

Draco's POV

I can't sleep. I just left her there but I can't go back now. I won't let myself fall for her. She could never want me anyway. Look at me. We have no future. I will work for the Dark Lord like my father and find someone else. I don't need her and I never will.

The bloody cabinet still isn't fixed and its taking too long. I'm missing almost all of my classes. I'm missing her. It's the middle of the night and I decide to occupy my mind with my task.  I change and go to the room of requirement where the cabinet is housed. This time I've had to bring a bird. I'm scared. What are they going to do to it?

I reveal the cabinet by removing the large cloth hiding it. The bird begins flapping around in the cage and guilt washes over me. I trap it in my hand and place it in the centre of the cabinet. I close the door and shut the latch. The weird noise occurs again in a couple of seconds and I reluctantly open the door again. Fuck.

The poor bird lays there, dead. I close the door and cover the cabinet once more then get out of there before the emotions sink in. It's getting light outside and I apparate to the quidditch pitch without hesitation. I know I shouldn't but I can't help wanting to check if she's okay. I reach the place where I left her and she's not there. She probably woke up and went to sleep.

I'll check her dorm.

Raven's POV

I reach the slytherin table and take a seat next to Blaise who's company I've come to quite enjoy. "Hey Raven" he greets as he sees me slide in beside him. "Can't get enough of me I see" he says cockily. "Oh shut up, you're barely tolerable" I say and lightly smack him on the back of the head. "Seen Draco lately?" I ask eagerly. "Not recently, sorry. Speaking of the devil" he says and looks to the hall doors. Draco stands in the large doorway looking very dishevelled.

As he gets closer I realise the bags under his eyes are very prominent and his hair look extremely tangled. Maybe not the best state to be angrily screamed at in. I'll leave it for later, if I can stop myself.

Draco's POV

I enter her dorm and she's not in there. Thank god Pansy isn't either. I unintentionally gravitate towards Raven's bed and the next thing I know I'm snuggled in her thick duvet. It's so comforting and smells exactly like her, black coffee and smoke. An unusual smell but it brings me comfort and I can imagine that she's here with me. Something that I'll only ever get to imagine.

I'm awoken by a knock on the door and I get up to open it. I push it open and no one is there. Strange. I walk to the Great Hall in the same clothes as yesterday. I don't care how I look. Not anymore. I used too take pride in all the girls that wanted me, wanted to fuck me, make me their boyfriend. But now if anyone shows interest in me I ignore it and push them away. I refuse to let anyone close to me.

I spot Raven and Blaise sat together and my fists automatically clench. I walk over to them and Raven's emerald green eyes go wide as she takes in my appearance. I must look worse than I imagined.

Raven's POV

"What happened to you?" I ask Draco as he takes a seat between me and Blaise. I decide to resist the urge to shout at him for leaving me and revisit that topic later. "Nothing" he says blatantly and I know somethings wrong bu again I take the option of leaving it.

Instead of pressing further, I dig into my lunch. There are sandwiches with every flavour you could imagine and ice cream for dessert. By the time I'm done with the sandwiches I'm too full for pudding and I look over to Draco who hasn't touched a thing, meanwhile Blaise chomps away on his honeycomb sandwich. Strange choice.

Somethings up with him, not Blaise, although now he's scooping a mound of carrot ice cream into his bowl which I am quite concerned about. But Draco. He's different, he's changing and I can't do anything about it if he won't tell me whats going on. He doesn't open up to me anymore. It's like he's deliberately trying to hide something from me, from everyone.

And I'm going to find out what.
