
Hearts can break...

"Are you feeling lucky today?"

"Princess Anne, what is the meaning of this meeting?"

The group of people in front of the shameless Princess were stunned. She had appeared in the meeting room like a goddess descending from the sky. They were wondering what was this strange persona trying to do.

"This… is a meeting that will hold the destinies of many people, are you willing to take part?"

"What do you mean?" a boy with glasses and refined attitude was the first to talk and the only one, it seemed.

The others were still blinded by the bright show from when the Princess appeared. Eliot was in charge of the special effects of her performance as a goddess from heavens, but the lighting effect was overdone and ended up blinding everyone.

However, the boy in glasses hadn't arrived on time and missed the opening show, so he was the only one with his head up.
