
9) Information from Both....

"I aim to please." she said with a smile as she started to bring things over, not wanting to be a d*ck he got up and helped her, "Well look who is a gentleman." she giggled.

He rolled his eyes and sat down after moving everything over, "Alright well I tried to hold it in but I think we should talk about what happen earlier today don't you think." after their plates were full he thought to bring it up since he thought that it was the perfect time.

She also stopped after taking a bite from her food, looking up she nodded at him, "Your right, but where do we start exactly?"

He moved the food around on his plate before nodding, "Let's just start with some background knowledge of each other, and I mean in the Wesen and Grimm sense not the Beau and Adalind."

"Alright, I guess since I asked you here I can go first. Hexenbiest are powerful, not to brag. We are really just a form of witch and we more sensitive to others because we have a strong connection with magic. Though a huge down side is that we have a bit of a temper when it comes to almost anything that is annoying to us." She thought about what to tell him before she continued.

"Another thing is the U-Shaped mark on our tongues that can Identify us when we are dead, it would be kind of hard to see it otherwise. Really you just have to think about a witch and that is mainly us with some being stronger than others."

"Wow that is a lot, well I guess I can tell you about Grimm's. I don't know about others but I am enhanced I guess, when I first found out about myself the first thing I did was test what I could do it was interesting to say the least. I first found out about my hearing which was beyond normal, to the point where even if you were to go upstairs right now I could hear you." Beau started trying to remember anything he could remember.

"Umm.... Well strength wise I can lift up to eight hundred pounds so nearly a ton, but I know Nick isn't that strong so I figured something was different about me. Before I even met him I did check myself out more though one that was weird but I liked was how I can breathe underwater for a long time. Like almost two hours though it seems to be growing as time passes."

"My eyesight is better it is just making me able to see further and see things more clearly but that is about it. Other than that I can't really think of anything else it is kind of hard to see or test anything else specific without knowing what I am looking for." Beau finished he made sure he thought of everything he tried, he wasn't superman or anything so he wasn't that much more different from a normal human.

Adalind listened closely while she ate her food, "Wow, so you and Nick are different then, from what you are saying he should be weaker than you... Ah don't take that the wrong way or anything." she added quickly when it sounded like she was gathering information on him.

"Don't worry, like I said earlier it doesn't matter to me what you did. As long as it is nothing that messes with the people I care about then it doesn't matter." Beau said taking a bite from the really good chicken. "I do have one question though that has been bugging me."

"What is it?" She asked tilting her head to the side cutely.

"Are you seeing someone at the moment?" he didn't want to be the other guy if it was true, though he had only thought about being friends it didn't make him feel right knowing if he wasn't or not.

She paused a moment then looked over at him, "No and yes. It is more in the sense of I do things for him when he calls and we sometimes hook up. But after today I think I should forget my childhood dream and stop seeing him."

"Childhood dream?" Beau asked looking at her confused.

"Ah well you see he is part of the royal bloodline so it is more of dream where I want to be like the princesses in the story. But now I am realizing to him I am nothing more than a hook up or there for when he needs me. Like now he is having me monitor Nick and the only reason I tried to kill his aunt was because him and the royals wanted it." She looked a little sad.

"They used me because it would be so easy for me to be a scapegoat while they hide in the shadows, but what he doesn't know is that I can also play that little game." she cheered up thinking about it but then looked embarrassed seeing him raise a brow at her.

"Don't feel to shy I understand where you are coming from, to be honest with you I might not even be in Portland much longer there are some things I need to go take care of." Beau said making sure she knew he didn't want her to think he disappeared when he went dark all of a sudden.

"Oh why is that?" She asked looking at him longingly.

"Just some personal things from the past I should be back in six months at most a year it depends on how long it takes me to get it done really." Beau said thinking it over he really had no clue how long this would take him to finish.

"Well," She bit her lip and stopped but he saw something in her eyes when he looked back up at him.

Sooo where am I going with this who knows but you should be aware that I will use be updating this at certain times not steadly it is more for me to get some ideas for my others.

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts