
How Do Summer Insects Talk to Ice? (1)

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"That is Bazhun'an!"

These few words were filled with heroic spirit.

Everyone was relieved. It was as if they could see the Eighth Sword Deity who was in high spirits and defeated the world; they also saw the Bazhun'an who was down and out but was still happy and contented.

Regardless whether it was the Three breaths for innate stage, three years for Sword Deity celestial immortal or the Acquired Stage Spiritual Cultivation banished immortal.

From the phrase 'How can I not be carefree', one could see that his state of mind had never wavered.

Success and failure seemed to be nothing more than a life experience in his eyes, and both could be enjoyed.

Don't be happy merely due to the beauty of things and don't be sad due to one's own failure.

This kind of indifferent and detached state came as a shock.
