

The Tiger found it very hard to defend against Grey. it was trying to regain its original superiority in the battle, but Grey refused to give it that chance. 

Before it could properly stabilize from one attack, Grey had already come with another one. Even if it manages to force Grey back, it would only be for a second since he would be back as soon as possible. 

Everyone watched on as Grey slowly took the Tiger apart piece by piece. Knowing that there might be a chance for the Tiger to get back into the battle, Grey focused on decapitating it. He first broke one of its hindlegs, before breaking the other. 

With its powerful hind legs broken, the Tiger could barely stand, much less move with its previous explosive speed. 

Grey stopped his attacks after a few more seconds. The Tiger was almost lying on the ground, only able to keep itself up with its front legs. 

"Do you really still want to keep fighting?" He asked with a casual expression. 
