

Hearing Zar, Jason could only shake his head, while Jennifer, who had watched every single movement of Jason, couldn't help but shake her head at the cadet's answer.

Meanwhile, the other spectators were astonished by Jason's combat prowess, while his ability to manifest a tail was simply ignored.

There were quite a few beings with unique abilities, and a transformation ability was amongst the most ordinary ones.

Furthermore, each of the cadets was special with something or the other being out of the norm in everybody's case, which turned Jason into one of the 'normal' people, only that his combat prowess was higher than everyone expected to be.

Nevertheless, Jason's confidence and the fact that he advised Zar to give up was something that made the other cadets angry.

It had taken them a long time to achieve their sense of pride after having been shunned by their own kind and thrown to streets with nowhere to go..
