

Your first class was potions and you couldn't wait! Snape was looking at you with a little spark in his eyes when he announced that he was assigning seats and of course he sat you beside Draco before smirking as if he knew something you didn't.

"Hey Y/n I'm sorry for what I said but you not accepting your handshake kind of hurt." He tries to look at your eyes but you don't notice until you hear a sad sigh you grab his hand and say "Were in this together are we not?" He looks at you with sparks in his eyes "Just don't fall in love with POTTAH. Alright?" You smirk at him "Why? OMG, are you jealous?" He lets go of your hand and says "Of my best friend dating Pottah no, of him taking my best friend...yes. But if you say anything I will deny this."

When you finally look up again you see Snape asking Harry loads of easy questions he clearly didn't know the answer to. With a look over at you, you can see Harry is feeling embarrassed. Hermione and you both knew but she decided to show it by putting her hand up every time. "Clearly fame isn't everything Mr Potter. 5 points from Gryffindor" Snape dismisses everyone clearly not in the mood to be bothered by Harry anymore.

"HARRY!! RON!! WAIT UP!!" You run to catch up to them as they turn around they both say "Sorry Y/N we didn't hear you" You have your arms around the shoulders puffing hard seeing as you had just run up two flights of stairs to catch them. "It's fine. You guys ready for charms?" Ron lets out a loud groan and you giggle a bit. "think somethings funny?" You look at him as he tackles you onto the ground for a second there's complete silence before the 3 of you burst out laughing.

Charms went by pretty chill, except for Seamus who managed to set his feather on fire, and Hermione getting Ron mad because she corrected his pronunciation...I'm already waiting for their wedding invites and I know McGonagall has a bet with dumbledore that their firstborn will be a girl...

The spell was easy for both Hermione and you but you were willing to bet 1000 gallons there were different reasons for that. She probably had studied every book in the world to get it correct whereas you had trained with Bellatrix Lestrange who helped with Charms, Potions, and Flying ever since you were 1.

In transfiguration, McGonagall had joked about turning Harry and Ron into maps and had got you to show the class how to turn a cup into a rat, a very easy transfiguration spell. She smiled and winked at you. Her and Bellatrix had pretty much adopted you even though they were different sides of the world you made them not kill each other. As you did the spell you slowly saw it turn into a rat nobody else except Hermione and yours had, you look at each other smiling and joking about how similar the rats look to yourselves.


Well, you were grabbing some toast for breakfast you looked up to see loads of beautiful owls came flying in giving everyone notes, howlers, and presents. You overhear Neville talking about his remembrall "Only thing is I can't remember what ive forgotten" That boy was adorable. All of a sudden your owl came flying in "Hey Evie what have you got for me?" a letter drops in front of me and just by the handwriting, you know who sent it. You obviously had a very cheesy smile because Harry and Ron both looked at you happily and told you to read it already.

Dearest Y/N,

I'm so proud of you for getting into Gryffindor... not really I know it was part of the plan but I wish you could be in Slytherin like the rest of your family. I miss you loads not much is happening here. It's actually really boring without you everyone agrees. We miss your contagious laugh and can't wait to see you! How are you and Draco going ;) I know you guys are close to each other and I hope you know Cissy and I ship like a lot. Have you made any new friends that we need to know about? Any boys on your mind? Remind them of your family so they know if they hurt you I'll hurt them more than death ❤️

Lots of Love,

Bella xoxo

I couldn't stop smiling oh how I love Bellatrix. She made you smile on the days you were down most and you knew she was loyal when she stood on your father's side even after death. But could you really be like them? A death eater, you were 12 years old but you knew they'd come for you soon. You felt like a coward, you didn't want to betray your friends but you couldn't betray your family. They aren't coming for you yet you'll make the choice when they do.

"Who's it from?" You pulled out of your trance to see Harry and Ron. "A family member, she pretty much adopted me. She was just asking how I am and I had any friends or any crushes" That wasn't necessarily a lie. "Well do you?" Harry asked. You chuckle "God no, it's our second day, Harry!" all three of you laugh when you see Hermione talking to Neville. "Hey, guys come sit with us!" You call out to them. They nod moving towards you guys. "So a remembrall?" Neville looks up red. "Y-yeah, its pretty c-cool" You laugh "Yes it is Neville. I assume everyone here knows each other." They all nod. "I think we could be a strong group of friends." They look surprised but you knew what everyone brought to the table, For Harry, it was his bravery, Ron was his loyalty, Hermione had her brains and Neville may be afraid now, but you had a feeling he had strong determination. "Think on it guys" You wink pulling Hermione with you.

"What are you planning Y/n?" You smile at her "You'll see"
