

"OH MY god! Fatimah, I'm so sorry," Kelvin said, looking disgusted and embarrassed. "Crap!" he said suddenly. I looked over at him from the middle of the bed, he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. "Don't tell me you're a virgin."

"What? I'm not, relax. It doesn't matter anyway," I said lightly.

"Of course it does, how did we get here? You kissed me, why did you kiss me?" he asked.

Yes, I did and it had been a huge mistake. "I thought you were someone else," I blurted out before realizing my mistake. I saw his face go hard, and I tried to cover my slip up with more talk. "I was drunk. I honestly didn't mean for it to go that far." I stood up from the bed and my heavy head felt as if it was going to fall off my neck. "I thought you were someone else," I said again. That should make him sleep well at night. It was all my fault and I should be the one bearing the guilt.
