly profits.


Night after the Vulcanlia games.

Khalos was sitting next to Mira, Varro, and Ashur at the tables on the training grounds. The area was empty, save for their group. Mira had been called like she was the night two nights passed. At the same time, Varro was there to discuss winning from the Vulcanalia games.

Spartacus Khalos, 8-1. Wager 3. Payout: 9

Barca, 12-11. wager 1. Payout: 2

Hamilcar, 11-1. wager 5. Payout: 60

Rhaskos, 14-1. Wager 5. Payout: 75

Rabanus,8-6. Wager 1. Payout: 2 Denari 3 coppers


Spent: 14 Denari ...Earnings: 148 Coins 3 Coppers

"Jupiter's fucking cock... That's enough to buy freedom." Varro gasped.

Ashur put on a soar face.

"Tell him, Ashur," Khalos says. Khalos always assumed the Ashur was never the house the Gladiators bet against. But the house was, in fact, house Batiatus.

Roman law stipulated that as they are neither slave nor free, Gladiators are entitled to some of the earnings made their hand.

"That is merely credit. Dominus hasn't truly paid out full compensation in months. And thanks to the mindless Gladiators, I have been able to tweak the numbers in Batiatus's favor." Ashur explains.

"Meaning every gladiator has at least two coins more in their purse that is being held by the dominus. And the person to pay out these winnings is Batiatus. But he doesn't have the money." Khalos explained.

Ashur looked uncomfortably under the gaze of Varro.

"But that's okay. Because Ashur can exchange the coin owed for things of equal value. For now, five Varro five coins for his pleasure."

Ashur looked at Varro then at Khalos with an uneasy feeling. He could feel that Khalos knew more than he was sharing. Ashur then puls out five coins and places them in Varro's hand.

Khalos gives Varro a gesture to send him on his way. When the curly-haired man was gone. Khalos smiled at Ashur.

"Give me my fucking coin. I know you have it. You play with all of Batiatus ' books. So. 20 coins still go to the wife with my regards. Make sure she is in good health. If not, let me know. If you don't, I will find out. And will I can tell everyone how you've been stealing from them. Make sure Mira here is fed well. And I'm going to give you five coins to deliver a letter that does not exist. Do you understand?"

Ashur nodded to Khalos. Then hand a key to Khalos that opens a single cell on the other side of the training ground. Khalos applauded himself as he walked away with Mira.

The episode of Barca's death always bugged him. Barca's death was brought about two things. Either Ashur was stealing from Gladiators, or he was sealing from Batiatus. Or both.

Ashur had the money to pay people generous sums to do his bidding when House Batiatus was still in need of money. The gamble was risky, but Ashur was an easy man to ready. Cowards always had a tell.

Khalos now stood in the single-cell as he and Mira talked. He knew what she wanted, but she tried to come to terms with what he wanted, a spy.

"It is nothing difficult. You merely can ear open for any information that might benefit or harm me." Khalos explained.

"I have a good life here."

"A life of content is not a good life. You feel safe in chains being used as others see fit. That is not a good life. Listen for me, and I will see to it that you live a life mistaken for Elysium -- A life truly worth maintaining. I swear to the Gods that granted me this body."

Khalos words were spoken true as the winds on the training grounds picked and blew dust into the room through the cracks in the door. Mira could even hear the whistle of the wind that has long been silent.

Even Khalos looked around but maintained a straight face. In his mind, he thoughts,' That was fucking creepy. Behemoths and Ghouls I can face. That was science. Magic makes me nervous.'

Khalos's thoughts were ironic, considering that it could be said that magic is why he had a second life.

Mira listened as the whistling wind died down. She looked at Khalos and said, "You heard that Spartacus? The gods were listening, and they bind your oath. If you satisfy, not even your wife's return can stop this."

Khalos heard a warning in Mira's voice. Khalos smirked, "Call me Khalos when we're alone. They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But that saying was before monsters walked the earth, and children at the age of eight had to fight them to survive because their parents were raped and fed to a fiend. So let me warn you, if you start this, you can't stop, ever."

Mira felt a deep shiver slither down her spine as she listened to words that made no sense to her. But then she remembered the whispers that Khalos often speak and quote things that were foreign and seemed outlandish. But when she recalled the tale that Varro told everyone of Khalos's story before his victory of Nasir, she knew not to take his words lately.

"What is hell?" she stammered.

"The underworld. Hades." Khalos replied.

"Monster. Fiends, like the minotaur or gorgons?"

"Yes," he replied once more.

Mira began to reply to his words in her with clarified meaning. She then said, " You speak of things like ancient stories from the time of Gods."

Khalos thought of the apocalypse and the mythological stories of old and saw many similarities. ' I guess she's right.' he thought.

"Mira, are you in or out?" he asked in a low rumble.

Mira would be lying if she said the Khalos didn't frighten her. The scars that riddled his body were worse than those of the gladiators who had lived in the Ludus for years. His muscles were tightly packed reveled parts she didn't even know could be strengthened. His were dark and abyssal, she could see her reflection, and it added chills to her already trembling body.

"Mira," Khalos called her name.

"Yes. Yes, I'm in." Mira stammered.

A moment later, she felt Khalos's touch and was surprised to feel flesh instead of metal. Warmth and gentleness that gladiators could not express. And yet, in one touch, Khalos, the gladiator, had made up for four poor attempts she had tried to find something meaningful in her life as a slave.

Mira found what she had been looking for in the arms of Khalos and his cock inside her. Every stoke was like life being pumped into her. A sensual wave of lave and passion being conjured by a man she had only met once. Mira allowed herself to be carried away by the waves.


