
The Dog of the year

After dinner, you were very worried about Harry and yourself, Your quidditch game is going to be the death of you if you fail. As if reading your mind Hermione says "Neither of you will make fools of yourselves, It's in your blood both of you." As she takes us to a room full of trophies you walk a bit further back before he says "How does she know so much about you and Harry?" Hermione turns around she mustn't have heard what he said so you mix his words around a bit "You want Harry and I to leave so you can have some fun with your future wife?" Harry who had been looking at his dads' name engraved on the quidditch trophy burst out laughing and so did I, Ron shoots both of us glares which we missed seeing as we were laughing way too hard.

Hermione couldn't help but blush but it wasn't her fault you hear Ron mumble "I need new friends" as a joke. You and Harry quickly ran away from the two of them leaving them on their "date"

All four of you were together again talking about how you were going to win the quidditch cup when suddenly the staircase moves and if it wasn't for Harry and Ron Hermione would have gone tumbling of the staircase. Before they leave you standing on the platform you jump over the gate on the staircase. "Cant level without me" They laugh but when the staircase stops you notice where you are "We have to go back this is the third level it's forbidden!" but you were too late Filches cat had spotted you. All of you were now running as if your life depended on it, Which it did before Harry yells "DOOR!" You all run over to it "Gahh it's locked twice! what wacko does that?" You and Hermione look at each other and back at them rolling your eyes "Oh scoot over" you both say "Alohamora" Ron and Harry look at both of you as Ron says "your just like the twins" You and Hermione giggle knowing this is the start of a good friendship.

"Ronald Billius Weasly did you just lick me?" you look at him in absolute disgust before realizing if you're looking at him it means it was someone or something behind you.

To your horror, there was something a three-headed dog to be exact you heard the others scream whereas you turned around to the dog and give him some pastries you had taken. He smiles and you go up and pet him before saying your goodbyes to it. "What?" They looked at you with faces of shock and confusion until Ron screamed "You could have hurt yourself and you say what! You are my best friend and you go and say what! if I had lost you I wouldn't forgive myself!" You give Ron a smile "Love you too Ron" You kiss him on the cheek and go to Hermione and your room.

Rons Pov

As Y/N walked off I didn't even blush neither did she because we both know we'll only ever be best friends. How did she know about my crush on Hermione though? "It's guarding something." I look up to see Hermione still here but she looked a little sadder when Y/N left she continues "Now if you two don't mind I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another brilliant way to get us killed or worse expelled" As Hermione walks off to catch up with Y/N you finally understand what she said "Blimey, she needs to sort out her priorities" Harry chuckles "I still ship" before running to bed me on his tail.

Your Pov

"Who are you?" You're looking at a girl who was now sitting on a new bed in yours and Hermione's room.

"Lavender Brown. I moved rooms because the girls-" You smile and give her a hug "If you had to move then it had to be bad. It's a pleasure to meet you" Just as you finished talking Hermione came in. "Mione we have a dorm mate! Her names Lavender and she's going to become our best friend! We'll stay up and have sleepovers every Friday and Saturday! And when Ginny comes we can be the 'favourite four'" They both chuckle "Its a pleasure to meet you and I would love to be friends with you" and before you knew it you three had fallen asleep on top of your bed.
