

When Orochimaru reached the park some kids were playing in the park. Maybe it was daytime so he didn't see many children playing in the park but what attracted him was the blonde boy who shouldn't be seen in the current timeline.

He saw the minato namikaze who was around his age playing in the park. Minato namikaze in anime was an orphan ninja and according to him was able to become strong through his talent in keen perception and reaction speed.

Due to keen perception :

1)he was an adept sensor, able to detect chakra signatures from great distances

2)it leads to great help in his precise throwing shuriken technique.

3)able to sense space element easily which leads to high-speed use of flying thunder God.

4)Able to sense natural chakra quickly.

Due to high reaction speed

1)he was able to use shushin at great speed and was able to react at that speed.

2)was able to react quickly and attack after teleportation through flying thunder God.

3)lead to fast speed attack speed and reflexes.

He also developed Rasengan which was a non-seal jutsu that took his high-speed fighting style one notch higher.

But Orochimaru thinks that maybe Minato's ancestors were ninja as there is no way that civilian ninja can have high enough chakra for practicing senjutsu as civilian ninja do not have that much-developed chakra pathway which leads to low chakra. And it was also rumored in the previous world that namikaze was a clan.

Orochimaru is also sure that fuinjutsu is a bug in the ninja world.

He saw in many cases in anime. Eg.:

1)Make teleportation possible.

2)Make an old hag gambler look still in her 20's.

3)Easly sealing of Amaterasu.

4)Able to call shinigami on the lower plane.

5)Able to kill a Mastermind that even an Uchiha emo with M.S. wasn't able to kill.

6)Able to seal elite zombies with infinite chakra and high regeneration.

7)Able to seal a powerful and immortal old hag.

Orochimaru was brought out his musing when Jiraiya started greeting children and introduced me to them.

Orochimaru just nodded to them and didn't say much and when he saw them playing he was supposed that they were using hand seals although it was messy and slow still he never thought that children were educated to play in this way to lay the foundation but still being ninja more depend on talent than anything else. Hard work is also important, but what would you do if you don't even have chakra what's the point of hard work unless you have a system or you undergo the torturous training of 100 Push-Ups, 100sit Ups, 100 Squats, 10KM Running until you go bald.

Some would say might guy even without talent in anything other than taijutsu he was able to stand face to face with ten-tailed mode Madara. But they ignore one thing i.e. his talent taijutsu and eight gate mode surpasses many and even sage of 6 paths otsuki hogoromo will not be able to practice 8 gate mode to the degree at which might guy and might duy can display.

Some would say Naruto was not talented. But Orochimaru would say that if he would be talented and genius then he would beat the whole world alone as he already has a bug like the Uzumaki clan's large chakra reserve, nine tails chakra battery, multi shadow clone jutsu, and legendary talk-no-jutsu. If talent will be added then no one could be his opponent.

Some would say Sakura was a civilian ninja and not talented than Orochimaru would say that she was talented in chakra control and medical ninjutsu as there is no way Tsunade will accept her as a diciple if she was not talented. (AN: The author would say she was annoying and not talented and was made powerful through plot requirement).

But anyway maybe these kids will play a crucial role in the future as a most important part of the army i.e. cannon fodder.

Orochimaru did not waste time with them and started practicing hand seals. Even though he saw Minato who was a plot character he would not treat him differently from others or start making him his friend.

Even though Jiraiya called many times for him to play he denied him and was still practiced hand seals in a quiet corner. Well, one thing he came to know during practice was yukata do quite well for concealing hand seals which were quite good as he doesn't want his enemy to know which seal he was performing to infer which jutsu he will perform.