--The Morning After-

"Where is this letter that you want me to take, and who am I taking it to?" Ashur asked

Khalos handed him a letter meant for Ilithyia. Ashur was flabbergasted by said he would see to it.

While Khalos was training, he was allowed time to essentially train as he pleased. When Khalos began to do his usual work out regime, it gained much attention, but Doctore was the first to associate specific workouts with many of Khalos's defined muscle regions. It was like Doctore had a breakthrough.

He even subconsciously touch his abdomen as he thought of his tender flesh where Theolokes left his mark. Besides Doctore, many thought Khalos was mad and was doing pointless movements.

During lunch, Khalos was pulled away told of his first request worth a significant sum of money. But as he was leaving, he encountered a worried Mira who said to him that Batiatus planned to take Varro, Kerza, Tacitus to the pit as they were the three weakest to date.


-House of Tribuni Canus Sestius Silus-

"So it is true, the Thracian Reaper now belongs to House Batiatus." Said Silus.

"Tribuni. I figure you would be with Glaber off letting women and children be slaughtered by Gaete." Khalos replied.

Silus smirked at him. "I am no longer with Glaber. I am next in line to be a Legatus myself. Thanks to you. Your dissertation had the Senate asking questions. It was my civic duty to tell of the Legatus' behavior in Thrace."

"Fucking Romans. Tell me who I must fight, and let's be done with this," said Khalos.

"Impatient as ever, Khalos." the Tribuni then gestured to a guard who quickly left the room.

Khalos waited as he stared at the smug Tribuni. Tribuni and Tribunus were the highest officer titles beneath Legatus. Tribuni were specialists, and Tribunus were more green officers serving as second in command to a Legatus.

During the war, Tribuni Silus was an Officer who led the Roman Auxilary that was meant to fight beside Khalos and the Thracian. However, Khalos and the Thracian only served as cannon fodder. But Khalos did get the title Thracian Reaper, as he covered the battlefield with bodies long after his tribe had been killed. He was then put in charge of the Auxiliary a year after the war started. Clearing the battlefield with his strang tactics and impeccable command. All of which the Legatus took credit for.

"I hear they call you Spartacus now," said Silus.

"Glaber never knew my name. Or just didn't care enough to remember." Khalos replied.

"Hmm. Believe it or not. I wish I could help you. But as long as Glaber is still Legatus. You will stay in chains."

Khalos scuffed, the drain a cup of wine. "It's what the gods have decided."

"You and the fucking gods. Thick as thieves still?" Silus asked.

Khalos simply smirked. and Silus chuckled. "Look, I wish you the best of luck. But this spartan I have acquired is said to be birth from a she-wolf. He's killed many Romans, Egyptians, and greeks. I plan to travel to Pompeii and pit him against Theokoles. That's if he can beat you."

Silus then tossed his coin purse on the table. "I asked for you by name. I wanted to see if you were the man who took souls like death. Now that I know it's you, Khalos. I want you to fight him. If you win, that purse is Batiaus's."

Silus then gesture to another guard, who stepped out and returned with Batiatus. The two men spoke and laughed like idiots until the spartan arrived. And Khalos nearly lost his shit when seen a spitting image of...

"Leonidas! Son of the She-Wolf!" Silus proclaimed.

Khalos nearly broke into a burst of uncontrollable laughter. He then walked over to the 6'2" spartan and looked him in the face. Then he fell out laughing again.

"Okay. Okay. Silus. I'll fight Leonidas. And when I kill him, you pick a new profession." Khalos laughed some more, "Lanista does not suit you."

Batiatus was embarrassed and was about apologized when Silus waved him off with a smile.

"Weapons," said Silus.

A moment later. Khalos had dual swords. Leonidas a shield and sword. Both men stood toe to toe. But the show was undoubtedly disappointing when Khalos used Leonidas' own shield to break his arm. Khalos then disarmed him of his sword, stabbed him in the chest with two swords then picked up Leonidas' sword to behead him.

Khalos looked at Silus with a maniacal smile and said, "That was fun, Silus. We should do it again sometime."


In the carriage back to the Ludus, Batiatus couldn't stop kissing Khalos' ass. Barca had no idea what made Batiatus so happy.

"Dominus, if I may?"

"By the gods!" he replied.

"The pits. I would like to venture there in the night. I find real battle is the only training needed to supplement growth."

Barca had eyes of shock, and Batiatus finally calmed from laughter.

"The Pits is no place for a gladiator."

"A name the Romans slap on a fighting slave. But I am a warrior, and every place is fit for a warrior looking to wet his blade with the blood of his victims." Khalos explained. If he could be sent to the pits, he could at least save Varro. If not, the fates wanted his soul, and it was nothing he could about it.

"This is for Varro?" Batiatus asked plainly.

"It is."

Batiatus sighed. " But you do not shy from your duties. No one knows when another game will come or if we will be invited. Your favor with the crowd my wane before then, so you will work your requests and do the pits."

"That is fare Dominus. What is planned for me tomorrow?"

"Nothing," Batiatus replied. "But the day after tomorrow, you and Crixus will attend a gathering. You will fight war prisoners, then fuck the wives and daughters of good roman men. And you will move to satisfy."

"Yes. Dominus." Khalos replied.

Batiatus fondled his coin purse and shouted for the driver to head towards the pits.


The next morning, Khalos was given extra food from Barca and a piece of bread from Crixus. Barca had told how he volunteered for the pits to spare his brothers and fought like a true warrior to win his matches.

The gladiators looked at Khalos in a new light. Many of them even began to call him Khalos in the Ludus. But one thing stayed true, Khalos was the maddest fucking man in the Ludus.
